@ Step a side

Yes and no. They are tribal and yes they know in theory lakiin it seems to me they have alliances and stuff more often
Yes alliances happend which is why many Arabs get different results compared to the tribe they always associated themselves with. Some end up getting depressed because of it.
There was a tribe called (Bani Khaled) who were demanding the companion Khaled Ibn al-Walid, but the genetics proved that they did not belong to him.
What you mean the ones who came out on T? How would they prove that they aren't descended from Khalid RA unless they exhume his grave and compare the DNA?

To be honest all the genetics stuff is speculation and the people there have gone through so much that only God knows who is who originally and because of how relatively sensitive the topic is for them it is very rare to find someone who is objective.

Like for most clans or sections you will find parts on one haplogroup and others on another. Who is to determine who is who? Anyone claiming they know 100% is just making claims
Why do Saudis claim that they have the sahabas ydna. I see them babbling about fgc something 🤔
Among the Arab world/or Middle East, Gulf Arabs are the most Arab in terms of genetics and this is very well known with Yemen as well. You can see the fashion and cultural isolation from the rest of the Middle Eastern countries. They have a completely different culture from the Egyptians, the Levantines (they are Arabs) and North Africans.
What you mean the ones who came out on T?

To be honest all the genetics stuff is speculation and the people there have gone through so much that only God knows who is who originally and because of how relatively sensitive the topic is for them it is very rare to find someone who is objective.

Like for most clans or sections you will find parts on one haplogroup and others on another. Who is to determine who is who? Anyone claiming they know 100% is just making claims
I mean there are individual tribes that came on the T, the Arabs are diverse, but the majority are from J1.
I mean there are individual tribes that came on the T, the Arabs are diverse, but the majority are from J1.
A haplogroup being a majority now doesn't mean it always was or that it is the original that's why you have to investigate further.

The other thing in this particular case that is odd is that the nobility of the Arabs are predominately T not J. This is a mystery no one has been able to answer.

This is not saying that there is only one haplogroup btw the Peninsula was always diverse and had multiple different peoples such as from the ancient Arabs 'Ad and Thamud, Tasm and Jadis, 'Imliq, the sections labelled 'Adnan and Qahtan, then you have all sorts of foreign influx in ancient times and more recently Persians, Turks, Kurds, etc
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Among the Arab world/or Middle East, Gulf Arabs are the most Arab in terms of genetics and this is very well known with Yemen as well. You can see the fashion and cultural isolation from the rest of the Middle Eastern countries. They have a completely different culture from the Egyptians, the Levantines (they are Arabs) and North Africans.
Mmm.. I think you’re wrong. IMO only a few secluded tribes are purely “arab”, majority (I have a suspicion even al Sauds have recent non Arab blood just look at the gradual phenotype changes in the family) they’ve integrated a lot of Persians, Turks, shamis, etc. gulf Arabs aren’t all related or purely Arab btw, uae Arabs have a large Persian component, same with Bahrainis
Mmm.. I think you’re wrong. IMO only a few secluded tribes are purely “arab”, majority (I have a suspicion even al Sauds have recent non Arab blood just look at the gradual phenotype changes in the family) they’ve integrated a lot of Persians, Turks, shamis, etc
Mixing would be prevalent because of slaves and concubines at that time, and this was known before Islam. Have you heard of Antarah ibn Shaddad? His mother was an Ethiopian princess who was made a concubine due to raids on the tribes, and the man became one of the greatest knights in pre-Islamic times and the poet of the Seven Commentaries.
Mixing would be prevalent because of slaves and concubines at that time, and this was known before Islam. Have you heard of Antarah ibn Shaddad? His mother was an Ethiopian princess who was made a concubine due to raids on the tribes, and the man became one of the greatest knights in pre-Islamic times and the poet of the Seven Commentaries.View attachment 325692
There was mixing in the Al Saud family, of course. Look, this is King Abdulaziz and his grandson from the Ethiopian mother, Prince Sultan.
But how do all the Arabic genealogy books support him? Did they pay money lol

Maybe Darood was really Arab but he never had childeren like that. It could be that todays Darood just carry his name because he was their teacher. Only Allah knows.
The Yemeni and Adnan tribes all subscribe under J1 and some of them under E and T. I will focus on the first. Doesn’t this mean that they have canceled the theory of Adnan and Qahtan? Because they are under one genetic mutation or a majority

J1 is older than Qathan and Adnan. I think Adnan are mostly under J1 FGC11 while Qathan being much older is difficult to tell. It is believed that the tribe that Nabi Ibrahim belonged to that settled Iraq 🇮🇶 were originally from Arabia because FGC11 seems to have origin in southern Arabia because this lineage has high diversity in southern Arabia. This makes perfect sense because Semitic nomads always invaded the Fertile Crescent starting with Akkadians, followed by Amorites, then Aramean then Ghassanids & Lakhmids etc all
What you mean the ones who came out on T? How would they prove that they aren't descended from Khalid RA unless they exhume his grave and compare the DNA?

To be honest all the genetics stuff is speculation and the people there have gone through so much that only God knows who is who originally and because of how relatively sensitive the topic is for them it is very rare to find someone who is objective.

Like for most clans or sections you will find parts on one haplogroup and others on another. Who is to determine who is who? Anyone claiming they know 100% is just making claims
Not really. Khalid ibn Walid is a confirmed Quraishi and we all known what the Quraishi tribe gets.
interesting, Abdulaziz looks completely different to current al sauds he has a mehri look to him. The younger gen seems even more mixed
Arabs don’t mind mixing with foreign females. What’s important to them is preserving their male lineage. Their identity evolves around their lineage not their phenotype
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Maybe Darood was really Arab but he never had childeren like that. It could be that todays Darood just carry his name because he was their teacher. Only Allah knows.

J1 is older than Qathan and Adnan. I think Adnan are mostly under J1 FGC11 while Qathan being much older is difficult to tell. It is believed that the tribe that Nabi Ibrahim belonged to that settled Iraq 🇮🇶 were originally from Arabia because FGC11 seems to have origin in southern Arabia because this lineage has high diversity in southern Arabia. This makes perfect sense because Semitic nomads always invaded the Fertile Crescent starting with Akkadians, followed by Amorites, then Aramean then Ghassanids & Lakhmids etc all
Arabs are recorded settling there in that era of Mesopotamia. Uruk isn't named after a Babylonian deity.
Maybe Darood was really Arab but he never had childeren like that. It could be that todays Darood just carry his name because he was their teacher. Only Allah knows.

J1 is older than Qathan and Adnan. I think Adnan are mostly under J1 FGC11 while Qathan being much older is difficult to tell. It is believed that the tribe that Nabi Ibrahim belonged to that settled Iraq 🇮🇶 were originally from Arabia because FGC11 seems to have origin in southern Arabia because this lineage has high diversity in southern Arabia. This makes perfect sense because Semitic nomads always invaded the Fertile Crescent starting with Akkadians, followed by Amorites, then Aramean then Ghassanids & Lakhmids etc all
From this standpoint, I found something, which is that it is said that the Prophet Abraham was a person who rode camels and lived in tents (it is clear that he was in southern Iraq? Because it is an Arab culture?)
Arabs are recorded settling there in that era of Mesopotamia. Uruk isn't named after a Babylonian deity.
From this standpoint, I found something, which is that it is said that the Prophet Abraham was a person who rode camels and lived in tents (it is clear that he was in southern Iraq? Because it is an Arab culture?)

Nabi Ibrahim most definitely belonged to an ancient Semitic tribe that migrated from Arabia because FGC11 that all the Adnani tribes unite under has irs roots ultimately in southern Arabia. Nabi Ismaeel must have brought that lineage back to Arabia.
Nabi Ibrahim most definitely belonged to an ancient Semitic tribe that migrated from Arabia because FGC11 that all the Adnani tribes unite under has irs roots ultimately in southern Arabia. Nabi Ismaeel must have brought that lineage back to Arabia.
Yes, there is no dispute that he is Semitic, but as you know, the war that existed between the Adnanis and the Qahtanis has been going on for centuries


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