Somalia’s population hits 19 million

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Inshallah somalis reach 100 million in the 2060s. Right now there is 35 million somalis. This number will double in the next 20 years and Inshallah double again in the next 20 years after it.

Barida Africa anagaa aa leh, cid kale sooyaal anaga camal ma haayaan. Xoog waaye inaan ku qabsano waaye ganacsiga iyo siyaasada wadankasto ku taalo barida africa.

Expand or lose. Thats the way of the game.
You gaal folks are funny.

If you are gaal and interact with your fellow somalis, deep down, you truly believe in Allah. Why else interact with people who wholeheartedly believe in Allah SWT.

I suggest you guys to repent, it’s never too late. @Kisame invite gaals here, there is a high likelyhood interacting with their ethnic kin will turn them normal.
Imagine believing that God revealed the ultimate truth to some random bedouin in Arabia, mind you in a language spoken by less than 1% of the world. 💀😭 I can't with these niggas, bruh @Kisame
You may be going with the flow now but that isn't a long term solution. I recommend you look at all religions objectively, if you seek the truth you will find it, especially if you do believe in a God if you're agnostic you can't assume you can be created and not guided.
I’ll be honest sxb I used to be the same (atheist but I believed there was a higher power) but I realised it was a load of hogwash.

Most people should just be honest and admit what kind of lifestyle they want to live: a lot of these gaal folks don’t really enjoy islam and it’s okay to say that. Just be truthful instead of using misconstrued/anglicized Quran quotes.

I know social media gets toxic but in real life these people must know nobody really cares if you’re an ex muslim. Even those homeless looking salafis aren’t going to takfir you in public it’s just a lack of etiquette.


Plotting world domination
You gaal folks are funny.

If you are gaal and interact with your fellow somalis, deep down, you truly believe in Allah. Why else interact with people who wholeheartedly believe in Allah SWT.

I suggest you guys to repent, its never too late. @Kisame invite gaals here, there is a high likelyhood interacting with their ethnic kin will turn them normal.

Too late. I already forgot the lyrics to all the short surahs I use to pray with.

"deep down, you truly believe in Allah."

I would have believed in him if he gave me super powers at the age of 13. I was a big fan of the X-Men as a kid. I was hoping I would get mutant powers on my 13th birthday but didn't get shit. Woke up as a regular ass nigga mad AF.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Imagine believing that God revealed the ultimate truth to some random bedouin in Arabia, mind you in a language spoken by less than 1% of the world. 💀😭 I can't with these niggas, bruh @Kisame

The fact that more then a billion people follow what that illiterate man transmitted is a testament itself of the fact that Allah SWT exist.
Most people should just be honest and admit what kind of lifestyle they want to live: a lot of these gaal folks don’t really enjoy islam and it’s okay to say that. Just be truthful instead of using misconstrued/anglicized Quran quotes.
Why assume we’ve misconstrued Islam/ Quran?? Sounds like you’re coping bud
The fact that more then a billion people follow what that illiterate man transmitted is a testament itself of the fact that Allah SWT exist.
You're actually so funny. It just shows that rice bag/sword converts simply maintained the status quo that was beaten into them, whether physically or mentally, as with Somalis. Anyway, I'll stop before I really hurt yall feelings and you start b1tching for days :russ:
Too late. I already forgot the lyrics to all the short surahs I use to pray with.

"deep down, you truly believe in Allah."

I would have believed in him if he gave me super powers at the age of 13. I was a big fan of the X-Men as a kid. I was hoping I would get mutant powers on my 13th birthday but didn't get shit. Woke up as a regular ass nigga mad AF.
“Lyrics” :russ::dead1:

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Too late. I already forgot the lyrics to all the short surahs I use to pray with.

"deep down, you truly believe in Allah."

I would have believed in him if he gave me super powers at the age of 13. I was a big fan of the X-Men as a kid. I was hoping I would get mutant powers on my 13th birthday but didn't get shit. Woke up as a regular ass nigga mad AF.

You got time. A somali doctor married to an german did not pray for 26 years. Thats probably longer then you have been alive. It took that doctor one prayer to return to back to his and yours Creator.

At the same time you don’t. You can die tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or the next decade. Stay vigilant and repent.


Plotting world domination
You got time. A somali doctor married to an german did not pray for 26 years. Thats probably longer then you have been alive. It took that doctor one prayer to return to back to his and yours Creator.

At the same time you don’t. You can die tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or the next decade. Stay vigilant and repent.
I'm securing my spot in heaven the same way the Vikings did back in the day.

I will be dying in combat to reach Valhalla

When I'm old and ready to pass away Imma join some random militia group that's fighting against some terrorist organization.

Or maybe the SNA if they're still fighting against all shabab

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
You're actually so funny. It just shows that rice bag/sword converts simply maintained the status quo that was beaten into them, whether physically or mentally, as with Somalis. Anyway, I'll stop before I really hurt yall feelings and you start b1tching for days :russ:

Somalis accepted Islam early on and over 100s of years and by the grace of God, Islam has entrenched well within somalis. Thats why a gaal somali is not truly somali. You are leaving out a huge aspect of your culture and identity.

For other ethnicities/nationalities, vast majority reverted to Islam by choice. Im not denying that our faith was spread by force but thats a lie.

Those descended from people who reverted by force also have had the option to leave Islam. Why haven’t these people done that? Over the 100s years and not a single one left Islam. You think these people have had no doubts? They have, they are human. But generation after generation, they have remained muslim. Because they know, Islam is the truth. As simple as that.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
I'm securing my spot in heaven the same way the Vikings did back in the day.

I will be dying in combat to reach Valhalla
View attachment 341329

When I'm old and ready to pass away Imma join some random militia group that's fighting against some terrorist organization.

Or maybe the SNA if they're still fighting against all shabab

First bullet in your direction and you will be in sujood, brudda there is easier ways to return to your Lord.


Plotting world domination
First bullet in your direction and you will be in sujood, brudda there is easier ways to return to your Lord.

Your absolutely right.
I could sacrifice myself by saving a few naag from getting hit by a truck :ohhh:.

Like those Japanese niggas that get reincarnated into different universes.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
“Brudda” uk nigga lingo @Kisame this nigga is definitely the product of some Saudi funded wahabist dugasi in London :russ:

Kkkk Im far way from UK.

Im from scandinavia and have lived in an 90% cadaan neighbourhood for most of my life. I have been completely surrounded by them from kindergarden to university and now my workplace.

I have fought them and made friends with them. You are from North America I assume and probably live in a city full of non-cadaans. You probably weren’t only somali/african/muslim in your class, only foreigner in your course etc. I used to chill after school in my cadaan homies big houses.

Since I was a kid I have seen close by how cadaans are. They are a good example of what an godless society is.

Wait, they have gods, their desires.

أَفَرَءَيْتَ مَنِ ٱتَّخَذَ إِلَـٰهَهُۥ هَوَىٰهُ وَأَضَلَّهُ ٱللَّهُ عَلَىٰ عِلْمٍۢ وَخَتَمَ عَلَىٰ سَمْعِهِۦ وَقَلْبِهِۦ وَجَعَلَ عَلَىٰ بَصَرِهِۦ غِشَـٰوَةًۭ فَمَن يَهْدِيهِ مِنۢ بَعْدِ ٱللَّهِ ۚ أَفَلَا تَذَكَّرُونَ ٢٣

Have you seen ˹O Prophet˺ those who have taken their own desires as their god? ˹And so˺ Allah left them to stray knowingly, sealed their hearing and hearts, and placed a cover on their sight. Who then can guide them after Allah? Will you ˹all˺ not then be mindful?

This is what I have seen first hand all of my life. They prioritise their wants and needs, truly forgetting their Creator. They prioritise their artificial satisfactions. Gaalada start at 15 years old to drink heavily every weekend, thats why they look old when they are 25. Why? To feel happy. After a while they do it because being drunk is the only way for them to feel something. I emphasise this is not all gaals but many of them.

I realised watching them and interacting with them that life must have a higher meaning then whatever they were doing. I used to go to their parties because I too desired satisfaction (zina) and joy (turning up). But at what cost. We are not animals, we have a great mind. What do I get from fucking a jungle feverish cadaan girl who doesn’t wash her futo? Nothing. Alhamdulillah I quickly realised that the lifestyle of gaals was just a facade.

So, laiss, think. Why do you live and how do you wanna live the rest of your life? Satisfying your wants and needs while not preparing for eternity? Think abaayo. Your still young? (early 20s, I don’t know your age). Times is running and it won’t stop.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
You really didn't do much tbh. Most of the older ones just aged out and moved on with life.

The younger ones just aren't active on Somali forums. If laiss could poach some of the ladies from TikTok, twitter and other platforms than y'all are cooked. Majority of you young niggas simply aren't smart enough to debate with most of them.
💀, I'd think it'd be an easy day if any of them came staggering into sspot, laiss call all ya buddies and let me knock some brain cells into those retards.