Somalia population density map (relief web)


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I thought they chose not to make it capital cause of it being hard to defend since the city is in quite a vulnerable position similar to how the turkish decided to make their capital ankara instead of istanbul 🤔


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Brother just ignore idoors they have a permanent axe to grind, just like their Tel aviv cousins they are always the victims. I don't know why Majeerteen is compared to Isaaq, when in actuality it should be Maxamuud Salebaan our sub x10 clan of MJ which can be said comparable to Isaaq (in terms of quality, significance, power, prestige - Isaaq pre-91 literally brought nothing to the table, they have no input in Somali history outside of Hadraawi).

As for population, No point even comparing Darood, Darood to Isaaq is genuinely like Greenland to China. Its so insignificant its not even a flex. Harti is clearly by far far larger than Isaaq, so I'm not sure why MJ's even entertain them.
Yup this is getting moved to FKD. :mjlol:


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🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Darod live in ~45% of Somalia’s land area. If Darod inhabited areas were as densely populated as the average across all of Somalia, Darod would be 45% of the population. That is of course not the case.

Darod are fewer than D&M, Hawiye, and Isaaq in Somalia. Darods in the diaspora don't even invest in or visit Darod Somalia lands that much compared to Kenya and Ethiopia or even Hargeisa or Mogadishu.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Darod are fewer than D&M, Hawiye, and Isaaq in Somalia. Darods in the diaspora don't even invest in or visit Darod Somalia lands that much compared to Kenya and Ethiopia or even Hargeisa or Mogadishu.
Correlation between a gobol’s Google Open Buildings building count at ≥70% confidence and that gobol’s 2014 population estimate minus nomads is 0.93.

Here is a better map at the district level using correct land area data. Map above uses wrong data for the land area of regions.




Nah you’re wrong. Ceelbuur was an Italian colony. It also served as the capital of Galguduud way up to 1991. In fact the whole of Galguduud from Marexaan Sinadqo up to the coast where the waceysla live was officially called Ceelbuur.

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You need to educate yourself about X-Mudug, it was previously one region consisting of only 4 districts. Today the same area is 2 regions consisting of combined 10 districts.

Ceelbuur was always just a districts no capital of Galgaduud which didn't even exist before the Kacaan.

This is how the districts of Mudug looked like before MSB


this is how they look today


Finally X-Mudug capital was Gaalkacyo but Dhusomareb acted as a second capital. MSB actually fucked up not only Marehan but Darood of Mudug pretty badly with his new districts.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
A rough guess would have Hawiye at maybe 4-5 million.
D&M 4-5 million
Isaaq & Darood - 3 million

Darood been stealing political power for a long time, and now they fudging statistics to try to justify it in the age of democracy.

They are a big clan outside of Somalia so they have to push this irredentism. Inside they are small and get bullied.

Put it this way, if their true population inside of Somalia was widely known and accepted what right would they have to automatic Presidency over D&M? Absolutely none.
Majerteen alone is larger than issaq
You need to educate yourself about X-Mudug, it was previously one region consisting of only 4 districts. Today the same area is 2 regions consisting of combined 10 districts.

Ceelbuur was always just a districts no capital of Galgaduud which didn't even exist before the Kacaan.

This is how the districts of Mudug looked like before MSB

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this is how they look today

View attachment 342935

Finally X-Mudug capital was Gaalkacyo but Dhusomareb acted as a second capital. MSB actually fucked up not only Marehan but Darood of Mudug pretty badly with his new districts.

You literally confirmed what I have been saying. Look at the map. 80% of Galguduud was Ceelbuur. Ceelbuur district was the name for former Galgaduud, it included parts of Mareeg, Cadaado, Dhuusamareeb, Gelinsoor all the way up to the borders of caabudwaaq.


Ceelbuur became the name for Pre Galgaduud as it was a vast territory that contained Darood tribesmen like MX and MJ in Sinadhaqo which was originally part of the Frontier Region and is today part of Dhuusamareeb district. You can literally see in most administrative italian maps what the colonies looked like.


Where is Galhereeri district?


Correlation between a gobol’s Google Open Buildings building count at ≥70% confidence and that gobol’s 2014 population estimate minus nomads is 0.93.

Here is a better map at the district level using correct land area data. Map above uses wrong data for the land area of regions.

View attachment 342821

Borama district rightfully shows as the most densely populated district in the north which is definitely true. Anybody who has been there knows. You cannot traverse 1 kilometre except you are surrounded by private agricultural farmland that is inhabited by people. Unlike most of Somaliweyne, you can travel hundreds of kilometres and not see a human being.
Open buildings already exposed baised ngo estimations. Remember biased NGO estimation was based on whoever worked for the NGO which was mainly hawiye/ogadeen/majerteen and isaaq.

Gedo for example was always under estimated. Open buildings ai puts gedo as one of the most populated provinces in somalia.
Open buildings already exposed baised ngo estimations. Remember biased NGO estimation was based on whoever worked for the NGO which was mainly hawiye/ogadeen/majerteen and isaaq.

Gedo for example was always under estimated. Open buildings ai puts gedo as one of the most populated provinces in somalia.
Yes it's always who works for these organisations . Just look at this map below , this was clearly done by Isaaq person , they put isaaq villages such xiis,maydh as districts 🤣
Yup this is getting moved to FKD. :mjlol:

View attachment 342793


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Open buildings already exposed baised ngo estimations. Remember biased NGO estimation was based on whoever worked for the NGO which was mainly hawiye/ogadeen/majerteen and isaaq.

Gedo for example was always under estimated. Open buildings ai puts gedo as one of the most populated provinces in somalia.
Correlation between a gobol’s Google Open Buildings building count, at ≥70% confidence, and that gobol’s 2014 PESS total population minus nomads is 0.93!
Nah even then it wasn’t. Speaking of Italians and Eritreans. Eritrean askaris, indians and arabs alongside geledi and even Mj soldiers were told to join the expedition against the clans like Murusade that killed the Consul General Antonio Cecchi the biggest colonial agent on the coast

View attachment 342734View attachment 342735
Wasn't it the Biimaal and Wa'daan who killed Cecchi? According to Lee V. Cassanelli in his book The Shaping of Somali Society: Reconstructing the History of a Pastoral People, 1600-1900

Ceelbuur was definitely apart of the Hobyo Sultanate. Are you saying the battles between Keenadiid and the Italians never took place?

There's a whole twitter thread:
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@Step a side

The Sultanate of Hobyo was different from that of Majeerteen in terms of its geography and the pattern of the territory. It was founded by Yusuf Ali in the middle of the nineteenth century in central Somaliland. The jurisdiction of Hobyo stretched from ElDheere through to Dusa-Mareeb in the south-west, from Galladi to Galkayo in the west, from Jerriiban to Garaad in the northeast, and the Indian Ocean in the east.

By 1st October, De Vecchi's plan was to go into action. The operation to invade Hobyo started in October 1925. Columns of the new Zaptié began to move towards the sultanate. Hobyo, ElBuur, Galkayo, and the territory between were completely overrun within a month. Hobyo was transformed from a sultanate into an administrative region. Sultan Yusuf Ali surrendered. Nevertheless, soon suspicions were aroused as Trivulzio, the Hobyo commissioner, reported movement of armed men towards the borders of the sultanate before the takeover and after.

Before the Italians could concentrate on the Majeerteen, they were diverted by new setbacks. On 9 November, the Italian fear was realised when a mutiny, led by one of the military chiefs of 42 Sultan Ali Yusuf, Omar Samatar, recaptured El-Buur. Soon the rebellion expanded to the local population. The region went into revolt as El-Dheere also came under the control of Omar Samatar. The Italian forces tried to recapture El-Buur but they were repulsed. On 15 November the Italians retreated to Bud Bud and on the way they were ambushed and suffered heavy casualties.

While a third attempt was in the last stages of preparation, the operation commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Splendorelli, was ambushed between Bud Bud and Buula Barde. He and some of his staff were killed.

As a consequence of the death of the commander of the operations and the effect of two failed operations intended to overcome the El-Buur mutiny, the spirit of Italian troops began to wane. The Governor took the situation seriously, and to prevent any more failure he requested two battalions from Eritrea to reinforce his troops, and assumed lead of the operations.

Meanwhile, the rebellion was gaining sympathy across the country, and as far afield as Western Somaliland. The fascist government was surprised by the setback in Hobyo. The whole policy of conquest was collapsing under its nose. The El-Buur episode drastically changed the strategy of Italy as it revived memories of the Adowa fiasco when Italy had been defeated by Abyssinia. Furthermore, in the Colonial Ministry in Rome, senior officials distrusted the Governor's ability to deal with the matter. Rome instructed De Vecchi that he was to receive the reinforcement from Eritrea, but that the commander of the two battalions was to temporarily assume the military command of the operations and De Vecchi was to stay in Muqdisho and confine himself to other colonial matters. In the case of any military development, the military commander was to report directly to the Chief of Staff in Rome.

While the situation remained perplexed, De Vecchi moved the deposed sultan to Muqdisho. Fascist Italy was poised to reconquer the sultanate by whatever means. To manoeuvre the situation within Hobyo, they even contemplated the idea of reinstating Ali Yusuf. However, the idea was dropped after they became pessimistic about the resullt.

To undermine the resistance, however, and before the Eritrean reinforcement could arrive, De Vecchi began to instill distrust among the local people by buying the loyalty of some of them. In fact, these tactics had better results than had the military campaign, and the resistance began gradually to wear down. Given the anarchy which would follow,0 the new policy was a success. On the military front, on 26 December 1925 Italian troops finally overran El-Buur, and the forces of Omar Samatar were compelled to retreat to Western Somaliland.

Saxib don't feel bad about it, we ruled over Abgaals too if that makes you feel better. :lolbron:
Wasn't it the Biimaal and Wa'daan who killed Cecchi? I realized you cap a lot saxib.

According to Lee V. Cassanelli in his book The Shaping of Somali Society: Reconstructing the History of a Pastoral People, 1600-1900

Also Ceelbuur was definitely apart of the Hobyo Sultanate. Are you saying the battles between Keenadiid and the Italians never took place?

There's a whole twitter thread:

You guys on this forum need to start providing sources. It gets really boring otherwise.


⬆️ Only clan mentioned in all seperate correspondence of the Lafoole Massacre that killed 14 Italian officials and over 70 travelling with him including the biggest Italian Consul at the time Antonio Cecchi, the Benadir Governor later asks Ugaas Farrcade to return some stolen booty like rifles and horses from Cecchi and his camp in order to release 5 prisoners, that war was dubbed Adwa Pt 2 and helped keep Italians at bay for decades and helped Barsane defeat Habesha invasion


⬆️ 2nd lafoole correspondence only 2 clans this time Wacdan and Murusade

Twitter thread is not a source :russ: :russ:

That’s some langaab thread. Here is how you source stuff like a true laandheere.

Ceelbuur district also was under Upper Shabelle Region one of the 7 districts that was assigned to each 4 southern regions in 1909 after Italy declared a colony in south central while Baladwayne was under Ethiopoan territory, that means all the XL in current beledweyne district were ruled from Ceelbuur district as were the rest of HAG in central Somalia, the daroods were in sinadhaqo and daxardheer (dhuusamareeb) parts of former ceelbuur region and were part of the Hobyo sultanate




Here we are again counted from the upper shabelle (ceelbuur)
You guys on this forum need to start providing sources. It gets really boring otherwise.

View attachment 342965

⬆️ Only clan mentioned in all seperate correspondence of the Lafoole Massacre that killed 14 Italian officials and over 70 travelling with him including the biggest Italian Consul at the time Antonio Cecchi, the Benadir Governor later asks Ugaas Farrcade to return some stolen booty like rifles and horses from Cecchi and his camp in order to release 5 prisoners, that war was dubbed Adwa Pt 2 and helped keep Italians at bay for decades and helped Barsane defeat Habesha invasion

View attachment 342966

⬆️ 2nd lafoole correspondence only 2 clans this time Wacdan and Murusade

View attachment 342967
I could care less who killed Cecchi although I did provide a source so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

The source of the book you provided listed the colonials that were killed on our soil. Cap. Faranco Carolei was killed by Omar Samatar in Ceelbuur, you do know this right?

So at this big age are you this delusional to think the Hobyo Sultanate didn't extend to Ceelbuur? Just answer that.