live and let die.
If your Bantu or Cadcad I'm sorry for having you wait in the sidelines for this movie to get going. Playing Somalia is more difficult than watching Somalia.
With this analogy:
We are still fighting over who will press play on the movie. Just sit tight our new plan is to hold a stick together and push the play button together.
Bedouin ban raci kari waynay. Oil, gas iyo balayo marabo aan. How long are we going to wait on our arse for the Carab money to come through so we can finally develop some industries. I just want this nonsense to stop so I can fish without having to worry about foreign vessels destroying my stocks and dumping toxic waste on my shores. We have the longest coastline in mainland Africa, a decent amount of arable land yet our export treemap looks like it's from 16th century Wales. I read somewhere that in 2005 South Korean vessels among other culprits took an estimated $100m worth of fish from Somali waters while destroying maritime life in the process.