Separating facts from rumors in the Goldogob rape case

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Just some young lads having a bit of fun, what's all the outrage for?
:camby: Gang raping and then stabbing is fun? You are disgusting and this says a lot about how you were raise and what was considered fun and okay in your household.

@merka they should be charged for gang rape and attempted murder. Between the two, an execution wouldn't be unfair.


Your superior
What happened to the good old days were criminal were punished harshly? The biggest threat to the world is liberals and their 'hug a thug' attitude and wishy washy 'yuuman rights '.
What happened to the good old days were criminal were punished harshly? The biggest threat to the world is liberals and their 'hug a thug' attitude and wishy washy 'yuuman rights '.
Giving the current state(MJ) a monopoly on capital punishment is just begging for sectarianism and abuse. Until they can manage to create a fair and inclusive government legalised murder should be off the table

Besides there is plenty of research on why death sentence is not a good deterrent


:camby: Gang raping and then stabbing is fun? You are disgusting and this says a lot about how you were raise and what was considered fun and okay in your household.

@merka they should be charged for gang rape and attempted murder. Between the two, an execution wouldn't be unfair.
It's past the household he was raised in. He's the father, or father-to-be of a half-Black infant son he would've just as soon abandoned were it not for SS, ironically enough.

The world is a strange place.
IDC about their ages, if anyone commits heinous crimes like this they should be executed. No ifs, no buts, they need to send a clear message to everyone that this type of shit isn't tolerated and throwing criminals who commit crimes like this in jails won't cut it.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
What happened to the good old days were criminal were punished harshly? The biggest threat to the world is liberals and their 'hug a thug' attitude and wishy washy 'yuuman rights '.

The death penalty as a whole is hugely flawed. Use your maskax for once for fucks sake.
It's past the household he was raised in. He's the father, or father-to-be of a half-Black infant son he would've just as soon abandoned were it not for SS, ironically enough.

The world is a strange place.
That explains it. I wouldn't be shocked if he raped either.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
No it's not you libtard

Doqonyahow, have you read the studies done on death penalty?

Also, many people are wrongly put on death row and exonerated later. Like a typical blood thirsty conservstive you don't give a shit if innocent people are wrongly executed.
They're still underage and the girl did not die. Executing them will be wrong tbh. Anything other than the death penalty woul3m d be fine though.
Even in the US, a particularly heinous case like this they'll charge them as adults. I would usually agree w/you, but in a highly public case like this I think making an example is prudent. There's a big raping minorities problem in Somalia rn, and swift severe justice might save some girls in the future
For this case or rapes/murders in general?

Life in prison without parole. They should never see the light of day..
So you would like the Tax payer to pay for their food, clothing and other facilities. Sxb, i highly doubt you would support that method of "punishment" if it were one of your female relatives was attacked and treated like an object by these scumbags. Why waste money on these disgusting criminals when you can just execute them? Its a no brainer.
For this case or rapes/murders in general?

Life in prison without parole. They should never see the light of day..
And that isn't flawed? It is just as bad as the death penalty. Kill them and be done with them. If that doesn't deter people kill them too until it does.


Your superior
Doqonyahow, have you read the studies done on death penalty?

Also, many people are wrongly put on death row and exonerated later. Like a typical blood thirsty conservstive you don't give a shit if innocent people are wrongly executed.

Typical libtard will call for death pen when something happens to his family yet would deny others the right
@merka they should be charged for gang rape and attempted murder. Between the two, an execution wouldn't be unfair.
No where in the world does rape and attempted murder justify a death penalty.
Even in the US, a particularly heinous case like this they'll charge them as adults. I would usually agree w/you, but in a highly public case like this I think making an example is prudent. There's a big raping minorities problem in Somalia rn, and swift severe justice might save some girls in the future
Obviously a severe punishment is required but I'm just saying that executing minors is not a solution.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
So you would like the Tax payer to pay for their food, clothing and other facilities. Sxb, i highly doubt you would support that method of "punishment" if it were one of your female relatives was attacked and treated like an object by these scumbags. Why waste money on these disgusting criminals when you can just execute them? Its a no brainer.

You don't get it dude. The death penalty has major flaws. Plenty of innocent people have ended up on death row before being exonerated in a first world nation like USA, god knows how many got executed. In a 3rd world world hell hole there are bound to be even more wrongful executions.

And that isn't flawed? It is just as bad as the death penalty. Kill them and be done with them. If that doesn't deter people kill them too until it does.

At least it can rectified later and the wrongfully jailed can be compensated. If they're dead then they can't be brought back. How on earth do you feel so comfortable with the thought that innocent people will be killed by the state?
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