Somali women have kids just to have kids.

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  • Key quote: “I had a patient who had given birth by C-section seven times. I told her we needed to talk about the risks to her and her unborn children of having additional surgeries. She had a very supportive partner, but nonetheless, she told me, ‘Somali men—as soon as we stop having babies, they go find another woman,’” one provider reported. The report noted that many women confirmed that fear and said it was one of the main reasons they gave birth annually.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
The average Somali woman above 35 is illiterate, even in the diaspora. That is literally all you need to know about why they have 10 children in a place like Canada or Denmark. Most of these women have no opportunities to accomplish anything in life other than gaining social status in their tiny community by having a busload of children. I see them more like animals than human beings, like a breeding cow.


The average 35 year old and above came to the west as an adult or maybe a teenager running from the civil war. They didn't have much choice then our generation who were either born in the west or came at very young age.

We are lucky to have these opportunities the west provided us but we shouldn't look down and call our mothers 'illiterate and brooding cows' because honestly you don't know what their situation was. They were smart enough and brought us here in the west so we can have better opportunities then they had so maybe we should be grateful to them.

I know a woman who raised 10 kids, put them through universities and made them the successful people they are today than a women who raised 2-3 but couldn't control them as a children and now are low life bunches. Believe it or not it depends on you as a parent.

With that being said I am not advocating women to have bunch of 15 kids nor am I supporting those who have the children to milk the system. So if you are financially capable and have the support of your husband make that vagina loose for all I care.
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You know the prophet Muhammad SAW was illiterate but he was still the greatest man to ever walk this earth.
Lay off our Somali mothers, give them a break, not everyday shit on them.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I was a reading an article about a somali mom who delivered all her children through c-section (gives birth every year through c-section). The doctors suggested that she must stop having more kids because her body cannot take it anymore (since she had 7 kids through this method). Naagta waxeey ku jawaabtay haddaan caruur badan dhalin ninka waa iga tagayaa oo naag kale buu guursanayaa miskiin I feel sorry for her. Ani iska tag baan dhihi lahaa doqonka. This example is one of the reasons why somali women have many kids.

7 Times with C Section isnt that really dangerous?


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
You know the prophet Muhammad SAW was illiterate but he was still the greatest man to ever walk this earth.
Lay off our Somali mothers, give them a break, not everyday shit on them.
Please don't compare the greatest man ever created to anyone. Secondly our prophet Swc wasn't illiterate, I'm offended by your post I don't know where you're trying to get at but don't compare our prophet scw to anyone. We are still learning his teachings.


Your superior
Please don't compare the greatest man ever created to anyone. Secondly our prophet Swc wasn't illiterate, I'm offended by your post I don't know where you're trying to get at but don't compare our prophet scw to anyone. We are still learning his teachings.

The prophet scw was illiterate but she shouldn't bring into the discussion. That is a cheap trick


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Maxaa ka galay if they have 10 or 20 kids? Adiga ma la kurineysid? Yaab badana. As long as someone is serious about being a good parent they could have a million children and still parent them right.


Your superior
Maxaa ka galay if they have 10 or 20 kids? Adiga ma la kurineysid? Yaab badana. As long as someone is serious about being a good parent they could have a million children and still parent them right.

But if you think about it yes waan la korinayna via our taxes


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
But if you think about it yes waan la korinayna via our taxes
Milking the system is a whole different topic. People will milk the system with 10 or 3 kids if they want to milk the system. If you are financially able to afford 10 kids then, by all means, have 10 kids., it's their choice.
Please don't compare the greatest man ever created to anyone. Secondly our prophet Swc wasn't illiterate, I'm offended by your post I don't know where you're trying to get at but don't compare our prophet scw to anyone. We are still learning his teachings.

I didn't compare the prophet Muhammed SAW, I merely pointed that he too was unlettered since people here were shitting on Somali women for apparently not being able to read. I then went onto argue that his inability to read did not stop him from becoming the greatest man to have graced this Earth. That's not making a comparison, I didn't point similarities and differences between the Prophet Muhammed SAW and Somali women, so time for plan b sis your argument is just...Absurd.

And do you understand what illiterate means?

"All historians are unanimous that the Prophet was an unlettered man who had never known books or teachers and never learned how to write. The Qur’an itself addressed him as follows:

“Before this, you did not read any book, nor did you write anything with your hands”. (29:48). "

Source: "Prophet Muhammad (S) Was Unlettered". N.p., 2016. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.


Your superior
Milking the system is a whole different topic. People will milk the system with 10 or 3 kids if they want to milk the system. If you are financially able to afford 10 kids then, by all means, have 10 kids., it's their choice.

If they aren't dependent on the system I don't care if they have 10 kids (although it should be discouraged and looked down on)
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