Somali woman meets with Taliban jihadists. Afghan women furious


Plotting world domination
As a woman using the whole she’s Somali and these Aghans are targeting her for that schtick is low IQ. It might work on the Faraxs since no matter where they go, their rights are upheld, but as a privileged educated woman who galivants in different countries to show her audiences, this is the height of hypocrisy and I’ll stand by that. Where is her integrity and principles?

If she’s going to be grinning like that buddying up to them, she needs to put her money where her mouth is. She needs to quit YouTube, not bother with an education and stay her ass home.

Absolute hypocrite.

You mentioned privileged and educated but I'm starting to doubt this chick's intelligence.

Most of the people that watch Afghan travel vlogs are into extreme tourism. They want to see a different perspective of what life is like in countries with bad reputations. She's basically giving the country free promo even though it's a horrible place for women.

These travel vloggers don't give af. They just care about views and money.


Plotting world domination
I get your point of view, it’s messed up that the Taliban aren’t allowing public education for women but they’re not aren’t against her because she’s visiting Afghanistan without a non mahram. Hopefully over time the Taliban will moderate and leave those backward views, Afghanistan is more stable now and lacks corruption, there’s no longer an opium industry, they’re building regional ties with neighbouring countries like Iran, India and China, building infrastructure and mega projects. A lot of the younger Taliban leadership want to open education up for women again. At least they have peace now.
It's getting better but life is still ass for women in Afghanistan bro. It's like one of the top 5 worst places to be born in as a woman.
I get your point of view, it’s messed up that the Taliban aren’t allowing public education for women but they’re not aren’t against her because she’s visiting Afghanistan without a non mahram. Hopefully over time the Taliban will moderate and leave those backward views, Afghanistan is more stable now and lacks corruption, opium industry, is being regional ties with neighbouring countries like Iran, India and China, building infrastructure and mega projects. A lot of the younger Taliban leadership want to open education up for women again.
They clearly said they had no plans to reopen. I initially had hope that they would rethink and that things will be up and running.

Btw, they are against her for traveling around without a Mahram, they are against her for showing her face for millions of men to see. They are against her taking pics with non Mahram men, but they can’t say anything since she’s foreigner who’s stupid enough to take pics and grin with them hence giving them free PR. The moment that woman decides to settle in their lands, it’s over.

It’s a classic case of Diaspora superiority complex, western exceptionalism, high baseline tolerance for abuse against Afghan women, believing your identity as a Muslim woman allows you to co-opt their opression (and subsequently vindicate it), treating the tragedies of other women as an adventure.

For this Xalimo it’s all about a good old adventure. She can show off on YouTube about her exploits that have all been made possible by education and her ability to make money whilst smiling in the faces of men who refuse for young women like her to have the right to learn how to write their own flipping name!

If this is the type of Western Muslim women we have running around then let’s weep for the women of this Ummah who can’t even have the solidarity of the women who could use their education and money to fight for the God given Islamic rights for ALL women not just privileged ones, instead we have bird brains riddled with Western exceptionalism who think everything is an adventure! So yes, I’ll always judge this Muslim Xalimo more harshly than a gaal cadaan who couldn’t care less about Muslim women.
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You mentioned privileged and educated but I'm starting to doubt this chick's intelligence.

Most of the people that watch Afghan travel vlogs are into extreme tourism. They want to see a different perspective of what life is like in countries with bad reputations. She's basically giving the country free promo even though it's a horrible place for women.

These travel vloggers don't give af. They just care about views and money.
It’s entitled Western exceptionalism on display here that you find amongst a lot of Muslim women who will use arguments of equality to gain an education, open a YouTube account and do stunts like this whilst her Afghani Muslim sister is denied the chance to even learn how to write.

The tiring thing is that a lot of women in our community have no sense of female solidarity. Their mind is consumed by selfishness and only extends to their immediate privileges whilst not taking into account the overall state of the Ummah when it comes to women. This is a symptom of being weak and lacking any form of survival instincts as women. It’s I believe one of the major contributing factors of why oppression against women is high.
My solidarity is with Afghan women. If they can’t do it, why the hell would I go to their country and rub my privileges in their face? And the fact this traitor is using her color and racism? A traitorous manipulator.


They clearly said they had no plans to reopen. I initially had hope that they would rethink and that things will be up and running.

Btw, they are against her for traveling around without a Mahram, they are against her for showing her face for millions of men to see. They are against her taking pics with non Mahram men, but they can’t say anything since she’s foreigner who’s stupid enough to take pics and grin with them hence giving them free PR. The moment that woman decides to settle in their lands, it’s over.

It’s a classic case of Diaspora superiority complex, western exceptionalism, high baseline tolerance for abuse against Afghan women, believing your identity as a Muslim woman allows you to co-opt their opression (and subsequently vindicate it), treating the tragedies of other women as an adventure.

For this Xalimo it’s all about a good old adventure. She can show off on YouTube about her exploits that have all been made possible by education and her ability to make money whilst smiling in the faces of men who refuse for young women like her to have the right to learn how to write their own flipping name!

If this is the type of Western Muslim women we have running around then let’s weep for the women of this Ummah who can’t even have the solidarity of the women who could use their education and money to fight for the God given Islamic rights for ALL women not just privileged ones, instead we have bird brains riddled with Western exceptionalism who think everything is an adventure! So yes, I’ll always judge this Muslim Xalimo more harshly than a gaal cadaan who couldn’t care less about Muslim women.
There’s nobody thats attacking women visiting Afghanistan when the women are white though, like this Spanish lady whose posing with the Taliban:


They’re against the Somali girl out of racism. That’s why don’t have any problem with white women visiting Afghanistan and posting videos with millions of views.

As I said, the older leadership are against education for women but this is not supported by the moderate younger leadership. Many of them have their own daughters educated in Gulf countries, but the entire thing is being controlled by the older more backward leadership who currently have power.


Entitled uppity East African
My solidarity is with Afghan women. If they can’t do it, why the hell would I go to their country and rub my privileges in their face? And the fact this traitor is using her color and racism? A traitorous manipulator.
where’s @Nasif we “debated” about this but he gave me qashins instead.


Entitled uppity East African
Taliban are still bad LMFAO only good thing the did was get rid of the xoolo Americans and that’s about it
There’s nobody thats attacking women visiting Afghanistan when the women are white though, like this Spanish lady whose posing with the Taliban:

View attachment 339611

They’re against the Somali girl out of racism. That’s why don’t have any problem with white women visiting Afghanistan and posting videos with millions of views.

As I said, the older leadership are against education for women but this is not supported by the moderate younger leadership. Many of them have their own daughters educated in Gulf countries, but the entire thing is being controlled by the older more backward leadership who currently have power.
I couldn’t care less about white women and tbh why should Afghan women care about gaal women and their solidarity? Its us Muslim women who should show it since the Taliban are using Islamic fiqh to undermine women’s education and economic freedom, something us Western Muslim women have in spades. They’re twisting Islam to suggest that none of us Muslim women should be able to write. Think about it, who does this impact more? A far removed white woman or Muslim women whose own religion is being used against them? Hence it always be worse and doubly traitorous for a Muslim woman to behave this way.

I will never accept the whole ‘B-but what about white women’ from a Muslim women who is co-opting the abuse of Afghan women and uses her Western privileges to go to a country and behave in a way that would cause imprisonment for the local Muslim women there. Where is her loyalty towards her fellow Muslim sisters?
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Entitled uppity East African
There’s nobody thats attacking women visiting Afghanistan when the women are white though, like this Spanish lady whose posing with the Taliban:

View attachment 339611

They’re against the Somali girl out of racism. That’s why don’t have any problem with white women visiting Afghanistan and posting videos with millions of views.

As I said, the older leadership are against education for women but this is not supported by the moderate younger leadership. Many of them have their own daughters educated in Gulf countries, but the entire thing is being controlled by the older more backward leadership who currently have power.
She’s not Muslim doubt they’d care


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
this lady keeps ending up in the most craziest locations before this I think she visited tel aviv in Israel and got alot of backlash for it.


Entitled uppity East African
this lady keeps ending up in the most craziest locations before this I think she visited tel aviv in Israel and got alot of backlash for it.
She did it happened not that long ago a lot of fobs were complaining and attacking her
this lady keeps ending up in the most craziest locations before this I think she visited tel aviv in Israel and got alot of backlash for it.
That should tell everyone what type of person she is and we have posters on here lapping up her whole ‘woe is me because I’m Somali and black and that’s why I’m being attacked’.

Clearly she has no sense of integrity. Did she think about the Palis who can’t even visit Tel Aviv, the ones who are burying their dead and going through all of the horrors we are witnessing?



A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
She did it happened not that long ago a lot of fobs were complaining and attacking her
She also made up an excuse that she supports palestine while simultaneously going to the israeli capital "to experience places regardless where it is"
There’s nobody thats attacking women visiting Afghanistan when the women are white though, like this Spanish lady whose posing with the Taliban:

View attachment 339611

They’re against the Somali girl out of racism. That’s why don’t have any problem with white women visiting Afghanistan and posting videos with millions of views.

As I said, the older leadership are against education for women but this is not supported by the moderate younger leadership. Many of them have their own daughters educated in Gulf countries, but the entire thing is being controlled by the older more backward leadership who currently have power.
Did she post in on twitter with the same tone-deaf caption as the Somali one?
The cope is real by Sara boohoo your western backed government lost now join the rest of your liberal Aryan Persian siblings in exile kkkk W Xalimo traveler L Fatima crybaby
How come these women didn’t speak out when countless other YouTubers visited Afghanistan? They only pick on easy targets. So shameless.
Anybody comparing the taliban to alphabet is retar3d . The taliban was never a terrorist group. They were literally the govf till they were toppled by America. Do they have huge issues yes. There is even an internal fight between the young and upcoming guys who are a lot more moderate and realistic and who want to develop the country and are pro women's education. Including that haqqani guy . But it will obviously take time. Most of these afghan girls you see talking about this . Are the ones who's famliss supported the west and committed crimes against the civilian pouplation.