Somali men should date outside the race

Somali men venturing into international dating embark on a journey that transcends borders, embracing the myriad cultures and traditions that shape the world. In navigating relationships with women from diverse backgrounds, they find themselves immersed in a tapestry of experiences, each thread contributing to the intricate beauty of human connection. These cross-cultural unions become a celebration of shared values, mutual respect, and a deeper understanding of the richness that exists beyond one's own cultural boundaries. The positive aspects of such relationships lie in the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and traditions, fostering personal growth and contributing to a global tapestry where love knows no borders. No more Xalimo improve the Somali race.
what is the point of this post?


Somali men venturing into international dating embark on a journey that transcends borders, embracing the myriad cultures and traditions that shape the world. In navigating relationships with women from diverse backgrounds, they find themselves immersed in a tapestry of experiences, each thread contributing to the intricate beauty of human connection. These cross-cultural unions become a celebration of shared values, mutual respect, and a deeper understanding of the richness that exists beyond one's own cultural boundaries. The positive aspects of such relationships lie in the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and traditions, fostering personal growth and contributing to a global tapestry where love knows no borders. No more Xalimo improve the Somali race.
if we can leave xalimos, universally regarded as the most unattractive of all women, we can move up. Madow women are the fire that burns in my heart. I need them.
you probably do like a typical ashy abdi bald headed faraax. But continue liking your Asian queen please and tell all your somali male friends and the entire population to breed out so us somali girls can finally have an excuse not to marry ashy abdis and go for our ajanbi Kings.
Somali girls make their looks their entire personality online, completely forgetting that half of the reason why they look the way they do, is because of faarah genes. Stop hating on us sister.
Go marry that Ajnabi and see if your daughter gets to keep that quintensetial Somali female look that yall brag about online like inaad cirka kala soo dhacdeen. :heh:

The truth, to pass as pure Somalis like you and I and all other full Somalis do, you must be pure 100% Somali, else you are just half blood mutt.

This doesn't mean people shouldn't marry out, people should marry whoever they want.
Why does marrying out have to be a whole spectacle or debate to you people?

If you want a non-Somali woman/man, no-one will stop you. Do what makes you happy.