So I just got done watching the new ITV documentary on ex muslims

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Somalis aren't represented negatively, they're simply angry that the truth is too harsh. Muslim always present themselves as peaceful people but when you dig deep, you only see intolerance.

Yep. They're just ferevently opposed to any story that doesn't categorize Muslims as the victim. If these were Muslims being treated badly for being Muslim they wouldn't be laughing, or talking about get over it, or rationalizing abusive relationships. What a mess.
You lot are nothing!
My Mother put the beginning of the Quran on the door, then she left a note on the stairs telling me in Arabic to literally f*ck off with my gangsta friends.
No one is here, I ducked out for 3 hrs.

I'm trying my best to keep her out the mental hospital!
I haven't lived with my mother for 20 yrs.

Eurotrash Family step up!!!


Pepe Trump
You lot are nothing!
My Mother put the beginning of the Quran on the door, then she left a note on the stairs telling me in Arabic to literally f*ck off with my gangsta friends.
No one is here, I ducked out for 3 hrs.

I'm trying my best to keep her out the mental hospital!
I haven't lived with my mother for 20 yrs.

Eurotrash Family step up!!!

It's great what you're doing but keeping her away from the mental hospital where they can help her is not doing her any favours. She's sick and you need to do what's beneficial for her and that is getting her to a hospital for treatment.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
They live in the West and have the right to freedom of religion to leave Islam if this is what they chose, and it's nobody business. Harassment, physical abuse are all illegal regardless of how bad their decision is.
Lots of bootyclappers have come out of the bushes
And I noticed. Why are these bengalis so fanatic, they completely dwarf us with their conservatism. That story about the scientist being killed infront of his wife simply for advocating science had to be the most disheartening part

I don't understand why the muslim community is so obsessed with atheists. Why exactly a person's beliefs should have any bearing on your life is beyond me. I guess they never heard of the phrase live and let live

The uplifting part that ive taken from it though is the sheer number of us. Just think about all the future generation and how they won't have to deal with the fear of ostracism, for expressing their own opinions. I truly believe being non religious in muslim countries will be normal in a matter of a generation.

RIP Raza

OK why are atheist trying to change Islam? You all know full well that the punishment for apostasy in Islam is death, but these idiots go to a Muslim country and start insulting Allah, His religion and His messenger. What the hell do you expect?!

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Did you watch the documentary?
It was largely people advocating for their freedom to leave religion without being abused because of it. They were detailing their experiences with having to keep quiet, of being violently abused for saying they are atheists, for being traumatized through being ostracised by their community. They pretty much didn't bring up religion except in passing. They were largely advocating for civil/human rights and the freedom to choose. The maker of the docu is a Muslim. This was more about the Muslim communities behavior towards those who leave Islam rather than religion itself.
I think the OP was specifically talking about the Bangladeshi atheist writers who seem to get off on infuriating Muslims by insult those most beloved to them. That's just rude.
I'm sure you are the type would prefer a drinking, gambler who prays Eid than a respectful atheist who helps the community and the people around them. Your opinion is irrelevant to me and i feel sorry if you had any kids of your own
Apostasy is worse than all of those sins put together. Why do you all love to redefine boundaries in Islam?
As others pointed out, it could have been better. The focus of this documentary was on the Southeast Asian ex Muslims in the UK and how those communities react and treat their atheists etc. Not bad, but could have been better, i.e. if they talked about the issue of apostasy in Islam in general, and the relationship between Muslims and ex Muslims in the UK and the rest of the Western world etc.

PS: It's funny to see how some of the members here, half of them females, are supportive of the way the young ladies in the film were harshly treated by their parents and communities for leaving Islam. It's mind-boggling when you realize that these Sspot female members live and do many things that are contrary to Islam in their respective Western countries. Lifestyles (from the music they listen to, how they dress and that they intermingle with men at work and unis etc) that could get them shunned and/or harmed by their beloved Muslim "brothers and sisters" in the Muslim world. As has been said before many times, hardly any of them wanna move to the predominantly Muslim countries and wish to enjoy the lives they have in the West. The hypocrisy is strong with these folks!
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If everyone killed anyone who's rude to them, no one would be left.
Then don't insult the messenger & Allahs religion & if you do then prepare for the consequence, the deen is more dearer to a believer than his whole family tree & everyone they know combined, don't think you could go to a Muslim country & think you could get away with that, apostasy is akin to treason in the shariah, in every country in the world punishes treason by death.
Shut up or else, comes from nowhere but a place of fear.

The future is ours. If that wasn't the case, they wouldn't be so desperate to shut us up all the times.
This is exactly what I meant by delusional. As long as Qur'an exists in the hearts of Muslims then you won't be able to dilute Islam with your kufr.
So let's see you try and destroy the Qur'an.
This is exactly what I meant by delusional. As long as Qur'an exists in the hearts of Muslims then you won't be able to dilute Islam with your kufr.
So let's see you try and destroy the Qur'an.
Its already happening. Go to any of your university campuses young people are leaving Islam by the droves.
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