sspot rules aren't clear.... please someone clarify it for me

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Manta meesha waa shidan tahay, people are taking other people's kidneys & intestines out while they're still alive lol


Kinda sad that you have to resort to speaking of Somali politics when I know nothing of that nature. And then you have to start using imaginary names and terms like 'Micheal Blackson'. I live in the U.S. and not Somalia- so I don't how the little world you've constructed in your brain would really apply to me or even of how it's relevant to the entire argument. Like I said you've defied logic a long time ago. I think sleep is best for you as you seem to be in need of it. The whole thing would come to a rest if you would just stop throwing inappropriate insults at people. I know what I'm saying to you hurts you 10x more than what I'm saying to you because I'm not reaching for things to say out of ass but I'm merely taking notice of the comments being thrown back and what @Duchess is poorly translating to me on your behalf. Maybe it's best I stop responding to you since you've resorted to sounding very vulnerable and embarrassing but I won't. I'm truly sorry for that.

ironclad urchin

You guys:
- discussed derailing her topics and disliking her posts. Then you went to her jilbab thread and did exactly that.
- discussed sending her a link to "watch her screen".
- try to derail this topic by attacking her. 4 of the 5 from that convo have already posted in this topic doing exactly that.

I'm not reaching, I'm stating facts. Even when she was made aware of your obsession, she ignored you guys but you couldn't let it go and had to attack her in this topic.

@Lily you can come out and stop claiming you're topic banned. You know that you're not.
first of all, lets clear shit up. (there's really no need to explain myself, but there's this weird scenario being created here.)

there were no plots, as you saw when u were invited as a /mod/ not as duchess into the pm in question. you try to make this seem like some orchestrated attempt to take down another member. or this was some sort of hive mind work at play, when that was not the case at all--on all accounts.

on another note. if member A was the target, why would member B be targeted for hacks on her screen or w/e the f*ck all that was about. the only rational conclusion is that no one was being singled out or targeted.

you say lily was attacking the OP. but OP and lily have been beefing for weeks, and i mean that thread was called "who would u sacrifice" is it really any wonder lily would mention OP? and she's not the only to have done that. aside from that, how has lily attacked anyone in that thread? there's no victims, there's no plotting, no targeting. it's really not that deep, sis.

i would like to remind all the on lookers in this thread, this pettiest of petty drama started, between people i was otherwise cool with, bc i said "i love lily". i mean if all it took was that, i guess i was alone to think we were cool.

scap 1
  • first mention of, not about a person, but a controversial thread
  • let's all note that this is 50 pages in a pm that's somehow about said person.
  • no plotting no coercing, no insults, just people having conversations about the going ons of a forum like you're supposed to
  • lily is completely acting on her own because shes a person and she'll do what she wants.
  • we can all backtrack the thread no one but lily went on a dislike spree. (bc she disagreed with the posts it wasn't personal) there was no plotting.

scap 2

  • no timestamps, but all of this is happening, /in time/, while the anti jilbaab thread
  • i mean if posting a scap for someone else is called plotting, i guess im guilty and u can continue with this witch hunt /thread lmfao
  • notice how whats being talked about is a thread and nothing personal like the narrative you're trying to create (which no evidence backs up) .
  • there was no plotting.
scap 3
  • what i said in the pm
scap 4

  • what i actually said in the anti jilbaab thread. for all to see. no scheming. no plotting.
  • it's ok to think think the thread was a turd dump right? not like im slinging mud at anyone

is there an award for conducting urself in an adult manner? i mean that's all ive been throughout this whole ordeal. how about a nobel peace prize?


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Lily and idol have been beefing for weeks? You seem to know more about this than even Idol does. That's news to me.

I was invited to that convo after AJ was invited. He could have "deleted" the convo if that's what you guys wanted. There was no need to invite me.


>,,< certified creep >,,<
omg you guys wrote so much.........I said brb :angryman::angryman:... which means pause........ how am I supposed to catch up with all this coolio

okk I can't read everything cahs Im at work and it keeps getting busy every now and then........... im qonfused tbh:rollseyes:... someone summarize why am I being summoned??:zhqjlmx:... dhaaanks

brb real quick


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
okay. im glad we're all on the same page that there was no plotting. no targeting. no scheming. no hive mind. moving on.

There was. I can post screenshots of you all plotting about what to post in Idol's topic just to derail it but what's the point when you will defend this behavior regardless? Lily's + the others behavior in Idol's topic today shows how they really feel about her. Nothing else needs to be said and this is my last reply to this topic. Peace.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

@Duchess huuno can you tell me what I did to upset you??

@Reiko macaanto can you tell me what I did to upset you??
You come off as condescending more time, belittling people as if you have no empathy for no one. Stop treading on people & start talking to them instead of at them bradar.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
bc its hard 4 u to get some somaha? i feel for u sis


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Anyway I don't want to fall out with ICU, I hope my comments didn't grant me persona non grata in your luuq shii I'm extending an olive branch.
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