Something I noticed πŸ€”

I can't love half a 4.5 billion people

Your mother is a business woman, yes? So, imagine, a strong, woman, independent and successful, like Khadijah AS, has a son, that thinks like you. Do you think she is proud of your mentality? That she would be proud to have let you feed on her body, until you gained enough strength, only to turn into a misogynist.

It saddens me really.

They use women's bodies as a gateway onto earth, and when they are strong enough to feed themselves, they become the enemies of women.
Your mother is a business woman, yes? So, imagine, a strong, woman, independent and successful, like Khadijah AS, has a son, that thinks like you. Do you think she is proud of your mentality? That she would be proud to have let you feed on her body, until you gained enough strength, only to turn into a misogynist.

It saddens me really.
bro not everyone that disagree with some women are misoginists :ftw9nwa:
Your mother is a business woman, yes? So, imagine, a strong, woman, independent and successful, like Khadijah AS, has a son, that thinks like you. Do you think she is proud of your mentality? That she would be proud to have let you feed on her body, until you gained enough strength, only to turn into a misogynist.

It saddens me really.

They use women's bodies as a gateway onto earth, and when they are strong enough to feed themselves, they become the enemies of women.
Overshared about my life :meleshame:

My mom would agree with the hijab take. She's an old school Somali women. I'm really not a bastard like you make me. The righteous women of the world are to die for.
Overshared about my life :meleshame:

My mom would agree with the hijab take. She's an old school Somali women. I'm really not a bastard like you make me. The righteous women of the world are to die for.

Don't pretend to respect women, you even took issue with a Leelkasse woman who represented your community. You want women to be birthing factories, but you hypocritically were raised on your mother's dime. So, it's ok for you to use your mother's wealth and body for strength, and now you wish to cull all women.
Don't pretend to respect women, you even took issue with a Leelkasse woman who represented your community. You want women to be birthing factories, but you hypocritically were raised on your mother's dime. So, it's ok for you to use your mother's wealth and body for strength, and now you wish to cull all women.
Bro that was a women brokering a peace deal with mooryaans. Not exactly a show of strength. Rival clans had a field day with that on social media too.:wow1:
Bro that was a women brokering a peace deal with mooryaans. Not exactly a show of strength. Rival clans had a field day with that on social media too.:wow1:


The same Somali men that kill women in Central Somalia? So, Somali women can get killed as if they are on the battlefield, but they can't speak up for themselves.

Weak men concern themselves with appearing strong, instead of actually being strong. I am not trying to be rude to you, nor am I a shrink, but you seem to struggle with the concept of masculinity. And you also seem threatened by strong women.

Aisha (AS), lead an army.
Khadijah (AS), was a wealthy businesswoman.

Tell me, what part of Islam teaches men to be resentful and scared of women's existence.
Don't pretend to respect women, you even took issue with a Leelkasse woman who represented your community. You want women to be birthing factories, but you hypocritically were raised on your mother's dime. So, it's ok for you to use your mother's wealth and body for strength, and now you wish to cull all women.
I see why you said cull them I miss typed "half" give me a break. You thought I want to Thanos snap them? :snoop:
I see why you said cull them I miss typed "half" give me a break. You thought I want to Thanos snap them. :snoop:

You try to silence women in Somalia, but the religion you claim, produced women who spoke, and lead. For example;

Al-Shifa bint Abdullah was very intelligent, and became the public administrator when Umar was caliph – possibly the first Muslim woman to hold office.

She was in charge of making sure that all business practices matched with the rulings, teachings, and values of Islam. She is also known to have advised Caliph Umar on many occasions about numerous different things; he always took her very seriously.

The Messenger used to visit her in her own home so frequently that she set aside a mat and a cover, or izar, for his use when he took his siesta there. She kept these momentos until her death and passed them on to her children. The Messenger (peace be upon him) gave her title to a house in the Hakakin area of Madinah. His value for her company influenced the caliphs. As Caliph, 'Umar used to defer to her opinion. 'Umar's respect for Ash-Shifa's competence, character, and judgement led him to appoint her as an officer, or wali, in the administration of the marketplace. This makes her possibly the first Muslim woman to hold an official position in public administration.

The same Somali men that kill women in Central Somalia? So, Somali women can get killed as if they are on the battlefield, but they can't speak up for themselves.

Weak men concern themselves with appearing strong, instead of actually being strong. I am not trying to be rude to you, nor am I a shrink, but you seem to struggle with the concept of masculinity. And you also seem threatened by strong women.

Aisha (AS), lead an army.
Khadijah (AS), was a wealthy businesswoman.

Tell me, what part of Islam teaches men to be resentful and scared of women's existence.
i dont disagree that women cant do beatiful stuff like leading an army or but some men have a preference like wanting normal woman instead of a sucessfull one just like how some women want they man to be 6 feet or taller
i dont disagree that women cant do beatiful stuff like leading an army or but some men have a preference like wanting normal woman instead of a sucessfull one just like how some women want they man to be 6 feet or taller
You're comparing a man not wanting an independent successful woman to some stupid dating preference
i dont disagree that women cant do beatiful stuff like leading an army or but some men have a preference like wanting normal woman instead of a sucessfull one just like how some women want they man to be 6 feet or taller

Regular and weak men, don't deserve strong women. Strong Muslimahs, are for strong Muslim men. You think Khadijah AS or the other women listed here, wanted an insecure man? No female warrior, businesswoman, or scholar is interested in that.

You're comparing a man not wanting an independent successful woman to some stupid dating preference

The only reason they dislike strong, intelligent women, is because they feel weak by comparison.


Every intelligent, successful Muslim man I've ever met, is married to, or interested in women who are similarly minded. And even when they marry a woman, who is not highly educated, they encourage their wives to get degrees etc. Because they know that if something happens to them, they need her to step up.
Even when you look at non-Muslim men, they usually marry women who are in their tax-bracket, women they met at college or similar. Jeff Bezos, both wives are in his age range, and similarly driven. The one that owns Facebook, same thing.

It's always the insecure men, who hunt for mute trophy barbies, because they want women to show off to their friends, they don't actually want a partner in life.

Misogyny is a sign of serious self-esteem issues, and short-sightedness.
because trust me i know for a certain that a sucessfull muslima will already judge me for my life problems instead of supporting me (in marriage ofc