So many Somali names aren´t Somali

Niggas would rather be named Eebe and Amartiwaaq over Muxammad and Ismaaciil literally Nabi names.

68 is rampant amongst these lot, this Somali nationalist obsession will lead to Arab hatred which always leads to kuffar

we have to adopt more Arabic names not the other way around
Who's naming their kids God? Eebe kullaha :dead:
People STICK to what they know. My family and siblings are all named after a direct relative in the family tree OR a prophet/noble woman-(aisha/khadija/Maryam etc).
This is just as cringe as when an English dude tried to change his name from Tom to Aælfrēd or whatever. This is something unemployed niggas worry about, don’t make the poor guy at the welfare office spell Guuled


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
This is just as cringe as when an English dude tried to change his name from Tom to Aælfrēd or whatever. This is something unemployed niggas worry about, don’t make the poor guy at the welfare office spell Guuled.
It's a beautiful name. :rejoice:


A blessed human
Kinsi is a woman name
Masha Allah


A blessed human
So are:
i) Faarax (A happy gentleman ), and
ii) Xalimah (A patient lady) - as the OP pointed out.

حليمة: اِمْرَأةٌ حَلِيمَةٌ؛ مُتَسَامِحَةٌ عَاقِلَةٌ
فَرْحانُ: صفة مشبَّهة تدلّ على الثبوت من فرِحَ/ فرِحَ بـ: مسرور
thx for being so positive <3


This is just as cringe as when an English dude tried to change his name from Tom to Aælfrēd or whatever. This is something unemployed niggas worry about, don’t make the poor guy at the welfare office spell Guuled
My name is not spelled like that nigga :kodaksmiley:
My male relatives have fancy Somali names: Keytoon, Haruuse, Shire, Cangul, Cadceed, Durraan, Warsame. And the ladies: Jamaad, Siraad, Barwaaqo. Reminds me of a relative called Baliille.


E pluribus unum
Niggas would rather be named Eebe and Amartiwaaq over Muxammad and Ismaaciil literally Nabi names.

68 is rampant amongst these lot, this Somali nationalist obsession will lead to Arab hatred which always leads to kuffar

we have to adopt more Arabic names not the other way around
Bro Eebe means God nobody is naming their kid that.

Also the word Eebe isn't bad or unislamic, it's used in the Somali translation of the Quran. It's the native Somali word for God.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Somalis shiuld name their kids only traditional somali names, names of Allah and beloved prophets AS. Many arabic names do not belong to the 2 latter categories mentioned and they are not ”islamic”. Osama, Abas derive from Lion for example. I know couple of guys named Cabaas, so unnessecary. Many somalis think every arabic name is associated with Islam but they are not.

There also should be a rule to give your child a traditional somali name if his grandfather and father have non-somali names. Names are important. I will inshallah name my sons with somali names because of me, my dad & awoowe having non-somali names. Fortunately in my lineage legit everyone after my awoowe have traditional somali names and very unique ones too.

Garaad diinle

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Should these names be revived? Since Waaq just means God in the Somali/Cushitic language

They are already in use but at a very small scale. I've seen a somali man in nfd named siinwaaq meaning gift from allah. I'm against the full revival of this tradition. Fake atheist would gladly play pretend and adopt these names for an artificial pagan tradition. I already cringe when looking at neopagans of the west imagine such things with a somali flavour. Pagan temples with laughable hymns in af somali. The fact that waaq is what we call allah in old somali tradition flyover their head and all they see is a pagan fairy tail.


They are already in use but at a very small scale. I've seen a somali man in nfd named siinwaaq meaning gift from allah. I'm against the full revival of this tradition. Fake atheist would gladly play pretend and adopt these names for an artificial pagan tradition. I already cringe when looking at neopagans of the west imagine such things with a somali flavour. Pagan temples with laughable hymns in af somali. The fact that waaq is what we call allah in old somali tradition flyover their head and all they see is a pagan fairy tail.
Names like guleed and liban are totally normal