Somalis have the lowest household income in the United States.

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Even below the Haitians that make $42,942 :ftw9nwa:

so how come when reer ohio comes for the yearly soccer meetup they always have excellent gear and they're riding range rovers? kind of lacaag management is this? :drakewtf:
Damn y'all suck :drakewtf:How are you the lowest?

You will find similar stats in most diaspora communities .what cesspit ghetto community do you live in?

there are two kinds of wealthy Somalis : who goes through the traditional route of education /degree etc . 2.those who accumulate wealth by using qabil and hagbad networks .the latter group focus more on investing in Africa and Somalia and are in decline amongst the younger generation .Amongst the fist group ,successful Somalis are in the minority because of poor education performance .


This dumbass must think he solved the code to the matrix or something:russ:
What do you think will happen when 1.the education system in somalia from pre civil war is lowly regarded in the west
2. Nearly majority of the adults were picked up from herding camels before they came to the west:bell:
Before you compare dumb f*ck use common sense the adults were already handicapped before they came to the west:bell:
Come back with your shitty study after 2-3 decades:bell:


tfw no habesha gf
@Discontinous Somali is the ethnic group who is on the top of the welfare list in many Western European countries. I bet if the Europeans weren't so generous, Somalis would be the poorest group in places like the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Germany, UK etc. Gypsies aside of course


There are a lot of considerations you're failing to take into account. To name a few discrepancies right off the bat:

The Iraqi $30,000/yr and even the Ethiopian $40,000/yr loses it's impressiveness and grandeur when you realize that's it's a household two-parent figure with both parents working, not just one. Most Somali households aren't typically two-parent incomes like many of the other immigrants and refs on that ranking tend to be.

My dad holds several Phds and my mom is a professional as well, both attributes being on the rare end with Somalis due to a lack of higher education and opportunity among our parents' generation, even Iraqis pre-fall are more well-educated back home than the general Somali parent population, but I'd say that's changing with us.

Indians tend to be immigrant doctors and IT professionals. Indian women are the most STEM-degreed, STEM-centric women in the world, I think. There's just no comparison up or down with them. They're in a different league altogether.

But I share your disdain.
@Discontinous Somali is the ethnic group who is on the top of the welfare list in many Western European countries. I bet if the Europeans weren't so generous, Somalis would be the poorest group in places like the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Germany, UK etc. Gypsies aside of course

But I'd say give it a generation or more when most Somalis are Western born and/or raised and it'll be a better situation all around.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
somalis not being listed as a two parent household isn't exactly a good thing either. that 18k number even when doubled puts them right at the bottom with a few other ethnic groups.

them being dead-last might be an indication of statistical discrepancies, but how far from the bottom do we really think we are?


tfw no habesha gf
How did so many Somalis end up in America anyway? I thought America was really careful about who they let in, like, they only take immigrants in with nice degrees from top unis and shit like that
My dad holds several Phds and my mom is a professional as well, both attributes being on the rare end with Somalis due to a lack of higher education and opportunity among our parents' generation, even Iraqis pre-fall are more well-educated back home than the general Somali parent population, but I'd say that's changing with us.

My cat holds several masters degrees.:obama:


My cat holds several masters degrees.:obama:
I don't lie on here, but you don't have to believe me. Like I always say, skepticism is healthy, so not even offended, walaal.

But were I to sit here and brag about my dad's achievements, I'd be sitting here for quite a while, simply speaking.
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