Somali women have kids just to have kids.

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Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
If they aren't dependent on the system I don't care if they have 10 kids (although it should be discouraged and looked down on)

I personally wouldn't have 10 kids, but who am I to look down on someone who wants a big family? As long as they are parenting those children well and raising them to be good members of society then it shouldn't be looked down on.


Your superior
I personally wouldn't have 10 kids, but who am I to look down on someone who wants a big family? As long as they are parenting those children well and raising them to be good members of society then it shouldn't be looked down on.
The world is already too overcrowded
No need to bring the prophet scw to this discussion. Totally inappropriate

How is it inappropriate? People here are putting down and degrading Somali women for being unlettered as though their worth and their level of intelligence depends on being able to read and write. Wallahi if I the prophet was still alive I would love to see you guys degrade Somali women for not being able to read and write in front of him.

Bunch of hypocrites, you "respect" a man who couldn't read and write but shit on people who can't read or write through no fault of their own. Skkkr bye

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
You know the prophet Muhammad SAW was illiterate but he was still the greatest man to ever walk this earth.
Lay off our Somali mothers, give them a break, not everyday shit on them.
The prophet saw encouraged us to have many children. I see Somali mothers as heeding the advice of the beloved prophet, may allah bless them.


Your superior
How is it inappropriate? People here are putting down and degrading Somali women for being unlettered as though their worth and their level of intelligence depends on being able to read and write. Wallahi if I the prophet was still alive I would love to see you guys degrade Somali women for not being able to read and write in front of him.

Bunch of hypocrites, you "respect" a man who couldn't read and write but shit on people who can't read or write through no fault of their own. Skkkr bye
Is the prophet a women popping out 10 kids?


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
People want to be offended just to be offended. Stop being sensitive to everything folks. I stated my opinion, agree to disagree but stop getting offended.

I am sure the prophet scw said to have more kids but if you're financially stable. If you can provide for your kids then by all mean have 50 kids. Our religion also gives permission to men to have 4 wives but only if he can financially take care of them. Don't pick and choose the religion just for the sake of proving a point.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
@ebimomo I wish people would stop bringing up our prophet scw in a negative away. He's our hero whether he was illiterate or not. I don't know about you but I always love love love talking about the prophet scw in a beautiful and positive way.

And yes I know what illiterate means :bell:
@ebimomo I wish people would stop bringing up our prophet scw in a negative away. He's our hero whether he was illiterate or not. I don't know about you but I always love love love talking about the prophet scw in a beautiful and positive way.

And yes I know what illiterate means :bell:

I think he was a good example to use when it came to being unlettered but i see your point
Somali mentality kids;

Having kids= you made it in life
No kids= you are cursed lol

I remember overhearing habaryarls gossiping over this girl who got divorced. They were saying 'why didn't she pop one before he divorced her, woe to her! She's at loss! Waste of time bla bla, basically pitying her. The community shunned her more for not having kids than being divorced. Such a mess.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Somali mentality kids;

Having kids= you made it in life
No kids= you are cursed lol

I remember overhearing habaryarls gossiping over this girl who got divorced. They were saying 'why didn't she pop one before he divorced her, woe to her! She's at loss! Waste of time bla bla, basically pitying her. The community shunned her more for not having kids than being divorced. Such a mess.
With Somalis you never know Im sure even if she had a kid they would just say stuff like hebel wala furay , shes a Single mother etc
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