Somali model exposes sheikh on Instagram

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I don't know or follow that guy personally..and from my personal experience there are many people who take advantage of the deen this is a well known fact.

Is she really? Never heard about her before, are there any fashion brands she's signed to? In my world there are two types of models, escorts and fashion models but I don't know exactly which one she is.
I'm not attacking her in that way as that would be slander. Don't know the chick. But i'm saying she's clearly not conservative and doesn't pretend to be. Comparing a woman who clearly is not that practicing to a whole Sheikh who will rant about the evils of no hijab and freemixing is disingenuous.
But you have to admit, she flew out to see him, that's pretty sus in of itself, even the women here can't seem to wrap their heads around that one
I agree with that in the other posts. She is foolish to fly out to him as that’s never a good or innocent thing. I literally pointed that out a few times in this thread.
I couldn't care how she dresses just thought it was a bit funny she flew all the way to meet a man she didn't know and which she was not married to and now is crying about being taken advantage of.. I don't see sheikhs any different than any other humans, there are good and bad that's why you should take your precautions especially if you are a woman and vulnerable to sexual abuse.. I guess that's why muslim women are told to never meet a stranger without their mahram so this kinda stuff doesn't happen.
I literally agreed with that point multiple times in this thread. By the way… I know fellow hijabis that have done the same thing and cried about it. They just didn’t put it on socials.
I'm not attacking her in that way as that would be slander. Don't know the chick. But i'm saying she's clearly not conservative and doesn't pretend to be. Comparing a woman who clearly is not that practicing to a whole Sheikh who will rant about the evils of no hijab and freemixing is disingenuous.
Clearly some religious people are hypocrites.. But to be honest I don't use Instagram, Twitter etc.. I don't listen or follow any sheikhs.. I know sheikhs are full of shit.. Just look at Somalia and the rest of the Muslim world with isis and AL shabab.. We have soo many self proclaimed fake sheikhs in this world who are taking advantage of the deen so I use my brain and common sense and don't blindly follow random dudes proclaiming to be pious sheikhs.
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These cyber 'Sheikhs' are moving like the Pastor in Friday.

In the pursuit of Malab, it appears that nothing is sacred. Dacwa to third base is what it appears to be.
I literally agreed with that point multiple times in this thread. By the way… I know fellow hijabis that have done the same thing and cried about it. They just didn’t put it on socials.
To be honest some men would take advantage of women if they can get away with it, so ladies you should be careful.. A respectful man with pure intentions would never ask you of anything shady like to meet him in an hotel apartment or fly you out to be with him in a different country far away from your family then you already know what's going to happen.
Clearly some religious people are hypocrites.. But to be honest I don't use Instagram, Twitter etc.. I don't listen or follow any sheikhs.. I know sheikhs are full of shit.. Just look at Somalia and the rest of the Muslim world with isis and AL shabab.. We have soo many self proclaimed fake sheikhs in this world who are taking advantage of the deen so I use my brain and common and don't blindly follow random dudes proclaiming to be pious sheikhs.
Sir … you are close to being appointed to a favourite male user of mine. I adore people who don’t blindly follow as you explained and think for themselves.
Just an advice to the women...

Some men have no morals and would take advantage of you both emotionally and sexually that's why it's your obligation as woman to upkeep your honor and dignity and to avoid falling for a man who would sweet talk you and take full advantage of you.. Religious men are well-known to have multiple women, and just because someone is proclaiming to be a sheikh doesn't mean he's a Saint... Be careful out there and never do anything against your own wishes..
Why are people accusing her of being a liar?? There are so many of these young sheikhs who are weirdos in real life and use Islam to pick up girls. You had Ali dawah that would slander Somali women just because he was rejected by a Somali family. Those black reverts are the worse there was a biracial revert who used to preach Islam years ago and ends up going to Dubai and was about to sleep with this chick that was married. Muslim Belal was caught on a date with a woman who wasn’t even covered and he didn’t want his pics taken.
To be honest some men would take advantage of women if they can get away with it, so ladies you should be careful.. A respectful man with pure intentions would never ask you of anything shady like to meet him in an hotel apartment or fly you out to be with him in a different country far away from your family then you already know what's going to happen.
I explained earlier and may make a thread about it. I’ve been sexually “attacked” and been harassed by these religious guys. Trust and beileve these men who do to, know they can get away with it.
But unlike this girl, ( no shade ), I always refused to meet them anywhere.
Sir … you are close to being appointed to a favourite male user of mine. I adore people who don’t blindly follow as you explained and think for themselves.
Why are people accusing her of being a liar?? There are so many of these young sheikhs who are weirdos in real life and use Islam to pick up girls. You had Ali dawah that would slander Somali women just because he was rejected by a Somali family. Those black reverts are the worse there was a biracial revert who used to preach Islam years ago and ends up going to Dubai and was about to sleep with this chick that was married. Muslim Belal was caught on a date with a woman who wasn’t even covered and he didn’t want his pics taken.
Wallhi billahi there are, and idk they using the excuse that cause she’s dressed that way when the women I know and me myslef included were bother by these religious sheiks in hijab and abaayas. And these men will think it’s only non hijabis who get bothered lol.
I explained earlier and may make a thread about it. I’ve been sexually “attacked” and been harassed by these religious guys. Trust and beileve these men who do to, know they can get away with it.
But unlike this girl, ( no shade ), I always refused to meet them anywhere.
You did the right thing never meet guys who invite you very late in a hotel, their car with you and him all alone etc.. Always meet during day hours and in public places where there are full of people.. If the guy has good intentions with you then this would be more than enough.. Anyways he would have you all by himself once you marry each other, so naturally if he's end goal is to marry he'll wait for you.
I don’t know how old this girl is but I remember when I was 19/20 I started following a lot of sheikhs and these Muslimahs on Facebook because I wanted to get into the deen but later on I realised how messy these people were. They would post Facebook posts about hadiths but would slander about hijabis who wouldn’t be covered but the manner which they would do it was so gross and judgemental. There was one guy I used to speak to who was a biracial Muslim you would think from his Facebook he had akhlaq and deen but he showed his true colours later on and would speak vile about Muslim women who would reject him for marriage and you’d have these Muslimahs hiding behind the niqab and cheering him on. He only had a preference for Indian women just for the basis that they had nice hair and made good food. Funnily enough he got to speak to a friend of mine who was Asian and when the topic of marriage came up he tells her he doesn’t want her to work and wear niqab full time and when she rejected his offer he gets angry and then months later he invites her to an event and when she declines he calls her a *****.

they carry on speaking until he gets married and whilst he was newly married he would still speak to her. So for all of you who are so ready to cape for this sheikh and think this girl is slandering who would have the time to slander someone?? There was another Indian sheikh who was married and with kids and he used to sleep with a revert and when she exposed him his whole family threatened to harm her.
You did the right thing never meet guys who invite you very late in a hotel, their car with you and him all alone etc.. Always meet during day hours and in public places where there are full of people.. If the guy has good intentions with you then this would be more than enough.. Anyways he would have you all by himself once you marry each other, so naturally if he's end goal is to marry he'll wait for you.
Sigggh… you know what’s sad ? I can’t begin to tell you how many Muslim men… tried that with me .. as a hijabi.. abaaya… and I spent time as a non hijabi and got it as well. It happens so much but people get triggered if we warn women about this but she like a fool went to a whole different country and met him there. Does she have sisters who would warn her about men like this lol?
Huh???!?!???????? Show us ? I cant see loooool. Ok, I feel bad defending sis.

Sus, right? 🤷🏾‍♂️
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