Siad Barre named on most evil politicians of 20th century list, denial ensues

A rare mention of Siad Barre sends Somalians deep into denial.

Popular twitter account Epic Maps, seemingly hits a sore nerve by mentioning Siad Barre alongside the likes of Adolf Hitler and Slobodan Milosevic.

Unfortunately with prominence comes scrutiny and as an apparent consequence of the Ilhan Omar effect, westerners have been introduced to Somalia's dark history and appear take a dim view of Siad Barre naming him as one of the most evil politicians of the 20th century


A selection of Somalians in denial:
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Joke of a list. Where's the legendary Mao zedong that caused the death of 80 million indhoyar and Joseph Stalin with his respectable 9 million?
I’m glad that this white man recognizes that 50 thousand Somalis are more valuable than 200 million Russians or whatever. I wouldn’t say Maxamed Bare killed anyone however, by 1978 he was a brain-dead vegetable after the car crash.
Go Ahead Yes GIF
A rare mention of Siad Barre sends Somalians deep into denial.

Popular twitter account Epic Maps, seemingly hits a sore nerve by mentioning Siad Barre alongside the likes of Adolf Hitler and Slobodan Milosevic.

Unfortunately with prominence comes scrutiny and as an apparent consequence of the Ilhan Omar effect, westerners have been introduced to Somalia's dark history and appear take a dim view of Siad Barre naming him as one of the most evil politicians of the 20th century


A selection of Somalians in denial:
I was just learning about pol pot and the Khmer Rouge in my history class no way they are comparing this to siad barre this Mr pol pot massacre a quarter of his population he moved everyone from the cities to farms to work all day and live off bugs
Siad Barre isn't even the most evil politician in the Horn of Africa. That dishonor goes to Mengitsu Haile Mariam who's government saw the death of literally millions of Ethiopians.
Siad Barre isn't even the most evil politician in the Horn of Africa. That dishonor goes to Mengitsu Haile Mariam who's government saw the death of literally millions of Ethiopians.

Does Siad Barre belong on the list on good politicians? Either way if he's the 20th or the 30th most evil, he's on the evil list.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Haven’t seen the list yet but Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, Bush Snr… pretty much POTUS all maybe void Carter should be on the list no? If not… then just like the ICJ its a Anglo-Saxon propaganda piece


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Parenthetically, I’m in the process of translating and publishing Animal Farm in Af-Somali with the political allegory of Kacaan for youngsters to learn about their history while engaging in reading. Animal Farm is the greatest potrayal of Kacaan, even more its intended allegory of Soviet.


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