Somalis unite

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Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
You called me ugly on many occasions, so if you think I'm ugly then what men do you find attractive?
Nigga you are the biggest battymon on this site.You put @AbdiJohnson to shame :camby:




A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Does your sister have a big back my g?
If so I might have to give her this iidoor dick :manny:
Bradar you're out here paying too much attention to my picture calling me ugly, posting pictures of other men, The way you're carrying on it's highly unlikely that you're attracted to women. Tell me there have you still got my picture saved on your computer like you've stated previously on many occasions, if that ain't fruity then I don't know what is.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Qabyaalad is just the tumor which needs treatment but the cancer in the somali nation is the lack of political representation that the average somali in Somalia have leaving much power in the hands of the corrupt(MPs), the incompetent(Elders) and the greedy(shady business mafia).

I somewhat disagree here, man. I don't think Somalia needs "democracy" or any sort of genuine "republicanism" right now. I would much prefer something akin to the China-model where a single party runs the state and pushes toward economic growth and social development. Of course, this is unlikely to ever happen in Somalia or anywhere in Africa because the dictators or dominant parties that form in these regions are usually greedy shit-eaters who live comfortably while the general populace remains poor:


They don't tend to be like the Chinese Communist Party or like monarchies in places like Oman, Qatar and UAE which, say what you will about them, do work toward the prosperity of their people, just so long as said people don't rebel against the local government. But the reason I'm against "democracy" and true-blue "republicanism" in a country like Somalia is because the majority of our people are much too imbecilic for that.

I'm serious... We have qabiilists, islamists and all around morons of various sorts in every corner. You think these people will create a prosperous 21st century nation-state without at least a generation of being re-educated and living up to first world standards in a stable and unified home country? You don't let little children control their own fate and I say the same when it comes to several underdeveloped countries in places like Africa and Asia - they are usually not ready for "self-determination".

Here are some the things holding Somalia back which can be changed by the locals themselves:

  • Widespread corruption
  • Clanism
  • Islamism (or "Fundamentalist Islam")

Be serious... You think average everyday Somalis would seriously solve these issues if they were allowed to control their own fate? I seriously doubt that. More fundamentalist and hard-line forms of Islam are quite popular among the masses (who have the nerve to dress pre-pubescent girls in these goddamned trash bags), you can see how popular qabiilism is among the masses via these various websites and forums alone and, at the same time, I sincerely doubt truly elected high officials would be meaningfully less corrupt than the likes of the current elites.

Somalia would have or would be best served with a Kemal Atatürk-esque figure. A "benevolent dictator" (with somewhat of an iron-grip on the country) of sorts, but fat chance of that ever happening. Nowadays I've come to accept that there probably is no hope for Somalia without such a figure backed by a like-minded party. I really really wish that was not the case but it is.

Japan and even the European countries you all flock to - most of them were not industrialized under "democracies", they were instead industrialized under Imperial or generally some form of dictatorial rule. The people started "self-determining" and building truly modern nations after this. The West is truly anus fucking the 3rd world by pushing "democracy" on them before they're ready.

Nobody bring up Siad Barre and act like we actually "tried this". That guy was no "benevolent dictator".
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Feel my D in her abs call me Abdi
Bradar you're out here paying too much attention to my picture calling me ugly, posting pictures of other men, The way you're carrying on it's highly unlikely that you're attracted to women. Tell me there have you still got my picture saved on your computer like you've stated previously on many occasions, if that ain't fruity then I don't know what is.
Nigga I don't save anything from this site I ain't @Canuck kkkkk

You are also the biggest battymon on this site.The shit you say is straight suspect wallahi.How can you be a Wahaabi terrorist sympathizer and battymon at the same time :pachah1:

Shit doesn't add up :mjlol:


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
White people have red hair, blonde hair, brown hair, curly hair, straight hair etc etc.
Hair isn't an ethnic identifier.

Bone structure is more important. Anyhow a large percentage of Somalis do not have Madow hair.

Rofl, and these different hair-types he's talking about occur within singular families.
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