Somalis have the lowest household income in the United States.

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not so sad after all
The dads get paid under the table (Somali restaurant, taxi) and dont report the income because they technically don't live in the house :Sutehja:. See the shame these fraudsters have brought


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Yea recently refugees from a war torn country that had to start from the bottom versus other races that have been there since WW2 or economic immigrants . Good comparison, smart ass :qri8gs7:


tfw no habesha gf
I don't lie on here, but you don't have to believe me. Like I always say, skepticism is healthy, so not even offended, walaal.

But were I to sit here and brag about my dad's achievements, I'd be sitting here for quite a while, simply speaking.

Then post a pic of your block. We can tell if you live in the poverty ridden, commieblock social housing area or Whitesville

@angrycat Makes me appreciate my hard working parents even more
>several phds

cannot fathom how someone attains more than 1 or 2

Don't even think an institution would allow a second PhD in a closely related field, and if its in an unrelated field you would need to start back from bachelors ---> master's ----> PhD in most places. This is how you can tell the difference between people who take their view of academia from the media and those who are actually in academia thinking more degrees implies more knowledge and skills to employers and academics. A PhD is a license to learn and you are expected to self-learn everything if trying to get into a related field rather than do a second PhD. This is also besides the fact that almost all PhD grads would never go through it all again for another one.

TL;DR: You are not seen as smart or accomplished getting a second PhD, rather as an unfocused person who loves to waste time and funding that could be used for a younger and more ambitious candidate who doesn't have a PhD.


Your superior
Somalis are welfare feinds. Others go to the west to work but Somalis go to claim welfare. I thought the welfare system in the USA was tight but it seems not.


Your superior
I expected Nigerians to be much higher on the list, considering they are the ethnic group with the highest educational attainment in the US but are still 51. As much as I would love to use this data to attack you all, I also believe in being fair and balanced.

White high school dropouts are wealthier than black and hispanic college graduates

White high school drop-outs are as likely to as black college graduates

There is definitely an anti-African bias incorporated into the US labor market.

Yes bring the " it is a racist system" card. Asians and Jews are successful so why doesn't racism apply to them?

Biggest problem with blacks is they don't work hard and always complain


I got boomer connections
The Wikipedia source you quoted does not mention Somalis lol U.S. census Bureau does not even recognize the term Somali to report separate data from Somali households, instead they lump it with that of African Americans.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
nigerians is definitely the oddity here

iirc they're one of the highest purported ethnic groups taking in ivy league degrees and commerce degrees. they usually expel incredibly educated people. jews have had a threshold in America's economic success since world war 1, and asians kind of roflstomp everything once they leave their respective countries.

and scroll down, sidi dirir they break it up into ethnic groups down below the racial one.


How did so many Somalis end up in America anyway? I thought America was really careful about who they let in, like, they only take immigrants in with nice degrees from top unis and shit like that
You're kidding, right? The US takes in refugees by the boatloads, probably the country with the highest refugee intake the world over.
Then post a pic of your block. We can tell if you live in the poverty ridden, commieblock social housing area or Whitesville
Yh, I don't think that's a good idea. 'Sides, Whitesville is all over the place here, regardless of socio-economic class.
Yes bring the " it is a racist system" card. Asians and Jews are successful so why doesn't racism apply to them?

Biggest problem with blacks is they don't work hard and always complain

Asians are the model minority. They are no threat to governing white power structure and they know this. Their women are being gobbled up as we speak and in a few generations they will be nothing more than a footnote in western society.

Jews have consistently been the victims of discrimination for decades after decades despite outperforming whites in every type of academic metric. In fact, they are always the ones among the elite to begin addressing the issue of discrimination of minorities. Why? Because for decades they were among the most educated minority by a long shot and were still discriminated against and had very little prospects out of advancing out of their ghettos.

Why don't you address the statistics and the facts instead of parroting your dailymail nonsense? Are stats and facts leftist racism now? Nigerians are far more educated than all other groups, yet have a much lower median income than many of these groups they outperform academically. Why? How much more can they "pull themselves by the bootstrap" when they already outperform everyone and have put in the work?


I got boomer connections
nigerians is definitely the oddity here

iirc they're one of the highest purported ethnic groups taking in ivy league degrees and commerce degrees. they usually expel incredibly educated people. jews have had a threshold in America's economic success since world war 1, and asians kind of roflstomp everything once they leave their respective countries.

and scroll down, sidi dirir they break it up into ethnic groups down below the racial one.

I see it now but I call that bogus, Minnesota largest state with Somali population, black median income is put
31,500 the lowest.
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