Somalis in France

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Britain is an overcrowded shit island. Please don't go there, plus the native Brits absolutely hate European immigrants.

France has a lot more land than Britain. It's a better country to live in. Don't go to that overcrowded shithole.

You mean you hate EU immigrants! Brits don't all hate EU immigrants. Didn't you vote for brexit?
Welcome to this site! Do you experience a lot of racism in France?

Hi and thank you very much !
I can tell you what happened to me just the other day, which was on the way back home from the library, Police decided I can't use the usual route to go home, I said why and it can't be as I'm tired and really late on my work, they insisted, didn't give an answer and shouted at me, hit me in the arm twice with a metal stick called me a monkey and said move away while all 3 of the policemen had their fingers ready to press on their pepper sprays' triggers just in case I decided enough was enough, still though I held my calm, true story, wish I was lying.

Racism is prevalent in the french society, I've been called a by olds and youngs, even called a rat once by a teacher, I always fought back though, but as usual it hurt me more than the so called "victims of my violence" because in the end, I am the one who gets expelled and end up with a criminal record for being a "violent person".
Lol, I hold Swiss nationality and live in Germany.

I am just trying to save him from making a terrible decision. Living in France would be much better than living in the UK. He's going to make a terrible mistake.

The British economy will become third world soon as well.

Sorry, I had you mistaken for another member who was staunchly pro-Brexit. France is no place for a Muslim. I agree that UK is finished.


Hi and thank you very much !
I can tell you what happened to me just the other day, which was on the way back home from the library, Police decided I can't use the usual route to go home, I said why and it can't be as I'm tired and really late on my work, they insisted, didn't give an answer and shouted at me, hit me in the arm twice with a metal stick called me a monkey and said move away while all 3 of the policemen had their fingers ready to press on their pepper sprays' triggers just in case I decided enough was enough, still though I held my calm, true story, wish I was lying.

Racism is prevalent in the french society, I've been called a by olds and youngs, even called a rat once by a teacher, I always fought back thought, but as usual it hurt me more than the so called "victims of my violence" because in the end, I am the one who gets expelled and end up with a criminal record for being a "violent person".
:whoo: and ladies and gentlemen, thats why I depise the French, bunch of smelly cunts.


I think France is no place for a Muslim.

Deep down inside most White Europeans don't like Muslims no matter where you go. The French ones are just being more open about it recently. Most Brits think the same but are too pussified to say it.


Hi and thank you very much !
I can tell you what happened to me just the other day, which was on the way back home from the library, Police decided I can't use the usual route to go home, I said why and it can't be as I'm tired and really late on my work, they insisted, didn't give an answer and shouted at me, hit me in the arm twice with a metal stick called me a monkey and said move away while all 3 of the policemen had their fingers ready to press on their pepper sprays' triggers just in case I decided enough was enough, still though I held my calm, true story, wish I was lying.

Racism is prevalent in the french society, I've been called a by olds and youngs, even called a rat once by a teacher, I always fought back though, but as usual it hurt me more than the so called "victims of my violence" because in the end, I am the one who gets expelled and end up with a criminal record for being a "violent person".
I've always disliked France to be quite frank with you. Their islamophobia and racism disgust me. I'm so sorry for what you had to go through!!


You guys are delusional if you think this problem is specific to France.
Geert Wilders of the Netherlands who wants to ban Islam is currently #1 in the political polls of his country.
It's a widespread issue.


You guys are delusional if you think this problem is specific to France.
Geert Wilders of the Netherlands who wants to ban Islam is currently #1 in the political polls of his country. It's a widespread problem.

France has always been the number one enemy of Islam from the Crusaders to the modern colonial times.


France has always been the number one enemy of Islam from the Crusaders to the modern colonial times.

The UK colonized most of the Middle East and gave Palestine to the European Jews.

The toppling of Qaddafi was a British led initiative.


Pepe Trump
The UK colonized most of the Middle East and gave Palestine to the European Jews.

The toppling of Qaddafi was a British led initiative.

And the Islamic empires colonised a good chunk of Europe and the world, what of it?! Take responsibility for your own problems instead of living in the west and mooching off them whilst blaming them for the shithole that is the Middle East! It was a shithole even before European imperialism.

The British Empire is dead and buried. You lot need to stop pretending as if that region of the world was a beacon of democracy or prosperity. The Ottomans have been ruling them for centuries and nothing great came out.

Empires rule and empires fall. The Islamic empires were great but the European ones were bad. Hypocrisy!!

Sure, the Libya intervention was lead by NATO and not Britain and they bombed Gaddafi strong holds but there weren't any troops on the ground. Sure, the western intervention was a bullshit move but Gaddafi was being overthrown by his own people with the support of NATO.
I've always disliked France to be quite frank with you. Their islamophobia and racism disgust me. I'm so sorry for what you had to go through!!

It's okay, thankfully I was smart enough to not act violent past my 18th birthday, so now I don't have a criminal record anymore.
The UK colonized most of the Middle East and gave Palestine to the European Jews.

The toppling of Qaddafi was a British led initiative.

I don't know why you give that much credit to france and try to generalize its wrongdoings to the whole extent of Europe when you've never ever set a foot in france and live in a place where Somalis are somewhat known to be happy, are in hundreds of thousands with good communities set in place.

Anyway, my advice to most of the Somalis in racist countries is simple, use this country as much as possible, if it's france for example get their free education, financial aids, benefits, well... anything you can grab your hands on. You'll never integrate in their society, get your money's worth of your oppression, trust me that's what I'm doing, france is my door mat and trampoline, as soon as I'm done with my software engineering degrees, I'll gtfo et à jamais la france !


Sure, the Libya intervention was lead by NATO and not Britain and they bombed Gaddafi strong holds but there weren't any troops on the ground. Sure, the western intervention was a bullshit move but Gaddafi was being overthrown by his own people with the support of NATO.

The UK pushed it. Recently released information showed it was the British who wanted it the most. Look it up. I am aware it was NATO, but the British wanted Qaddafi gone the most.

If there's one country that fucked over the Islamic world the most, it's by far the UK.


Pepe Trump
France has always been the number one enemy of Islam from the Crusaders to the modern colonial times.

Ironic considering that Muslims conquered European countries. The Unmayad even tried to conquer what is today known as France before Charles "the hammer" Martel pushed them back into Spain
Hi everyone.
I'm Somali and was born in france, I still reside in this country and aside from during vacations and school trips I have pretty much so far lived my whole life in it, if you've got any question about how it is being a Somali here feel free to ask!

There are very few Somalis here, and most of them aren't Somalis they're djiboutis whom here have developed quite the sense of pride as they don't consider themselves being Somalis at all, in other words we're outnumbered by them and by far!

I can confirm what most Somalis said about the country, it's rubbish and I can't wait to leave it, I definitely can go into details on why it's so trash if anyone asks.

It's my first post here, definitely looking forward to spend time on this website, feels nice to hear about fellow Somalis around the world in a special place on the web.

If you plan to move to the UK, I would suggest you move to some place where there aren't much Somalis. All the places where Somalis are packing, are utter shitholes. Look at Birmingham, Sheffield, London and so many more. Somalis are known for nothing more than having children and taking benefits for those children.


Ironic considering that Muslims conquered European countries. The Unmayad even tried to conquer what is today known as France before Charles "the hammer" Martel pushed them back into Spain

If you plan to move to the UK, I would suggest you move to some place where there aren't much Somalis. All the places where Somalis are packing, are utter shitholes. Look at Birmingham, Sheffield, London and so many more. Somalis are known for nothing more than having children and taking benefits for those children.

You have self-esteem issues :fantasia2:


Pepe Trump
The UK pushed it. Recently released information showed it was the British who wanted it the most. Look it up. I am aware it was NATO, but the British wanted Qaddafi gone the most.

If there's one country that fucked over the Islamic world the most, it's by far the UK.

His own people went to war against him. When dictators murder people, you lot , and when the west intervenes to HELP overthrow the dictator you lot still .

Again, utter hypocritical bullshit. The region has always been fucked up. Why is it that Muslims endorse Islamic empires like the Ummayad and the Ottomans but when the Europeans do precisely the same (conquer) you lot decide to complain?!

The Ottomans rules that region for over 500 years whilst Britain ruled for much less... Much less.

Also, the Arabs only resisted the Ottoman conquest due to the help of the British. Saudi Arabia only exists thanks to Britain. Those motherfuckers had no quarrels with taking British weapons when it suited them.

The Ottoman Empure ruled for over 500 years and the British messed around for far less. Why only pick on Britain?!


@The_Cosmos look at where that comment came from. It was to counter a claim that France was the worst enemy of Islam. I did not claim that all the problems of the Muslim world stem from Western interference, merely that the UK fucked over the Middle East more so than France.


Pepe Trump
@The_Cosmos look at where that comment came from. It was to counter a claim that France was the worst enemy of Islam. I did not claim that all the problems of the Muslim world stem from Western interference, merely that the UK fucked over the Middle East more so than France.

"If there is one country that fucked over the Islamic world the most, it's by far the UK."

What does that mean?
Ironic considering that Muslims conquered European countries. The Unmayad even tried to conquer what is today known as France before Charles "the hammer" Martel pushed them back into Spain

If you plan to move to the UK, I would suggest you move to some place where there aren't much Somalis. All the places where Somalis are packing, are utter shitholes. Look at Birmingham, Sheffield, London and so many more. Somalis are known for nothing more than having children and taking benefits for those children.

No thanks, I'd really like to find myself inside a Somali community for once and not be as extremely remote from one as I am right now...
It's your people, there may be bad ones but there sure is good ones and I believe they're plenty and they definitely outnumber the latter.
I'm sure I can correlate great pay and good Somali community in the city of London so this destination as well as Canada fill my criterias.

Finally I don't know why lots of Somalis speak about arabs as if they were our people, stop caring about them ,they don't care about us a single minute, they despise us and are definitely racists, trust me I live in the bits, Arabs are 95% of the population here.
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