Separating facts from rumors in the Goldogob rape case

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You don't get it dude. The death penalty has major flaws. Plenty of innocent people have ended up on death row before being exonerated in a first world nation like USA, god knows how many got executed. In a 3rd world world hell hole there are bound to be even more wrongful executions.
There's concrete evidence(the video) of them committing the crime, therefore an execution is fair and just. I don't agree with executing people without evidence, however when the evidence presents itself then it would be justifiable to execute the criminals that commit crimes like rape, paedophilia, homosexuality, murder and any other disgusting stuff.
Life in prison = expense for the tax payer
Death penalty = quick, efficient solution
Depends on the method of execution. A single dosage and administration of lethal injection could cost the tax pater well over millions. If you are talking about sending these boys behind a bush and putting AK bullets in them like a savage then you have a case

Death penalty proponents often complain that taxpayer dollars would have to be used to support criminals in jail. In fact, the death penalty actually costs more in the US due to increased investigative expenses, appeals (paid for by taxpayers), and the cost of the execution itself.[40] There are also arguments that bring up the diminishing space in jails, but they fail to consider that people about to be executed are placed on death row (usually for several years at least in the US) and need to be supported.

There is also a psychological cost for the death penalty for most people involved. Many workers involved in executions have reported suffering post traumatic stress disorder or similar symptoms, including flashbacks and nightmares, and they have entered bouts of deep reflection after the execution.[41] Families related to the executed person must also cope with this loss.


Apparently some guy from the town was saying that the girl who raped, her brother raped one of the guys sisters and it was a revenge attack, Can anyone verify it?


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
gang rape + attempted murder + video evidence

if the death penalty is instated there, then it's a no brainier imo, I can't think of a worse crime tbh

I don't even know the girl, and I would personally curb stomp them one by one...I can only imagine how her family feels about it
No where in the world does rape and attempted murder justify a death penalty.

Obviously a severe punishment is required but I'm just saying that executing minors is not a solution.
:wtfdis: Who cares about the world and since when did we follow the world in anything? If attempted murder and rape doesn't warrant the death penalty, what does? I think killing someone is better than taping them but when you do one and attempt the other, even death is too easy for u. I'd have the castrated and cut the hands and legs off and let them live.

No punishment involving prison is severe enough for rape.
You don't get it dude. The death penalty has major flaws. Plenty of innocent people have ended up on death row before being exonerated in a first world nation like USA, god knows how many got executed. In a 3rd world world hell hole there are bound to be even more wrongful executions.

At least it can rectified later and the wrongfully jailed can be compensated. If they're dead then they can't be brought back. How on earth do you feel so comfortable with the thought that innocent people will be killed by the state?
I see u have a problem with the death penalty in general so as to not excute innocent people. What about cases where there is no doubt? Like this rape case? I would say the death penalty should be used when there is no doubt.

According to my sources, both religious elders and clan elders were trying to force the implementation of Sharia and Xeer. The clan elders have come around, but the Salafists want the boys punished according to Sharia and are prepared to fight the Puntland government.
what does the punishment according to sharia entail? like what does sharia law say to do in this case?
If attempted murder and rape doesn't warrant the death penalty, what does?
Murder :draketf:

A life for a life. Last time I checked the girl did not die.
I think killing someone is better than taping them but when you do one and attempt the other, even death is too easy for u. I'd have the castrated and cut the hands and legs off and let them live.

No punishment involving prison is severe enough for rape
I hope the sentencing judge isn't as emotional as you. :stopit:
Murder :draketf:

A life for a life. Last time I checked the girl did not die.

I hope the sentencing judge isn't as emotional as you. :stopit:
I am usually very stable, hardly anything pisses me off.
Rape is one thing that irks me sxb. Why would you have issues killing someone who attempted to kill someone else after they have raper her and humiliated her by showing it to the world?:kanyehmm:
I would kill them myself.:ummhmm:
Murder :draketf:

A life for a life. Last time I checked the girl did not die.

I hope the sentencing judge isn't as emotional as you. :stopit:

Giving them a life in prision is basically a slap on wrist and brings with it the threat that you could be freed or escape by paying a corrupt officer and cause further harm to the girl and her family.

I therefore conclude that in the current situation death is the most beneficial for society as whole, children don't rape or even desire sex, these were men. :comeon:
Public flogging and monetary compensation for the girl. The government is also entitled to give them prison time.
sounds about right, hang them! make it public so it scares anyone dumb enough to do that. rape in somalia happens everyday, I'm pretty sure wed win the olympics if it were a rape contest. this shit needs to end now. make an example of them and end this disease once and for all


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
rape is probably worse than murder for me. the damage they did to that girl is permanent...that's basically her life as she knows it gone forever
Murder :draketf:

A life for a life. Last time I checked the girl did not die.

I hope the sentencing judge isn't as emotional as you. :stopit:
The girl tried to kill herself afterwards, her families lives and hers are forever altered. I don't see their youth as a mitigating factor, they ruined her life and her families and Somalia's not wealthy enough to be holding these mouth breathers in a jail cell when we could be using that money in better ways. This ain't the West dawg, harsh measures for a harsh country in harsh circumstances
sounds about right, hang them! make it public so it scares anyone dumb enough to do that. rape in somalia happens everyday, I'm pretty sure wed win the olympics if it were a rape contest. this shit needs to end now. make an example of them and end this disease once and for all
I said flogging not hanging :icon lol:

Other than that I agree with you completely.
The girl tried to kill herself afterwards, her families lives and hers are forever altered. I don't see their youth as a mitigating factor, they ruined her life and her families and Somalia's not wealthy enough to be holding these mouth breathers in a jail cell when we could be using that money in better ways. This ain't the West dawg, harsh measures for a harsh country in harsh circumstances
Please you would send people to death for less serious crimes than this.

I'm not talking about what punishment I want to happen to them but what would be more just. Believe it or not they are two different things.
or maybe lashes every other day twice a day for the rest of their lives. and putting them in a cell with no bed and toilet becouse they don't deserve to be treated like a human being. they will never see the sun until they rot in their cell.
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