Should the federal states each secede?

Will secession be a good resolution for Somalia?

  • Yes.The civil war wounds will never heal or will only begin to heal once we're independent nations

  • No. We can turn this around this around, we just haven't found a way yet.

  • I'm not sure, it's complicated. (Please explain the complications)

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First off am MJ and secondly we don't share anything with your kind and that moron canuck can't even provide evidence for her bullshit!!
Also your kind of all people should not be making threats as useless as you all are:ftw9nwa:
Meheris been in your so called country for hundreds of years so when you gonna send them back exactly:gnzbryw:

You are dumber than I thought
Waxaan saaka maqlaya war aad iiga yaabiyay oo ah in Xukuumadda madaxweyne Siilaanyo ay mabda' ahaan aqbashay in 4 Gobol oo keliya afti madax banaani laga qaado halka goboladda Sool, Sanaag berri iyo degmadda Buhoodle iyagana si gaar gaar ah loo weydiin doono masiirkooda.

Qoraal is af garasho (MOU) ayaa sida lagu saxeexi doona, haddii warkaasi oo aan masuul aad u xogagaal ah oo weliba xil haya aan ka soo xiganaya dhaboobo waa nasiib darro.
You impoverished losers will not be splitting up nor will we let you. Keep dreaming. The West doesn't need more mouths to feed. You're all getting one big cheque for aid, not a bunch of big cheques which would mean more money from Western taxpayers.

Learn to coexist and enter the 21st century or go the way of the dinosaur. No one cares anymore. The fact that other human beings from the civilized world have to share the same species as you is downright embarrassing


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You impoverished losers will not be splitting up nor will we let you. Keep dreaming. The West doesn't need more mouths to feed. You're all getting one big cheque for aid, not a bunch of big cheques which would mean more money from Western taxpayers.

Learn to coexist and enter the 21st century or go the way of the dinosaur. No one cares anymore. The fact that other human beings from the civilized world have to share the same species as you is downright embarrassing


He's right
It's shameful this idea even sounds appealing to some. Many African are composed of different ethnic groups altogether and you don't see them splitting up. This would be clearest declaration for our neighbours that we're a weak and divided Somalia. It would also be a clear example to the world of how backward the Somali people are as we're not drawing lines across linguistic, religious or ethnic lines but tribal ones. A divided Somalia would be a victory for Ethiopia, Kenya and the stupid Qabiilists.


not so sad after all
You impoverished losers will not be splitting up nor will we let you. Keep dreaming. The West doesn't need more mouths to feed. You're all getting one big cheque for aid, not a bunch of big cheques which would mean more money from Western taxpayers.

Learn to coexist and enter the 21st century or go the way of the dinosaur. No one cares anymore. The fact that other human beings from the civilized world have to share the same species as you is downright embarrassing
cadaan ma isku maysaysa? who the hell is we? dont piggyback off the west they dont see you any differently. Inshallah somalia will improve whether or not the naysayers like it
The problem and crisis currently in Somalia is because of the Greedy British (Somaliland / NFD), French Interlopers (Djibouti), and Dumb AF Italians (Italian Somaliland / Ogaden). We all would've been naturally together if it weren't for 3 colonial superpowers.
The problem and crisis currently in Somalia is because of the Greedy British (Somaliland / NFD), French Interlopers (Djibouti), and Dumb AF Italians (Italian Somaliland / Ogaden). We all would've been naturally together if it weren't for 3 colonial superpowers.
Somali clan fiefdoms is nothing new, they existed pre colonial times. If anything the Westerners brought them together through the mutual hatred they had for them


I got boomer connections
Lol you people never cease to amaze me.

Somalia gobols won't be allowed to split

Somaliland is a nation that joined somalia to form the somali republic.

It would mean awdal should be it's own country, Togdheer, saahil etc

Somaliland did not exist before the colonialis as well, Somali gobols were always independent from one another. pre colonial disintegration border sounds legit.


Your superior
Somaliland did not exist before the colonialis as well, Somali gobols were always independent from one another. pre colonial disintegration border sounds legit.

Neither did somalia exist.

My dream would be every qabiil controlling their region like it was 200 years ago


I got boomer connections
Soon all these corrupt officials leave and the young Somali generation educated around the world would take over and probably make us great again.

The constitution allows no young person to lead Somalia 45 plus is the legal age allowed that to hold office. That is no young person. We the young are just slaves for them retards-unless we slaughter them all one in an uprising revolution one day.
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