Somali model exposes sheikh on Instagram

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Turns out he was locked up when he was young, at around 18 or 19. So, the guy does not claim to be 100% on the straight path. He also said he's new to the scene and has hobbled back and forth concerning the faith. He never had an unvarnished image to being with, and I don't think he claimed to be perfect. She merely exposed herself. For what end I do not know. Considering that she claims to want to save her family from embarrassment then why would she post this publically for all to see? It makes no sense. She's just begging to have her passport confiscated while en route to Hargeysa.

But the whole witnessse thing bothers me, as I have been sexually attacked by a religious guy in the past and recently this year, and I can’t believe I would need witnesss to say he did that to me. Although I have receipts and plenty of screenshots and phone records … I was still blamed as he convinced folks that I was the one who wanted him, and my receipts don’t mean nothing without a witness according to Islamic law. Gtfo.
The thing is here this should be actually filed to the police or something, u cant go on social media claiming something, phone messages can easily be faked, if ur situation was real then you can use phone conversations etc, but they have to be checked if they are real, witness is not the only source of evidence in Islamic law, I never asked for a witness I asked for solid evidence. If you had solid evidence, like ur phone receipts and the fact that the number was connected to his phone that would count as evidence, I am sorry that happened to u I hate men who act religious but then oppress ppl and have a get out of jail free card


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I got 2 married sheikhs in my dm and im not even jokin. Subhanallah

Her story may be credible.

People do cheat and lie, after we’re all humans with free wills
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I know sheikhs are full of shit.. Just look at Somalia and the rest of the Muslim world with isis and AL shabab.. We have soo many self proclaimed fake sheikhs in this world who are taking advantage of the deen so I use my brain and common sense and don't blindly follow random dudes proclaiming to be pious sheikhs.
Yh if Im being honest I dont even know what sheikhs I can trust anyway, I always keep skeptical even the ones I see giving talks at mosques bc nowadays everyone getting exposed

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
this could easily be faked aswell

The article has multiple accusers being abused by him.

why are you so adamant defending these sheiks? What more evidence do you need? You keep saying evidence, do you want 4 male witnesses? To seem then in zina to believe them? Your biases are clearly showing. Both their words are against each other but you want to blame the accusers
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