Somali women have kids just to have kids.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
That's good. We can help each other. I like that. You see, you're not a bad person, you just want to be perceived as a bad person.
Go to your nearest mental asylum. You're starting to sound like your leader Ali Khalif Galeydh. Delusions run in your qabiil :mjlol:


Women aren't "pooping out" kids of their own accord, birth control (rejecting what God is wont to give u) and having a small family is considered taboo.

The same way in some countries being fat is a positive mark of class, in Somali culture among many others, a man must be rich in children otherwise he is considered weak (impotent), or not virile enough if he only has a few, so so as to not have their masculinity questioned, they seek to have a full fledged football team or two even in poverty. I should really say especially in poverty; it's a worldwide phenomenon that the only thing poor people are rich in is children (that they can't feed, 'cuz god will provide duh).

I come from a small family unit, and I can't tell u how many times the size of the family has been questioned or stray commented on throughout the years, typically by men. This has been indirectly discussed b4, and here's a comment I got on here after mentioning it:
Your parents did not do enough to increase the Somali population. Every Somali couple should have 10 children if we are to keep up with the Amxaro.

When my cousin got married, ppl in her community were asking her and her husband if she was pregnant within a month after she was married, by the second year of marriage they were interrogating her, asking if everything was "alright?". When they started having kids as they planned it (they have two kids), it quieted down but they are still being asked about more on the way lol.

I have no problem believing they r miserable and burntout. I've only heard it being vocalised a couple times, where a lady would say she wanted to stop at five but ended up with double that number bc her husband wanted more. It's unhealthy to have children in the double digits. There's no way you can properly raise and equip 11 children with everything they need, especially in the West. I can almost guarantee that one half of the childrens' childhood was cut short as they were being trained to raise the smaller half! What a curse.

Somalis need to learn that quality is better than quantity.
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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Women aren't "pooping out" kids of their own accord, birth control (rejecting what God is wont to give u) and having a small family is considered taboo.

The same way in some countries being fat is positive mark of class, in Somali culture among many others, a man must be rich in children otherwise he is considered weak (impotent), or not virile enough if he only has a few kids, so so as to not have their masculinity questioned, they seek to have a full fledged football team or two even in poverty. I should really say especially in poverty; it's a worldwide phenomenon that the only thing poor people are rich in is children (that they can't feed, 'cuz god will provide duh).

I come from a small family unit, and I can't tell u how many times the size of the family has been questioned or stray commented on throughout the years, typically by men. This question has been indirectly discussed b4, and here's a comment I got on here after mentioning it :

When my cousin got married, ppl in her community were asking her and her husband if she was pregnant within a month after she was married, by the second year of marriage they were them if everything was "alright?". When they started having kids (they have two kids), it quieted down but they are still being asked about more on the way.

I have no problem believing they r miserable and burntout. I've only heard it being vocalised a couple times, where a lady would she wanted to stop at five but ended up with double that number bc her husband wanted more. It's unhealthy to have children in the double digits. There's no way you can properly raise and equip 11 children with everything they need, especially in the West. I can almost guaranteed that one half of the children's childhood was cut short as they were being trained to raise the smaller half. What a curse.

Somalis need to learn that quality is better than quantity.

You're absolutely right, quality over quantity!


^Good luck!

The system of having a million children was warranted in the past when half of the lot would likely die due to the harsh climate, or were needed to work the family farm/land. It's absurd to have millions of kids you can't provide for and raise properly in today's atmosphere where most ppl don't even own the roof over their heads.

I swear, ppl don't handle bringing life into this world with the weight they should, hence you get tons of disenfranchised children turned twisted adults as the norm rather than the exception.

Frankly, I am scared to have children and may not have any.
I agree with OP, I don't know why people are coming for you.

We need awareness of contraception in our community. I always thought it was selfish to have more than one could care for.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Kids are a blessing be it if you get 1 or 10 :rejoice:

Btw I know this guy back home hes got 10 kids...and Hes 25:whoa:


Your superior
@Reiko is correct. As a human you can't cope with having more then 4 kids. If you have 10 then you are
1) costing the tax payer
2) getting burned out (not good for your mental health)
3) the kids aren't getting the individual care and attention they require.
4) growing underclass (poor useless folk who pop out kiddies can be attributed to the problematic underclass)

Plus no educated man or women would have 9/10 kids
Notice how its all dude (bar a few of course) who advocates having many kids :bell: None of you know the physical and mental tool constantly popping out kids will take on you. The nerve! I bet y'all would be the type not to take part in child rearing :damn:

Face it most educated women would never have kids in the double digits


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Notice how its all dude (bar a few of course) who advocates having many kids :bell: None of you know the physical and mental tool constantly popping out kids will take on you. The nerve! I bet y'all would be the type not to take part in child rearing :damn:

Face it most educated women would never have kids in the double digits

3-4 kids is alright

and Child rearing is that like parenting?


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The average Somali woman above 35 is illiterate, even in the diaspora. That is literally all you need to know about why they have 10 children in a place like Canada or Denmark. Most of these women have no opportunities to accomplish anything in life other than gaining social status in their tiny community by having a busload of children. I see them more like animals than human beings, like a breeding cow.



Pepe Trump
The amount of children a woman will have is tied to the level of education she has. An educated and independent woman will not have time to sit around shit babies all day and night. This is a huge concern because the only way to raise a strong society is to educate the women.
I was a reading an article about a somali mom who delivered all her children through c-section (gives birth every year through c-section). The doctors suggested that she must stop having more kids because her body cannot take it anymore (since she had 7 kids through this method). Naagta waxeey ku jawaabtay haddaan caruur badan dhalin ninka waa iga tagayaa oo naag kale buu guursanayaa miskiin I feel sorry for her. Ani iska tag baan dhihi lahaa doqonka. This example is one of the reasons why somali women have many kids.
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