Something I noticed πŸ€”

Im a Hijabi and at one point was even considering Niqaab, so I’m by no means a liberal when it comes to the topic of hijab. I understand that hijab is wajid. I also remember being 8 crying that I wanted to wear hijab because all the β€˜big girls’ wore it and I wanted to prove I was β€˜big’ πŸ˜‚, so yh that’s how I first started to wear hijab as a kid.

However, for the life of me I don’t understand why you’d enforce a child to wear a jilbaab when they’re at an age in which they should be running, they’re clumsy and get themselves dirty. I see that back home. They should be wearing normal school uniform with the option of wearing those baby slip on hijabs.
Why does she despise wearing like there’s gotta be a reason wtf?
She feels like she has no say in whether or not she has to wear it, it feels forced for her. That led her to develop negative feeling's towards it + she can't even recall childhood memories when she didn't wear it


Remember that majority in hell are women.
Great Gatsby Movie GIF by Sony
This is the Hadith to everyone qashin my comments

The Prophet (ο·Ί) said:

β€œI was shown hell. I saw that most of its inhabitants were ungrateful women… The Prophet was asked: β€˜Were they ungrateful to Allāh?’ He replied: β€˜They were ungrateful to their husbands and for the favors and the good done to them. If you show benevolence to one of them and then she sees something in you not to her liking, she will say: β€˜I have never seen any good in you.
i mean i cant force her so but she has to respect me either way
But you can? I mean if your child (of legal age) was doing drugs or drinking alcohol and they blatantly disobey you are you just going to let them stay at your home?
If the child doesn't listen to the authority of their parents then they have every right to kick them out, or at the very least cut off funding and make them pay for their own shit. You see this with a lot of asiatic muslims.
I think Somalis are the exception to this due to parents relying on their kids economically
Im a Hijabi and at one point was even considering Niqaab, so I’m by no means a liberal when it comes to the topic of hijab. I understand that hijab is wajid. I also remember being 8 crying that I wanted to wear hijab because all the β€˜big girls’ wore it and I wanted to prove I was β€˜big’ πŸ˜‚, so yh that’s how I first started to wear hijab as a kid.

However, for the life of me I don’t understand why you’d enforce a child to wear a jilbaab when they’re at an age in which they should be running, they’re clumsy and get themselves dirty. I see that back home. They should be wearing normal school uniform with the option of wearing those baby slip on hijabs.
Not a jilbaab, just those stretchy hijabs. I have one at the ready for when I get a daughter.
I believe that kids shouldn't be ordered to wear hijab in their early years, maybe at age 9 or 10 but that is also with teaching her the importance of hijab as Muslim girl.

I believe the age from 0 to 12 is the most critical age and it's the period which the parents can shape their kids values and personality.
Not a jilbaab, just those stretchy hijabs. I have one at the ready for when I get a daughter. View attachment 340031
Yeah, but I don’t see why you’d make an under 8 wear it. Like it’s one thing if a toddler wants to, but it’s just weird making a 3 yr old wear it since they’ll just take it off anyway. My little sis used to wear it sometimes because she’d have tantrums so that she can wear it but then she’d always loose her hijab in nursery. She was a baby then so she’d take it off whenever she got hot.πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ I remember that I had to always try and find it in the lost and found.

Seriously think it’s better to just get them to wear it when they’re older and can somewhat understand the significance of it.
What is the matter with some of you.

Islam said puberty is the age for hijab, and maybe introduce it slightly earlier by a few years, so that would be age 8 for example.

Why would you put a hijab on a toddler, or child? A child needs time to be a child, and not worry about being a woman.

Some of you refuse to accept that Islam is the manual for life, and you practise some form of extremism.
She feels like she has no say in whether or not she has to wear it, it feels forced for her. That led her to develop negative feeling's towards it + she can't even recall childhood memories when she didn't wear it
Then I would say that’s she’s disobeying Allah SWT. I would also say that if she still doesn’t care then that means I failed as a father and Wali.

Yeah, but I don’t see why you’d make an under 8 wear it. Like it’s one thing if a toddler wants to, but it’s just weird making a 3 yr old wear it since they’ll just take it off anyway. My little sis used to wear it sometimes because she’d have tantrums so that she can wear it but then she’d always loose her hijab in nursery. She was a baby then so she’d take it off whenever she got hot.πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ I remember that I had to always try and find it in the lost and found.

Seriously think it’s better to just get them to wear it when they’re older and can somewhat understand the significance of it.

Allah SWT doesn't make mistakes, puberty is the right age for a good reason. Slightly earlier makes sense to ease a child into it. But hijab on little girls? Walahi waa yaab. Some Muslims are extremists who don't even follow Islam, and then try to act like their made-up lifestyle is "Islam".
Then I would say that’s she’s disobeying Allah SWT. I would also say that if she still doesn’t care then that means I failed as a father and Wali.

View attachment 340033
Then if she starts wearing jeans outside and not covering her legs and wear sweaters with no hijab to the point you can’t tell she Muslim by looking at her. Then imma start doing fentanyl and ruin my life.
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Then if she starts wearing jeans outside and not covering her legs and wear sweaters with no hijab to the point you can’t tell she Muslim by looking at her. Then imma start doing fentanyl and ruin my life. f*ck it let’s both go to hell then.

I don't like your attitude towards girls and women, this is why I said to you in the past, that I don't want to see you have daughters. I know you will call me harsh, but you would probably be happier.
If I didn't have the time in my life, to just be a child, carefree without worrying about being a woman, and the weight that comes with womanhood, I don't know how I would turn out or feel about the hijab.

The hijab should be a right of passage into womanhood, an honour, a stage in life.
Punitite it’s scary sometimes they never take to it when you do it that way. They see it as a new annoying rule.
Sad for both of you

Some men would be happier without daughters in their lives, it reminds me of when pagan Arabs buried their daughters. They see girls as a burden, and they even try to put a hijab on toddler girls. A baby girl who hasn't even lived and is already seen and treated like a woman.

It really creeps me out.
Punitite it’s scary sometimes they never take to it when you do it that way. They see it as a new annoying rule.

I am a woman and have been a girl obviously, many of us are on here, telling you the same thing. Girls need time to be CHILDREN, to be CAREFREE. I follow Islam, not extremism. Take the advice or leave it. But later on in life, when your daughters resent you, don't blame anyone but yourself.