Somali woman meets with Taliban jihadists. Afghan women furious

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Cracking Up Lol GIF
Wow, even with what I expect from a twitter discourse that is disgracefull.

Edit: Correction, that is actually her bio, not what she said to someone. I dont use twitter much...
There has been a rush by YouTube extreme travellers to visit Afghanistan. The Somali sister went there as a documentary maker/ YouTube vlog journalist just like like all those westerners. I believe I even saw a video of a white lady visiting there. Why is she being single out? 🤣

I didn’t see them condemn any of these people?
Ofc persian speakers afghan gaalos are mad that a muslim somali woman went to Taliban ran Afghanistan and had a wonderful positive experience in there kkk :ftw9nwa:
So dumb. This is literally the equivalent of those retarded e-girl neo-nazis. She's free-mixing with retarded talibs who have no backbone and are essentially cavemen.


Why don’t they have this reaction when white western non muslim females make tourist videos visiting taliban controlled afghanistan


Entitled uppity East African
We’d she have taken pics with alshbab 🤔
Al shabab aren’t the official party of Somalia the Taliban is its very different it’s common for people now to take pictures with the Taliban in Afghanistan it’s not that dangerous whilst in Somalia it is


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
There has been a rush by YouTube extreme travellers to visit Afghanistan. The Somali sister went there as a documentary maker/ YouTube vlog journalist just like like all those westerners. I believe I even saw a video of a white lady visiting there. Why is she being single out? 🤣

I didn’t see them condemn any of these people?
Its easier to target Black people especially Black women. They don't got smoke for their European masters

Let’s assess the facts. The Taliban has recently made it clear that they’re not going to be opening public schools and universities for women as they’re using the Fatwa of a Hanafi scholar who believes that women shouldn’t write. That’s the facts.

So please explain why a Somali woman who clearly benefited from an education, who is a YouTuber and puts her face online, who has a history of traveling around the world without a Mahram, is now in Afghanistan taking picture with non Mahram Afghani men who think it’s ceeb for men to even know the name of their daughters let alone men taking pictures with her face on display to be put on the internet and think it’s okay to deprive women like her even the ability of write their own names!

I’m with the Afghan women on this one. You can’t be a flipping hypocrite and I don’t care if she’s Somali. I’m not supporting stupidity on the basis of Somalinimo. I don’t support traitors.

She’s a Western privileged YouTuber who is grinning with a bunch of men who don’t even believe young women like her should have an education let alone gallivanting to different nations.

People lack principles in this day and age and so many young women included.
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With how the Taliban govt treats women most westernized Muslimah and gaals would hate that country. I'm not surprised to see women get angry at this xalimo.

Afghan is one of the worst Muslim nations to be born in as a women. I
As a woman using the whole she’s Somali and these Aghans are targeting her for that schtick is low IQ. It might work on the Faraxs since no matter where they go, their rights are upheld, but as a privileged educated woman who galivants in different countries to show her audiences, this is the height of hypocrisy and I’ll stand by that. Where is her integrity and principles?

If she’s going to be grinning like that buddying up to them, she needs to put her money where her mouth is. She needs to quit YouTube, not bother with an education and stay her ass home.

Absolute hypocrite.



Let’s assess the facts. The Taliban has recently made it clear that they’re not going to be opening public schools and universities for women as they’re using the Fatwa of a Hanafi scholar who believes that women shouldn’t write. That’s the facts.

So please explain why a Somali woman who clearly benefited from an education, who is a YouTuber and puts her face online, who has a history of traveling around the world without a Mahram, although in this case I’m assuming she was smart enough to bring her brother or father ect, but we know she does have a history of jet setting alone is now in Afghanistan taking picture with non Mahram Afghani men who think it’s ceeb for men to even know the name of their daughters let alone men taking pictures with her face on display to be put on the internet and think it’s okay to deprive women like her even the ability of write their own names.

I’m with the Afghan women on this one. You can’t be a flipping hypocrite and I don’t care if she’s Somali. I’m not supporting stupidity on the basis of Somalinimo.

She’s a privileged YouTuber who is grinning with a bunch of men who don’t even believe young women like her should have an education let alone galivanting to different nations grinning her teeth for the whole internet to see.

People lack principles in this day and age and so many young women included.
I get your point of view, it’s messed up that the Taliban aren’t allowing public education for women but they’re not aren’t against her because she’s visiting Afghanistan without a non mahram. Hopefully over time the Taliban will moderate and leave those backward views, Afghanistan is more stable now and lacks corruption, there’s no longer an opium industry, they’re building regional ties with neighbouring countries like Iran, India and China, building infrastructure and mega projects. A lot of the younger Taliban leadership want to open education up for women again. At least they have peace now.