Who cares.. Why would she go to a foreign country to meet a stranger if she was a respectable womanAll these men on here really think she would lie , she has no reason to .
This is what I don't get, why expose yourself like that? Should've taken her L in silenceShe flew out after he asked for her lingeries, I would take it to my grave, now she ruined her reputation
So from @Taij4an his initial post about needing witness, both bothers me but at the same time I somewhat kinda get it …She posted to warn people to stay away from the man as he is a hypocrite and not about the deen. Very common for sheikhs to take advantage of young women
Sis, I’m with you. She wants to warn people but at the same time we have to let this girl know …She might be , she might not. But the way everyone attacked her all she’s doing is warning other women who think he’s an honest sheikh
Taij4an, calm down. You have no proof she's lying. She could be lying, she could be telling the truth.I dont believe every online sheikh
but I dont believe every random online woman either
I dont believe anyone
even if they did do this they are both as bad as each other in my eyes
There is really nothing to expose here. Men will be men regardless of their religion Allah said women are their biggest tests that’s why we have Islamic guide lines for maintaining relations with non muhram men. We women need to stop being shocked every time. Nothing new. May Allah guide us all. Doesn’t matter if you’re sheikh or not they human too let’s separate religion from the human being.
I don't see a weak woman and to be frank I couldn't careless about her ordeal. I mean who agrees to be flown out?
Nah sorry, I don't see a weak powerless girl here, I see a good looking woman who has the world in the palm of her hand, it's likely this is her lifestyle. While that 'shekh' guy messed up, this was done to spite him, she knew what was up from the get go
Sheiks are eating good.. 4 wives and instagram th*ts on the sideSheikhs flying out insta th*ts? Who knew the sheikh influencer life was this good. Brb gonna grow out my struggle beard and fish out the old diraac gang attire and brush up on switching between English and random arab words to sound holier than thou.
She’s beautiful mashallah. Somali women not to be bias, are genuinely super pretty. But why oh why… do we have to say …
Nah sorry, I don't see a weak powerless girl here, I see a good looking woman who has the world in the palm of her hand, it's likely this is the lifestyle she chose. While that 'shekh' guy messed up, this was done to spite him, she knew what was up from the get go
Sheikhs are humans not small gods, that's why Allah gave us a brain so one could differentiate right from wrong and as a true muslim woman you are told to not meet with strangers without a mahram.. Now we have girls flying to a different country to a stranger then crying about getting used..I don't see a weak woman and to be frank I couldn't careless about her ordeal. I mean who agrees to be flown out?
My issue is if that story is true, now we have a another Islamic speaker who bites the dust. There was already a high profile case of a Sheikh who behaved disgustingly and it was 100% true. He even had to publicly apologize. It is concerning as now we're seeing an increase of knowledgeable Muslim men who use the deen to be perverted and to try and exploit women.
I don't see a weak woman and to be frank I couldn't careless about her ordeal. I mean who agrees to be flown out?
My issue is if that story is true, now we have a another Islamic speaker who bites the dust. There was already a high profile case of a Sheikh who behaved disgustingly and it was 100% true. He even had to publicly apologize. It is concerning as now we're seeing an increase of knowledgeable Muslim men who use the deen to be perverted and to try and exploit women.
But you have to admit, she flew out to see him, that's pretty sus in of itself, even the women here can't seem to wrap their heads around that oneShe’s beautiful mashallah. Somali women not to be bias, are genuinely super pretty. But why oh why… do we have to say …
Because a woman is pretty and dresses a certain way .. if she deals with some type of sexual harassment .. she choose that ? That deeply saddens me. I hope that’s not what you meant by that.
I couldn't care how she dresses just thought it was a bit funny she flew all the way to meet a man she didn't know and which she was not married to and now is crying about being taken advantage of.. I don't see sheikhs any different than any other humans, there are good and bad that's why you should take your precautions especially if you are a woman and vulnerable to sexual abuse.. I guess that's why muslim women are told to never meet a stranger without their mahram so this kinda stuff doesn't happen.She’s beautiful mashallah. Somali women not to be bias, are genuinely super pretty. But why oh why… do we have to say …
Because a woman is pretty and dresses a certain way .. if she deals with some type of sexual harassment .. she choose that ? That deeply saddens me. I hope that’s not what you meant by that.
No one said they weren't human. But why present yourself as more religious than you are and preach to the masses? That is Munafiq behavior walal.Sheikhs are humans not small gods, that's why Allah gave us a brain so one could differentiate right from wrong and as a true muslim woman you are told to not meet with strangers without a mahram.. Now we have girls flying to a different country to a stranger then crying about getting used..
No one said they weren't human. But why present yourself as more religious than you are and preach to the masses? That is Munafiq behavior walal.
You can see what she is. Not practicing, not a hijabi and a model. There are no false pretenses, so comparing the two is a joke.