Somali girls gets grilled by her friends on camera for dating too many guys


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I'm going to California this June in the middle of pandemic :whew:


Write me in your Will


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Wallahi we need a thread about this little guy. He is too funny

He seems like an old soul. The type of a soul that can make love to an old woman yet he is not even 10. Scary stuff


Why do people feel the need to expose everyone’s wrongdoings? This shouldn’t have gone on the internet in the first place.
can illusion fake dem good sized mangos and facial features :trumpsmirk:
Yes it actually can, she could’ve contoured her nose, cheeks, jawline and bust to look more defined and more like how she wants.
Never underestimate the sixir that is make up loool.
Female friendships tend to be very superficial and bitter ( on average ) .
I always remember this girls story ;

This is what happens when you only become friends with someone just because they’re funny and cool rather than because of their trustworthiness and kindness. Like don’t tell people your business if you can’t trust them or don’t think they’ll give you proper advice.

