Somalis are the least wanted people in Finland

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tfw no habesha gf

Reer Finland explain yourself :francis:

Even the Afghans and Arabs are more liked than you

More and more Euros have started to notice the bad shit our people do. In the thread I got this pic from, even Eastern Europeans who have never even seen a Somali shittalks us. Our people almost have a gypsy-tier reputation at this point
View attachment 7437

Reer Finland explain yourself :francis:

Even the Afghans and Arabs are more liked than you

More and more Euros have started to notice the bad shit our people do. In the thread I got this pic from, even Eastern Europeans who have never even seen a Somali shittalks us. Our people almost have a gypsy-tier reputation at this point

Thanks to Trolls on public forums that highlight our negative points. The media bias against us in piracy, al kebab and last our stupid governments for the past 8 years.
I miss Finland especially when the only Africans were the Somalis.
Somali's were the most liked 20 - 16 years ago. Afghans and Arabs were almost non existent at the time.


tfw no habesha gf
Thanks to Trolls on public forums that highlight our negative points. The media bias against us in piracy, al kebab and last our stupid governments for the past 8 years.

Even this site highlights our negative points by starting wars with a bunch of foreigners and all the lurkers here who reads what we write. I'm not being a hypocrite, I admit I have wrote racist shit here but I regret it now since it will fuel more hate towards us. I don't think people give much of a f*ck about the countries reputation regarding poverty, terrorism and piracy etc. That shit is caadi at this point for 3rd world African muslim countries. In most European's eyes Africa = shithole. The problem is Somali diaspora in Finland doing dumb shit which has caused them to be the least desired immigrant group


Suicidal men adore me.
At this point I think it's a Somali diaspora in Scandinavia problem regarding rape. Perhaps it's the 10/10 white girls which they don't have in UK, US, Canada


It has nothing to do with what type of women it is. That just puts the blame on the woman. Men rape indiscriminately.
Somalis do not do well pretty much anywhere we go. I think as economic migrants in other african countries we do okay, but that's about it. It's an awful shame. Our community has generally extremely low standards in all areas. Education, employment, stable family units, you name it, we're pretty shite at it.
Also what is it with Somalis living in a country for 2/3 decades and not learning the language??
The first arrival of Somalis to Finland happened in 1991 and most arrived between 1994 - 1998. They would never have done things like gang rape. What the hell is wrong with these newly arrived Somali immigrants?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Shitty parenting

Nothing else can be said. There's nothing inherently shitty within our culture from what I can gather (at least nothing worse than you'll see in neighbouring areas) yet we're consistently the worst overseas.

It's because Somali parents...suck.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
And lol at there being some influx of prettier women in the Nordic countries. We still gonna parrot that obvious lie? :sheed:
Shitty parenting

Nothing else can be said. There's nothing inherently shitty within our culture from what I can gather (at least nothing worse than you'll see in neighbouring areas) yet we're consistently the worst overseas.

It's because Somali parents...suck.

I agree.

It doesn't help that many Somali parents constantly see themselves as victims of some kind of racist conspiracy. Whenever they f*ck up, it's some racist somewhere trying to get at them and their family. Their violent druggie son went to prison, it's the racist police's fault. They were under investigation by children's services and their kids were taken because they didn't do as they were told, it's the racist government trying to abduct muslim kids. Their daughter was violent in school and a trouble maker and is being expelled, damn these racists are everywhere.
Not to mention Somali parents are usually unemployed and so never give their kids a decent example to follow even in that regard.

You're right, there is nothing inherent in our culture that would suggest why Somalis do so badly around the world. It's just shitty parenting and extremely low standards.


tfw no habesha gf

It has nothing to do with what type of women it is. That just puts the blame on the woman. Men rape indiscriminately.

Ironic you liked my post above considering you are the greatest drama instigator on this site.

The first arrival of Somalis to Finland happened in 1991 and most arrived between 1994 - 1998. They would never have done things like gang rape. What the hell is wrong with these newly arrived Somali immigrants?
Even many of the 90's Somalis are shitty. They have been known for welfare leeching before these newly refugees came. They should have closed off the borders after the 70's.
While its true Somalis in finland and the greater scandinavia area are doing better than their UK/N.A counterparts. We are by no means fit for civilised society either. I can point to how bad the assimilation process is going, or how stinky jilbaabs flap around in the city centre, or how the welfare system is being abused. Iraqis and Afghanis are better in that they practice their religion with less zeal.

Heck, some of it can even be chalked up to the xenophobic nature of finns. But one things for certain. I hate being a part of such a visible minority.One day Im going somewhere no somali has tainted, maybe the Caribbean islands.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somalis take so much pride in their outwards religiosity but engage in all sorts of xaraam shit like cayr fraud


In my 18 years in Columbus, I have yet to see an actual Arab wearing a khamiis but I know plenty of ebonics speaking low IQ Somalis rocking another people's clothing with pride



tfw no habesha gf
While its true Somalis in finland and the greater scandinavia area are doing better than their UK/N.A counterparts. We are by no means fit for civilised society either. I can point to how bad the assimilation process is going, or how stinky jilbaabs flap around in the city centre, or how the welfare system is being abused. Iraqis and Afghanis are better in that they practice their religion with less zeal.

Heck, some of it can even be chalked up to the xenophobic nature of finns. But one things for certain. I hate being a part of such a visible minority.One day Im going somewhere no somali has tainted, maybe the Caribbean islands.

I think there are more Somalis in Finland than in Denmark which has always confused me. How tf did they even end up there? Denmark is closer to everything than Finland. When I grew up it was rare seeing a Somali woman with a jilbaab or even a young somali girl with a hijab, but it seems times have changed. I remember this somali girl who would take hers off whenever she went to school because her parents forced her to wear it. It's also normal to see girls who are 10 and even under with it. Somalis and Arabs here are infamous for this shit in shitty Copenhagen neighborhoods
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While its true Somalis in finland and the greater scandinavia area are doing better than their UK/N.A counterparts. We are by no means fit for civilised society either. I can point to how bad the assimilation process is going, or how stinky jilbaabs flap around in the city centre, or how the welfare system is being abused. Iraqis and Afghanis are better in that they practice their religion with less zeal.

Heck, some of it can even be chalked up to the xenophobic nature of finns. But one things for certain. I hate being a part of such a visible minority.One day Im going somewhere no somali has tainted, maybe the Caribbean islands.

When I used to live back home, whenever my mom had some visitors over, I would have to air the entire house out for at least a day. Sometimes I would leave for the night, come back and the smell would still be there. I would run around opening all the windows in the dead of winter. What the f*ck is that shit? It's not just uunsi and perfume, there's something else involved.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somalis are both some of the weakest Muslims and the most zealous. It's such an odd paradigm to have a group of people who will ditch their religion when it come in the way of something they want but will ultimately stand firm with their khamiis. Like outward display of the religion is what Allah is really looking form

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