Somalis in France

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Pepe Trump


Pepe Trump
:chrisfreshhah: You're literally an Uncle Tom. Calling your own people useless and while bootyclapping for the Brit wishing for his acceptance

You'd prolly be happy to be called an Oreo:ooh::dead:

If being an Oreo makes me someone who states facts about the bullshit of Somalis, I'll take it with a badge of honour.

Somalis are theives who defrauded the system and should be apprehended.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
White people don't hate blacks otherwise they wouldn't have opened their doors in the bloody first place!! They dislike the fact that you motherfuckers come in and refuse to accept the culture and integrate!
That's straight up bs, they don't all hate us but some do and it wouldn't matter if we integrated or not.
But saying it's all our fault for not integrating completely is dumb especially since we haven't been in the west for a long time :/
And what's with calling us motherfuckers? Are you Somali?
I doubt that he's Somali, well if that's the case, shame on you stop bending that ass and working them chicks for the white man.


Pepe Trump
You lot clearly live in a delusional state of mind where you think that white people hate you and they destroyed your land or whatever horse shit. I'll leave it there.

Good day to you lot.
They did it because they're good people who acknowledged the problems of the world and wanted to help and Somalis (as we've seen by some on here) abused that courtesy and took with open hands and gave nothing.
You expect older refugees to churn out money as fast as they've arrived? Integration takes time and usually a couple of generations. It's not a short term plan but a long term one.

In America basically every new immigrant group were blamed for everything from being poor to being criminals, now they celebrate them. Boston Celtics were named after the Irish influence, same Irishmen who faced discrimination and hardship during their arrival

The Vikings are named after Scandinavians, who were relegated to slums and fought internally for a long time before becoming a strong historical identity in places like Minnesota

Stop dickriding so hard


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
People who only have kids just so the government can give them more money should be thrown out and hated.

Somalis have given very little to Britain but took too much.

I have no self esteem records because I integrated whilst Somalis give me and every decent immigrant a bad name with their bullshit behaviour.
Well clearly you've never seen America. AA lot call each other all the time. Have you ever listened to rap music??

Spitting out facts does not make you a dickrider!!
Did you get them facts from stormfront? r/worldnews? 4chan?
If being an Oreo makes me someone who states facts about the bullshit of Somalis, I'll take it with a badge of honour.

Somalis are theives who defrauded the system and should be apprehended.
Fucking told you he'd be proud :dead:

And Somalis haven't defrauded anyone. All things have been legally and morally correct and are a part of a system to help UK citizens. You don't see people blaming Jews in New York for basically (legally) ripping of the state and receiving housing for free when they have enough money themselves, and for taking over schoolboards to direct money to private Jewish schools In fact the biggest beneficiaries of Section 8 in America, which is subsidized housing, are the Jews themselves. Yet blacks there are painted as the moochers

Keep dickriding.


Fucking told you he'd be proud :dead:

And Somalis haven't defrauded anyone. All things have been legally and morally correct and are a part of a system to help UK citizens. You don't see people blaming Jews in New York for basically (legally) ripping of the state and receiving housing for free when they have enough money themselves, and for taking over schoolboards to direct money to private Jewish schools In fact the biggest beneficiaries of Section 8 in America, which is subsidized housing, are the Jews themselves. Yet blacks there are painted as the moochers

Keep dickriding.

This idiot has angre issues. He has hate for all things Somali and worships the white man.


Not your typical Farah
Both sides are talking like they got objective facts, when it's subjective. Racism is subjective. As a person that lives in the U.S and was born here and that lived in five different states, I had always had a positive experience with whites - Liberal or Conservative. BlackLivesMatter and it's associates haven't proofed this so-called "white supremacy" oppression/system in the U.S. Again, I'm not saying racism doesn't exist, but taking a wide brush and painting it with the whole society without evidence is intellectually lazy. As for Somalis being horrible people in the west, I'm guessing it's also a personal experience. There are many positive Somalis that are doing good in the U.S - some integrated/changed and some kept their religion and culture according to my experience. However, they're also many that I shake my head at. In the U.S, it's hard to get raw data on Somalis as we are put together with the general group(race) as Black. It's rare you would find U.S government studies done on Somalis - especially on welfare use, graduation rate, criminality etc.
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