Somalis in France

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Pepe Trump
Not to give you cold feet, but he's actually got a point there.

Of course, blame the Christian European imperial power but ignore the 500 years or so of ottoman imperialism.

Why is it that Europeans never complain about Islamic colonialism?! Maybe because they moved on and built a civilisation instead of playing victim whilst mooching off of that Gaalo money.


His own people went to war against him. When dictators murder people, you lot , and when the west intervenes to HELP overthrow the dictator you lot still .

Again, utter hypocritical bullshit. The region has always been fucked up. Why is it that Muslims endorse Islamic empires like the Ummayad and the Ottomans but when the Europeans do precisely the same (conquer) you lot decide to complain?!

The Ottomans rules that region for over 500 years whilst Britain ruled for much less... Much less.

Also, the Arabs only resisted the Ottoman conquest due to the help of the British. Saudi Arabia only exists thanks to Britain. Those motherfuckers had no quarrels with taking British weapons when it suited them.

The Ottoman Empure ruled for over 500 years and the British messed around for far less. Why only pick on Britain?!
The Saudis were already planning to overthrow the Sharifs of Mekkah to take hold of the region, the British merely assisted them in this task because it would benefit both parties. The British have not helped the Saudis gain power out of goodwill.

Why would it benefit the British you might ask?

1. They’d have a puppet government in that region

2. It would be impossible to recover the khilafah if a loyal puppet is placed in power of Makkah & Medina.


Pepe Trump
Why are we tal

No thanks, I'd really like to find myself inside a Somali community for once and not be as extremely remote from one as I am right now...
It's your people, there may be bad ones but there sure is good ones and I believe they're plenty and they definitely outnumber the latter.
I'm sure I can correlate great pay and good Somali community in the city of London so this destination as well as Canada fill my criterias.

Finally I don't know why lots of Somalis speak about arabs as if they were our people, stop caring about them ,they don't care about us a single minute, they despise us and are definitely racists, trust me I live in the bits, Arabs are 95% of the population here.

Your choice.

Somalis are nothing special. Bunch of deadbeats who destroyed their own lands and mooch off of British tax money.

No wonder whites people hate them?!


Pepe Trump
The Saudis were already planning to overthrow the Sharifs of Mekkah to take hold of the region, the British merely assisted them in this task because it would benefit both parties. The British have not helped the Saudis gain power out of goodwill.

Why did it benefit the British you might ask?

1. They’d have a puppet government in that region

2. It would be impossible to recover the khilafah if a loyal puppet is placed in power of Makkah & Medina.

Every nation seeks its own interests. The Ummayad didn't invade Spain and install a caliphate Muslim because they really loved the people, they did it because it's what empires do.

Britain does not bare the responsibility of that messed up region.
Your choice.

Somalis are nothing special. Bunch of deadbeats who destroyed their own lands and mooch off of British tax money.

No wonder whites people hate them?!
The realization when an cadaan calls you and terrorist no matter how much you scream "but I'm an Atheist!" and bootyclap for them :umad:
Why are we tal

No thanks, I'd really like to find myself inside a Somali community for once and not be as extremely remote from one as I am right now...
It's your people, there may be bad ones but there sure is good ones and I believe they're plenty and they definitely outnumber the latter.
I'm sure I can correlate great pay and good Somali community in the city of London so this destination as well as Canada fill my criterias.

Finally I don't know why lots of Somalis speak about arabs as if they were our people, stop caring about them ,they don't care about us a single minute, they despise us and are definitely racists, trust me I live in the bits, Arabs are 95% of the population here.
I'd go for Canada, nicer place that is overall much better imo

Half this place is cynics and trolls just so you know. Don't expect much


Pepe Trump
The realization when an cadaan calls you and terrorist no matter how much you scream "but I'm an Atheist!" and bootyclap for them :umad:

White people don't hate blacks otherwise they wouldn't have opened their doors in the bloody first place!! They dislike the fact that you motherfuckers come in and refuse to accept the culture and integrate!

People who hate you don't defend your rights and bring refugees into their homes you.
Black peoples use the word all the time, are they using it as an insult.

Stop bullshiting!! You know the context of my usage was no different then any other black persons.
Is that so?:comeon:
You ing over a small territory you can barely see on a map and hating on people of 7 million.
Never seen any black person refer to eachother as .
I support Somaliland not any individual. Plus, those kunfur are busy eating their own shit.


Pepe Trump
Man you need to grow a set and talk to a therapist for your obvious self esteem issues

People who only have kids just so the government can give them more money should be thrown out and hated.

Somalis have given very little to Britain but took too much.

I have no self esteem records because I integrated whilst Somalis give me and every decent immigrant a bad name with their bullshit behaviour.
People who only have kids just so the government can give them more money should be thrown out and hated.

Somalis have given very little to Britain but took too much.

I have no self esteem records because I integrated whilst Somalis give me and every decent immigrant a bad name with their bullshit behaviour.

Why do you keep dickriding the whites ?


Pepe Trump
Why do you keep dickriding the whites ?

Spitting out facts does not make you a dickrider!!

You can't talk for whit when you admitted that you intent to use France and then leave it!!

You prove my point!!

You live in the white man's land and if you don't like them, maybe you should leave.
I have no self esteem records because I integrated whilst Somalis give me and every decent immigrant a bad name with their bullshit behaviour.
:chrisfreshhah: You're literally an Uncle Tom. Calling your own people useless and while bootyclapping for the Brit wishing for his acceptance

You'd prolly be happy to be called an Oreo:ooh::dead:
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