Somali men need to be metrosexual

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Bob Marley

Again we belong on different planets.....saying thank you is not "kissing arse"...being grateful for saving your life is not "kissing arse" much more warped in your thinking can you be. That's savage caveman attitude.

Maybe the guy's got a point coolio
Are you mentally deficient? Akata is just as bad as abeed. I just posted the type of things Nigerians say about and you cone back with excuses.

You're a troll. You are butthurt over what Somali trolls say about you online.

@Canuck stop replying to this coward. He's a troll.

Well I can respect Nigerians cuz they keep their bullsh*t to they educate themselves and don't live on the charity on others. You guys are a whole different kettle of fish. Again its fine to be poor and destitute refugees but biting the hand that feed you is just extremely strange behavior. Its almost like discovering a new specimen.
We got colonised by Italy but we should bow down and say thank you Mr Italian white man.

Sh*t I thought you left ing to blacks. You got colonized so you have no choice but to be an arsehole and not say thanks if someone is trying to help you? Again retarded as phuck!


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Well I can respect Nigerians cuz they keep their bullsh*t to they educate themselves and don't live on the charity on others. You guys are a whole different kettle of fish. Again its fine to be poor and destitute refugees but biting the hand that feed you is just extremely strange behavior. Its almost like discovering a new specimen.

So it's okay for Nigerians to use derogatory dehumanising words cos they are educated? LOL.

Do you want me to post more comments from Nigerians using insulting language towards you?


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
This guy doesn't even want the word akata to disappear. Lol. That's like a white person saying the some people deserves to be called .

The last couple of pages have been pathetic. Can the moderators delete and clean up these pages?

Now back to the topic at hand.

Truth be told no amount of grooming, muscles and dressing well is going to stop low confident, low self-esteem and self-hating Somalis women and men from dating out. Dating out has more with to do with the individual than the community or their opposite sex. 80% of Somalis who date or marry out hate themselves, how they look and want the greener pastures, these people are mentality defeated, you cannot save them or should care about them. Just banish them from the community, ostracize their half breed from claiming our culture or anything to do with it and pedestal our people and our women and men. Asian men are the wealthiest people in America, have developed nations and are quite metrosexual yet their women in large numbers flock to Cadaans, it is all mental nothing do with physical. Take care of our kind and that is all that matters.
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