Somalis are the least wanted people in Finland

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I think there are more Somalis in Finland than in Denmark which has always confused me. How tf did they even end up there? Denmark is closer to everything than Finland. When I grew up it was rare seeing a Somali woman with a jilbaab or even a young somali girl with a hijab, but it seems times have changed. I remember this somali girl who would take hers off whenever she went to school because her parents forced her to wear it. It's also normal to see girls who are 10 with it. Somalis and Arabs here are infamous for this shit in shitty Copenhagen neighborhoods
Word going around is, Denmark and sweden are more strict on assimilation and getting citizenship there is harder. Which is silly because most somalis use finland as a launching pad to UKanyway. I have no idea why we are more religious, Im not a sociologist, my thoery is they are just reacting to a society that doesn't like them.very much. Also herd mentality is much stronger here
Finland has better welfare than UK. Somali's just move to England for English. A Somali living in the West who doesn't speak English to them is a waste and they just want to take advantage of making sure their children learn English in the West rather than Somalia, Kenya or in Arab countries.
Finland has better welfare than UK. Somali's just move to England for English. A Somali living in the West who doesn't speak English to them is a waste and they just want to take advantage of making sure their kids learn English.

That fact has already dawned on some of them. They are coming back with their limey kids by the droves, I feel bad for them, having to learn the dreadful finnish language again


tfw no habesha gf
Man how tf can people just move around like that all the time? Gonna f*ck up their childrens chance at life.

That fact has already dawned on some of them. They are coming back with their limey kids by the droves, I feel bad for them, having to learn the dreadful finnish language again
Not gonna lie. I was born in Finland and went to the UK in 2005 but officially moved there in 2006. The only reason we moved to the UK was because I was a troublemaker in Finland. I used to get into fights everyday in school and out of school and one day my mother had enough and said we are going to move to the UK. My father already lived in the UK since 2002 but he was one of the first arrivals in Finland and has been working in Iraq prior between 1987 - 1989.

I still have my Finnish passport but I forgot about 60% of the language. My mother always some Somali at home and I used to speak English with my siblings so we had no time to have conversations in Finnish.
Not gonna lie. I was born in Finland and went to the UK in 2005 but officially moved there in 2006. The only reason we moved to the UK was because I was a troublemaker in Finland. I used to get into fights everyday in school and out of school and one day my mother had enough and said we are going to move to the UK. My father already lived in the UK since 2002 but he was one of the first arrivals in Finland and has been working in Iraq prior between 1987 - 1989.

I still have my Finnish passport but I forgot about 60% of the language. My mother always some Somali at home and I used to speak English with my siblings so we had no time to have conversations in Finnish.
I can't even judge. Been here 5 years and I still struggle booking a doctors appointment. Mistä päin asut and when did u move back fam?


It's Somali women who wear those ridiculous Niqabs/Jilbaabs or whatever you call them that scare the living shit out of Westerners. Most of the other Muslim communities don't wear those tents, while middle aged Somali women do.
I can't even judge. Been here 5 years and I still struggle booking a doctors appointment. Mistä päin asut and when did u move back fam?
I never moved back. I have not been to Finland in 11 years. A lot of people we knew from Finland moved to the UK for some reason.


I don't even have a British passport and I been here since 2006. I'm fucked lol.

Nope, people who have been there before 2016 are allowed to stay. People who come after 2016 may be kicked out.
Can they do that?!? :wtf:

But who's gonna do all the construction when the Poles leave?

The financial markets think a hard Brexit is coming, outside of the single market:

Terrorism, welfare, piracy, street criminals and hatred of the West.

I'm not surprised Somalis are the least wanted.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
While its true Somalis in finland and the greater scandinavia area are doing better than their UK/N.A counterparts. We are by no means fit for civilised society either. I can point to how bad the assimilation process is going, or how stinky jilbaabs flap around in the city centre, or how the welfare system is being abused. Iraqis and Afghanis are better in that they practice their religion with less zeal.

Heck, some of it can even be chalked up to the xenophobic nature of finns. But one things for certain. I hate being a part of such a visible minority.One day Im going somewhere no somali has tainted, maybe the Caribbean islands.

How about Hawaii ?

Or iceland:pachah1:


I still wonder why Somalis live in that place cold place, where everyone looks like a punk rocker. The fins don't even smile :susp:
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