Somali girl FIRES BACK at Somali guy who said he'll make wife sign a PRENUP for a meher over $5K

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Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
All I am saying is both (female & male) have roles in the marriage. A man should
do his and a woman should do hers as well, it is a simple concept many of those lazy
halimos can't get. The minute you can't do your duty then you are not needed.
Well said I couldn't have said it any better.

Also Meher can vary. I'm going to set up some sort of CD account or bonds (no interest) in Islamic banks for the money from the start. Its emergency funds.


But is it really laziness when you can easily do the mans job yourself :hemad: They technically don't need you to provide for them, not with a degree and a job

I think everyone's having an identity crisis lmaoooooooooooooo

Still women can't live without men. We are the puzzle that complete y'all. Even the CEO of Yahoo (a female) needs a g**s at
the end of the day.There is no point trying to fight nature with fancy degree titles.

:hemad: If high flying cadaan woman that are much richer than your average halimo
can't do without a man in their life what makes you think a halimo can?


Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer's minimal maternity leave plan prompts dismay

Still women can't live without men. We are the puzzle that complete y'all. Even the CEO of Yahoo (a female) needs a g**s at
the end of the day.There is no point trying to fight nature with fancy degree titles.


Naah you lot are more desperate than us, you're all obsessed with pussy



Naah you lot are more desperate than us, you're all obsessed with pussy


That is due to the many chemicals in our body, we are programmed that way (unless
something goes wrong and you're gay) :lol: . Nothing wrong with nature anyway, it is
just for some reason new generation women think nature doesn't favour them.

That is due to the many chemicals in our body, we are programmed that way (unless something goes wrong and you're gay) :lol: . Nothing wrong with nature anyway, it is just for some reason women
think nature doesn't favor them.


First u say that all women need gus then it's 'oh we're not programmed that way' :mjpls:

Which one is it sxb :mjlaugh:


Why should we give a f*ck what your meher cap is, it's like they're discussing something of note to the public, and even then he's putting the cart before the horse.


First u say that all women need gus then it's 'oh we're not programmed that way' :mjpls:

Which one is it sxb :mjlaugh:

I didn't say women are not programmed that way. Both sexes are programmed that way (due to the chemicals in their body)
with few outliers (lesbians and gays).
1. My sperm = the CDC review it and now classfies it as toxic waste
2. My fat wallet = Fat because auyoto came trough
3. My good looks = Don't believe everything your Mama tell you
4.My ragniimo = Ignorance is truly a bliss
5.My landheerniimo (from a huge clan) = If you by clan mean your local street gang :pachah1:


False advertising is illegal you know? :mjlol:
I know a Somali girl who had a Coca Cola can as a dowry by a Abu Johansson.

"It's the Sunnah" she said.

She doesn't even wear a scarf.

That's the type of women these Zubayrs and Ismails pay 20k for. :icon lol:
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