BREAKING NEWS Somalia Presidential Election Day 2022: LIVE UPDATES and Analysis

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Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
According to @Dalalos_ibn_Adali theory they would call him Hooyo

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Lets talk about what can the presidential candidates do if they get elected.

First, Hassan Sheikh. I don’t know what would he or what has he done. People who know his politics should tell us what can he offer.

2nd, Siciid Deni. Did one man one vote in Puntland, question is can he do it in the rest of Somalia. How would he work with other clans outside of his own. I would like an answer.

3rd, Farmaajo. Has a bad track in my opinion aswell as Kheyre. Mr Cheese promised to beat Al-sheydaan in two years. Also used armed forces to silence whistleblowers and political enemies. What he has done right is the debt forgiveness and bolstering our national forces, although he has not used this properly. Evidently hes not man for the job.

4. Kheyre. Corrupt guy who would sold our oil for pocket change. Corrupt to the core, when I heard him say he would double the salaries of Mp’s during his election speech I got angry. We are in the middle of drought and he says this. Inshallah he doesn’t become a president.

Which one of these candidates is the best in your opinion?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
RIP Hawiyo if Deni becomes President, the guy started wars in Gedo and Bari what you think he will do to you ? He is not liked by Darood but he has our MPs by the balls :gucciwhat:
He will be more savage than Farmaajo, a man who couldnt have samir for his own tol imagine HAG lol
Deni at least has a place to run to in Puntland if he decides to start acting up against hawyie… Farmaajo has a laaangab mentality he wants to stay by force and unlike Deni he has no where to run to his people are under oppression in GM and JL sad time to be a mx ….chessman ruined yall future 🫤
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