Somalia should never be fully ruled by the law of Allah

Somalia should never be fully ruled by the law of Allah

  • I want the law of Allah to be fully implemented

    Votes: 58 59.2%
  • I prefer the current system, which incorporates the law of Allah in a partial way

    Votes: 14 14.3%
  • Somalia should be secular

    Votes: 26 26.5%

  • Total voters


So you support a significant percentage (over 20 %) of the population being killed for missing salah?

They’re not classed as murtads in the Shafi’i and Maliki madhab, but Muslims who are still to be executed for missing out of laziness. It’s recommended to give them the opportunity to repent, but not obligatory and if they repeatedly miss salah out of laziness then they are to be killed without opportunity to repent.
If you miss salat in a Muslim nation with loud adhaan speakers, it's legit your fault for missing prayer.


I agree but should u be executed for it ?
I'm not going to argue against rulling of the major scholars.

about your example of the youth neglecting salat.
Kids can't be executed for missing salat but they should disciplined according to the prophetic tradition.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
What does asking a question about shariah have to do with implementing shariah? What kind of question is that…? Everyone has their own Ulema, the Saudis, Shias, Al Shabab, ISIS, Sufis… so whose to say Al Shabab scholars are wrong for killing a significant percentage of the population if they missed salah under the guise of shariah ?
Well it was the topic of the thread but anyways. Yes everyone has their own ulama but they have to be within the sunni pardiagm. Isis, Al shabab and other heretics are not involved so their ulama have no legal input anyways.

The laws of the sharia are not rigid as well and can be molded so that they fit the context and time provided that they are sourced within the Quran and Sunnah with compelling evidence. The sharia is characterized by it's legal pluralism so every mujtahid is correct. So depending on what the ulama of that society and social context decides, that is what we will follow. Maybe the 4 imams opinions change on the matter since the facts have changed and so the normative culture.
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I'm not with ruling it with Sharia. Because the leaders will always somehow sprinkle in their misogyny and personal desires then hide behind "Islamic Sharia". It will never be the pure sharia itself.


Well it was the topic of the thread but anyways. Yes everyone has their own ulama but they have to be within the sunni pardiagm. Isis, Al shabab and other heretics are not involved so their ulama have no legal input anyways.
I see but… how would acting upon the opinion of 3 out of 4 madhab be outside sunni pardiagm? I see this as something easily exploited by states claiming to rule by shariah, they can execute whoever they want by claiming they don’t pray salah out laziness.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
I see but… how would acting upon the opinion of 3 out of 4 madhab be outside sunni pardiagm? I see this as something easily exploited by states claiming to rule by shariah, they can execute whoever they want by claiming they don’t pray salah out laziness.
Sorry I updated my answer. I accidentally posted before i finshed :(


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
I'm not with ruling it with Sharia. Because the leaders will always somehow sprinkle in their misogyny and personal desires then hide behind "Islamic Sharia". It will never be the pure sharia itself.
That's what happens when you have the impossibilty of the 'islamic state'. I recommend watching Imam Tom from Yaqeen institute discussion on regarding this on blogging theology
I'm not with ruling it with Sharia. Because the leaders will always somehow sprinkle in their misogyny and personal desires then hide behind "Islamic Sharia". It will never be the pure sharia itself.

This is one of the strangest excuses.

Reject the laws of Allah SWT because you fear corrupt men and instead adopt man-made laws created by the same corrupt men?

The beauty of the Shariah is that it is from Allah SWT that is what makes it perfect and not as susceptible to corrupt men. Somehow you think laws created by the same corrupt men is more just?

Backwards thinking.

The most corrupt and oppressive system is man made laws.

Also to say you prefer anything to the Shariah as a Muslim could be kufr.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Imagine wanting shariah law back home but then you realize you live in a kufr country with democracy lol
Lol I want shariah because I live in a secular society and know that it does not aim to produce a moral person. As for democracy, isn’t the main objective representation? Representation can also be achieved in a Sharia system.
Lol I want shariah because I live in a secular society and know that it does not aim to produce a moral person. As for democracy, isn’t the main objective representation? Representation can also be achieved in a Sharia system.
Why aren't you packing ur bags and going to saudi arabia then? Or a shariah country?


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Why aren't you packing ur bags and going to saudi arabia then? Or a shariah country?
That’s the point. There is no such thing. There hasn’t been a country ruled by shariah ever since colonialism. All we have is countries with napoleonic or British systems of law and some aspects from the sharia sprinkled here and there.
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Why aren't you packing ur bags and going to saudi arabia then? Or a shariah country?
retards like you act like we can just grab our suitcases, knock on the door of the saudis and be granted entrance, a home, a job etc for all our families. Trust me, had this been the case I and many others would.

the fact is we were born in the west and we can't do much other than build enough wealth to leave this place and live in proper places where even if they sadly dont fully implement the laws of Allah, at least the majority of its population is muslim


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
retards like you act like we can just grab our suitcases, knock on the door of the saudis and be granted entrance, a home, a job etc for all our families. Trust me, had this been the case I and many others would.

the fact is we were born in the west and we can't do much other than build enough wealth to leave this place and live in proper places where even if they sadly dont fully implement the laws of Allah, at least the majority of its population is muslim
The problem is that you are letting logic get in the way. If you suspended logic, you could use some of that fairy dust to teleport to a muslim nation without going through immigration and grant yourself a home and eat unicorn meat so you don’t die of hunger
retards like you act like we can just grab our suitcases, knock on the door of the saudis and be granted entrance, a home, a job etc for all our families. Trust me, had this been the case I and many others would.

the fact is we were born in the west and we can't do much other than build enough wealth to leave this place and live in proper places where even if they sadly dont fully implement the laws of Allah, at least the majority of its population is muslim
Yeah you don't know what you're talking about. My dad worked in Saudi Arabia for 30 years then moved to the west. He told me Saudis are the most racist ppl on the planet and that the country sucks ass. The West was way better and money is better. Goodluck.
I also want to mention- the apostate as I mentioned has three days to repent. I don't know of anything indicating that this is only for first-time offenders. As far as I'm aware, the person can be arrested for apostasy a thousand times and they can get the three days every single one of those times. I don't know of anything indicating that you only get three days the first time. As far as I'm aware, you get three days, period. our dīn is merciful. we want the apostate to get back on the right track, we don't want them to be harmed, we just want them to be "scared straight"
Would that not cause people to become munafiqs then? Whats stopping apostates from lying to save their lives?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Would that not cause people to become munafiqs then? Whats stopping apostates from lying to save their lives?

Nothing is stopping apostates from lying to save their lives. It just shows how merciful the shariah is. And if people don't understand the wisdom behind the rulings in the shariah, then that is a lack in their understanding. But the dīn is always right and we follow the dīn over our own limited intellect.