Nah I just assumed certain folks on here have feminist leanings, but wouldn't explicitly call themselves feminists. The word encapsulated this thought is all. I might've read 1 MS article on Ilhan Omar two years ago. If that's enough to subconciously condition me into parroting talking points then so be it lol. If categorising me helps then meh, I've got nothing to prove to you

Suggesting folks who completely agree with radical feminist Marilyn Frye's quote above crypro-feminists is a silly observation? Assuming they're either crypto or outright feminists sounds like a fair observation to me. Where did I go wrong here? What was silly?

Your stupid ass thinks the Taliban isn't oppressive towards women because the US and other Western powers are oppressive towards both genders in Afghanistan, therefore femicide and the unique suffering of Afghani women at the hands of the Taliban's regime can't exist at the same time or is not worth raising awareness about.
Read through the wiki page and it's a cesspit of iffy sources that can't corroborate their primary sources. Ironically the Taliban deny a few of these allegations but the wiki doesn't mention them, e.g the CNN source on the woman being set on fire due to her bad cooking, and the defeated former Afghan police in the north claiming a girl was shot for her tight clothing.

Very lazy of you to post that page, but I guess a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth ties its laces

I'd rather not just take The Times or Guardians accusations at face value, especially when these supposedly bloodthirsty Taliban deny a number of their accusations.

Only things not in dispute seem to be:

A woman executed for allegedly killing her husband;

Women's education being restricted;

Gender segregation in various settings;

Enforcement of modesty

I fail to see the issue with any of these.

So, I don't see the point in me breaking down the futility of your position systematically. You'll just parade around like you "won" regardless, as fools tend to do.
Your stupid ass thinks the Taliban isn't oppressive towards women because the US and other Western powers are oppressive towards both genders in Afghanistan, therefore femicide and the unique suffering of Afghani women at the hands of the Taliban's regime can't exist at the same time or is not worth raising awareness about.
Womp womp, fake news

So, I don't see the point in me breaking down the futility of your position systematically. You'll just parade around like you "won" regardless, as fools tend to do.
I accept your capitulation
Womp womp, fake news

I accept your capitulation
Zoe Kravitz Weirdo GIF
I agree that many of these so-called "incels" can improve a lot by taking a shower, washing their dried up xaar, and learning some basic social skills, but don't you think this guy's routine is a bit extreme and feminine? This guy has more products than a lot of women I know. I think in this department for men less is more, as a man you want to look clean and fresh but rugged at the same time, not have baby soft skin and shaped up eyebrows. Be honest would you be turned on by a guy who has more skincare products than you and takes 1 hour every morning in the bathroom like a woman doing their hair and makeup?


What she is describing is bros culture there, nowadays you call them a red pill(secret homos). The average man wants to hang out gaming/sports, joke with the guys, and forget life problems, we don't push our burdens onto each other, that space is usually reserved for dinners/interventions/car journies.

The average man wants emotional support, trust, respect, companionship, affection, good communication, kindness, and loyalty. (physical attraction is a bonus.)
What she is describing is bros culture there, nowadays you call them a red pill(secret homos). The average man wants to hang out gaming/sports, joke with the guys, and forget life problems, we don't push our burdens onto each other, that space is usually reserved for dinners/interventions/car journies.

The average man wants emotional support, trust, respect, companionship, affection, good communication, kindness, and loyalty. (physical attraction is a bonus.)
I understood that much, but thanks for the elaboration.

I think you should tell this to @Sup and @Saintz who gave me qashin, @attash @Nin123 and @Yami who laughed it off as well as PuntiteQueen who genuinely seems to think that 50% of the male population is khaniis!

Reading comprehension is at an all time low, saaxib.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
I understood that much, but thanks for the elaboration.

I think you should tell this to @Sup and @Saintz who gave me qashin, @attash @Nin123 and @Yami who laughed it off as well as PuntiteQueen who genuinely seems to think that 50% of the male population is khaniis!

Reading comprehension is at an all time low, saaxib.
The reason I downvoted your comment (much like others on here) is because itโ€™s downright insulting. Know Iโ€™m sure there are men like that out there, but to categorise all men in this regard is abysmal to say the least. Know if a male made a similar statement, would you agree with it. The author you quoted Marilyn Frye, is a well known feminist who has spewed nothing but hatred towards the opposite gender, along with her liberalistic hypocrisy that she preaches. Itโ€™s obvious this woman has an agenda, which is her prerogative but Iโ€™d advise you from taking this individual as a role model (if that is the case).
Maanta sida la socday waxa nala dhigay qanasiin.

We were stiff chinned about the constant male hate, flipping any thread concerning women into male bashing. I'm not lying.. us guys can't live without women but the way you girls got me thinking you're butch lesbians....ah I see why you guys are trying to make us look like the homo:ulyin:

My brothers from now on take notice the feminist movement on this site is an undercover Lgbt movement.
The reason I downvoted your comment (much like others on here) is because itโ€™s downright insulting. Know Iโ€™m sure there are men like that out there, but to categorise all men in this regard is abysmal to say the least. Know if a male made a similar statement, would you agree with it. The author you quoted Marilyn Frye, is a well known feminist who has spewed nothing but hatred towards the opposite gender, along with her liberalistic hypocrisy that she preaches. Itโ€™s obvious this woman has an agenda, which is her prerogative but Iโ€™d advise you from taking this individual as a role model (if that is the case).
As I already stated earlier, I only wanted to help the OP out by sending her the quote she was looking for but couldn't remember. I thought it would also be useful for anyone else who was wondering what she was referring to because it's a relatively well-known quote amongst feminist circles online.

To reiterate, my main motivation for posting the quote had nothing to do with my personal belief system so most of this wall of text you've written means f*ck all to me.
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Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
As I already stated earlier, I only wanted to help the OP out by sending her the quote she was looking for but couldn't remember. I thought it would also be useful for anyone else who was wondering what she was referring to because it's a relatively well-known quote amongst feminist circles online.

To reiterate, my main motivation for posting the quote had nothing to do with my personal belief system so most of this wall of text you've written means f*ck all to me.
Well you tagged me didnโ€™t you ! I was of the impression you were after why I disagreed with your post, hence the reply. Brilliant good talk ๐Ÿ™‚
Anyone whoโ€™s taking advice from random chronically online Xalimos on Somalispot who post twitter as a source for โ€œhow to be more attractiveโ€ is already a lost cause. :pachah1:

If you really want to look better as a person that advise is mostly best told personalized, in other words if thereโ€™s a Farax on here who needs help talk with your close family/friends in terms of what you need to fix up and how to look better. Non of this weird online stuff.

Trust me, non of these Xalimos would take a lick of advise from a chronically online Farax, they have people around the clock to help them (family, friends, co-workers etc). Some of the people here arenโ€™t even old enough to wipe their own *ss, why would anyone take advice from this place?
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Well you tagged me didnโ€™t you ! I was of the impression you were after why I disagreed with your post, hence the reply. Brilliant good talk ๐Ÿ™‚
Umm...I was after why you disagreed; I just think the reasons you listed hilariously don't apply to me at all.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Umm...I was after why you disagreed; I just think the reasons you listed hilariously don't apply to me at all.
Fair enough,
If thatโ€™s the case then Iโ€™ve clearly misunderstood your post. But from my perspective, it seemed like you were insinuating that was your belief system, hence my reply.
Fair enough,
If thatโ€™s the case then Iโ€™ve clearly misunderstood your post. But from my perspective, it seemed like you were insinuating that was your belief system, hence my reply.
I reckon that's completely fair and reasonable on your part.

I just like helping other users ๐Ÿค