Some Somalis are now claiming Harar, and calling Hararis a fake ethnicity


archeologist literally disagree with u, these so called ''harari'' group never existed what u people smoking, the city was soley inhabited by somali as early as 1814 before abyssnia genocided them from their land
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this exactly why ethiopia claim to invent caffe even tho it was invented in zeila 15s
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s literally saw caffe as curse as early as 20th bc of their hatred against somalis, they avoided everything somali muslim did
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According to Richard Burton who visited in 1855, Harar had a population of 10000 inhabitants of which 2500 were Somalis.
According to Richard Burton who visited in 1855, Harar had a population of 10000 inhabitants of which 2500 were Somalis.
No Richard Burton said the population was 8,000. 2,500 Hararis, 2,500 reer magaal Somali, and 3,000 Nomadic Somalis who came and went
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El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Waar niiyow, stop twisting history. There was never a Somali ruler or a Somali ruling elite in Harar. The Harari people are an Ethio-Semitic-speaking group. Can you name the Somali hereditary king or ruling elite within the monarchy or throne that ruled Harar? Sxb beenta jooji. The historical revisionism and intellectual dishonesty you are displaying are insane.

Can you name your job since you don’t have any? Shaqolacaantaad tahay was
Notice how these trolls are always somali men with too much free time, no offense why are somali men so bored they resort to these behaviors online?
People don’t know that many of the Geri, Bartiire, Madigaan (Dir), Gugundhabe, Sheikhal, Karanle etc have lived so long with these Habesha Muslims that a sizeable chunk became Hararised over time. Harar was a small unknown Somali village prior to its glory days. Hobat preceded harar in might and glory. Hobat existed during ifat times (1285 to 1415) and supported an alliance with ifat dynasty leaders. Hobat is probably an old term but its the region between Harar and Babilie, some folks tried to say its in the North of Harar but expert travel guides have pinpointed Hobat as the base of the Qundura aka kundudo Mountains aka Gursum and Erer Yaray. Hobat means the steep valley in af-Soomaali. Somalis are a minority in Hararge today because many identify as Hawiye and Oromo. I’m talking about the ones on the Oromo kilil. Hawiyes are the plurality in east Hararghe by a wide margin. The Hawiyes live around Harar but they call themselves Oromos. If you ask them, they will tell you they are Hawiye. In fact they will fight you if you say to them “ you’re not Hawiye”.




Garaad diinle

 
No Richard Burton said the population was 8,000. 2,500 Hararis, 2,500 reer magaal Somali, and 3,000 Nomadic Somalis who came and went
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You're right there were two types of somalis in harar, the settled ones that is to say these who were permanent settlers and the somali nomads who'd come during the trade season bolstering the number of somalis within the city. The special zone of harar has a number of places named irir hawiya and aw barkhadle which stands as a monument for the long standing somali presence in the region until the dereg regime.


Even among the harari speakers you'd find a number of somalis who've been absorbed into the population and no longer identifies as somalis. An example would be shariif adam ibn abu baker sheikh who was a scribe that provides copies of ancient manuscripts to foreign researchers. He even retained a number of ancient manuscripts in his personal library. He was kind enough to share his full lineage and here it's.


The lineage is somewhat all over the place but we can clearly make out the following abu bakar/abokar, ciise, ciise maxamuud, maxammud saleebaan which is a somali clan. There are other hararis that trace their origin to aw barkhadle which is a somali sheikh and there is probably more somalis found among them.
Your Somalinimo is in question
For his Somali identity to be questionable, he must first be Somali.

Check out this post which Zak12 created, in which he attempts to falsify Somali history by claiming that Somalis were slaves of the ancient Egyptians.
This is a falsification of history, since the ancient Egyptians, when they visited the land of Punt, did not say that the inhabitants of Punt were slaves.

Somali slaves
Thread starter Zak12 Start date Jan 13, 2024 .

Jan 13, 2024
Why is it believed that Somalis were never enslaved when they were at some points?

It seems weird how some Somalis online vehemently deny that Somalis were ever enslaved .

The three falsifiers and haters of Somali history on the forum :
Banadiri Warrior , HabarSteven12 , Zak12 .


Ximan iyo Xadeed

For his Somali identity to be questionable, he must first be Somali.

Check out this post which Zak12 created, in which he attempts to falsify Somali history by claiming that Somalis were slaves of the ancient Egyptians.
This is a falsification of history, since the ancient Egyptians, when they visited the land of Punt, did not say that the inhabitants of Punt were slaves.

The three falsifiers and haters of Somali history on the forum :
Banadiri Warrior , HabarSteven12 , Zak12 .

Can't forget HabarSteven blud tried to convincing us that Bantus are native to konfur
The historical revisionism and intellectual dishonesty displayed by some of these nationalists are insane. They are constantly distorting historical documents and academic texts to advance their outrageous narrative.

The amount of outrageous and ridiculous lies these nationalists peddle about the Harari people is quite surprising. Hararis are fake. Hararis are Somali. Hararis are a mix of Somalis. Somalis founded Harar. Wallahi, they never get tired of peddling these historical inaccuracies
What does Barbara mean and what does Karan mean?


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Why insult fellow Muslim ethnic groups by calling their history and reality fake? And then Somalis will complain when Ethiopian imperialists declare Somalia a colonial creation.

Have some standards and don't mirror the behaviour you dislike.
shutup you oromo this all happened cause of your people in the first place.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Hararis are medieval refugees from the Sidama region which was swallowed by the Oromo Medieval Expansions. This is why Harari,Gurage etc have a Sidamic substratum. The Hararis are not descendants of the Harla who historically lived in that region
That's correct, "harari" is a fake ethnicity. They are new group named after the city they inhabit and are mostly of mixed oromo and small cushitic groups etc, The Harla however who founded Harar were an ethnic Somali clan mentioned in Futah and other sources. Primary sources and genetic testing prove it all.
That's correct, "harari" is a fake ethnicity. They are new group named after the city they inhabit and are mostly of mixed oromo and small cushitic groups etc, The Harla however who founded Harar were an ethnic Somali clan mentioned in Futah and other sources. Primary sources and genetic testing prove it all.

Weren’t the Somalis and assigned their own leases and put into different battalions and they kept falling out during the war? I don’t think we can categorically state the Harla were a Somali clan.


Farxiyo fiska’s body guard
Hararis are on the brink of extinction there’s only like 200k of them world wide I only found out about them when I found out two family friends where marrying harari women. They’re Muslims and they also cooperated with Somalis in SYL we should chill on them