The Dysfunctional Somali Diaspora Household: A Analysis

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Next I will write about the sage archetype, the rarest one, and the one with the best potential to save Somalis.
can you make one for
- fat xalimo eating xalwa
- skinny farax the cabbie driver
- SJW young xalimo
- farax cellphone businessman
- sspot farax posting from basement
- divorced young xalimo at starbucks

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Ironically, as a teacher the well behaved academically bright somali boys i teach have strict religious moms. One of my year 11 students an A star kid came to the graduation and i met his mom. Mashallah. The mom was religious down to a T.

Good parenting has nothing to do with religion. Good parenting is all about assuming your responsibilities as a parent



We star in movies NASA pay to watch
This thread is wayyy too biased against Somali males.


Hannah the Hounslow Hoochie

She often goes by 4 different government names and carries an Iphone with a cracked screen due to dropping it many times in the club grinding up on a Madow guy whilst under the influence.

Though she looks unapproachable, Hannah tends to be welcoming depending on what you can offer her. She is street smart, has a cuck like @IslamIsTheAnswer as her free Uber driver and tends to avoid girls because she is fiery and known to be too explosive. If you tell her you have balloons, weed and alcohol, she will move in with you, as long as you pay for her TFL oyster card to her weekend cleaning job since she dropped out of education and only visits her Aunt. Her immediate family don't speak to her except her little sisters who she is planning to bring into the HoeIsLife gang.

Hannah doesn't have social aspirations, as long as she has her Music and someone to validate her with attention she is happy. She can be found snapping or instagramming captions "If you don't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" or the more obscure "f*ck fake friends" "Ghosting season".

Despite all the negativities, she is usually quite funny, not bad looking and takes care of herself. She displays better loyalty because she has learnt from bad friendships and always has a story to tell.
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We star in movies NASA pay to watch

Instagram Ifrah

She has several thousand followers on her socials and secretly wants to be flown out to Dubai so badly but she is unfortunately too sub par, average looking and plain. To make up for her looks she tries dozens of new styles, often with a Hijab to observe Ramadan but back to the wig straight after. She has a huge fan base of like-minded Xaliimos who bombard hearty comments on her pictures and statuses as well as a few cuck farahs.

Ifrah starts her social online career by lip syncing to Mariah Carey and Rihanna suddenly thinking she can join the world of YouTube videos and selling clothing lines to promote her image but her terrible Eurotrash accent and lack of editing skills hurts her PR and brings minimal success.

However unlike Hannah, Ifrah is not so much anti-Somali men. She can be often seen posting videos of her Male relatives giving a shoutout to her fans and everyone else which she uses to indirectly promote herself as a "pick-me" despite her Dms being more abandoned than Area 51.

Nobody knows what Ifrah does for a living, she keeps her followers guessing with all the travel, friends she visits and kitchen diners she goes to. She tries not to discuss political affairs, visit protests or demonstrate that she has an opinion on something, it is all about image. Her image and "clout" doesnt allow her to potentially lose followers or be deserted. She is known to be very quiet in real life, possibly because her virtual comfort zone is taken away from her. She does not function well in big gatherings like Weddings but rather with like-minded introverts where they can spend all day photo editing their pictures in peace.

Despite constant family pressure, Ifrah is unlucky in love - she has spent years surrounded by big groups of females who don't allow one another to split and find their own way in life. She has accepted a spinster life of cats, wigs, travel and coffee.
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We star in movies NASA pay to watch

Faysal the Footballer

Faysal studied a vocational course in level 3 coaching and thinks he is the next Pep Guardiola. He has spent years harnessing this skill despite only ever being half-good at Defensive Mid.

His life revolves so much around Football that it has affected his social status. Despite being 25 years of age, he still asks his Mum to buy him the next Fifa edition from the Argos sales. He even speaks to women about his love for Arsenal.

Though he is harmless to society, Faysal has not grown as an Adult. His car smells of mudied football boots, he grows his nappy hair out because he wants to emulate Mo Salah and he doesn't cook but only eats at Somali restaurants that show Sports. Though probably not a gambler due to his passionate love for the Sport, he can be seen in William Hill often playing roulette whilst keeping track of the Derby vs Sunderland games.
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This thread is wayyy too biased against Somali males.


Hannah the Hounslow Hoochie

She often goes by 4 different government names and carries an Iphone with a cracked screen due to dropping it many times in the club grinding up on a Madow guy whilst under the influence.

Though she looks unapproachable, Hannah tends to be welcoming depending on what you can offer her. She is street smart, has a cuck like @IslamIsTheAnswer as her free Uber driver and tends to avoid girls because she is fiery and known to be too explosive. If you tell her you have balloons, weed and alcohol, she will move in with you, as long as you pay for her TFL oyster card to her weekend cleaning job since she dropped out of education and only visits her Aunt. Her immediate family don't speak to her except her little sisters who she is planning to bring into the HoeIsLife gang.

Hannah doesn't have social aspirations, as long as she has her Music and someone to validate her with attention she is happy. She can be found snapping or instagramming captions "If you don't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" or the more obscure "f*ck fake friends" "Ghosting season".

Despite all the negativities, she is usually quite funny, not bad looking and takes care of herself. She displays better loyalty because she has learnt from bad friendships and always has a story to tell.

I know one wallahi

She has a baby now and is continuing the hoe life with her governmental house when the baby is asleep



Fake Sheikh Sayid spends most of his days watching violent os. And when he is out and about he is chasing after any cadan women who is willing to be 5 meters next to him. These women tend to be the big girls cadan men have rejected after her 9th abortion

When he is online however, he likes to spend 6 hours a day yelling Arabic phrases in Maya Jama and Sabrina Dhowres Instagram pages. Telling them they will go to hell with the kufur he spends most of his day chasing.

Fake sheikh sayid is the ultimate hypocrite who uses Islam to control and abuse women like his favourite os.
I'd like to read about the snapchat halimo. These girls are constantly on my snapchat flow, singing and posing. Or talking on some topic.

Snapchat Selima?

Instagram Ifrah

She has several thousand followers on her socials and secretly wants to be flown out to Dubai so badly but she is unfortunately too sub par, average looking and plain. To make up for her looks she tries dozens of new styles, often with a Hijab to observe Ramadan but back to the wig straight after. She has a huge fan base of like-minded Xaliimos who bombard hearty comments on her pictures and statuses as well as a few cuck farahs.

Ifrah starts her social online career by lip syncing to Mariah Carey and Rihanna suddenly thinking she can join the world of YouTube videos and selling clothing lines to promote her image but her terrible Eurotrash accent and lack of editing skills hurts her PR and brings minimal success.

However unlike Hannah, Ifrah is not so much anti-Somali men. She can be often seen posting videos of her Male relatives giving a shoutout to her fans and everyone else which she uses to indirectly promote herself as a "pick-me" despite her Dms being more abandoned than Area 51.

Nobody knows what Ifrah does for a living, she keeps her followers guessing with all the travel, friends she visits and kitchen diners she goes to. She tries not to discuss political affairs, visit protests or demonstrate that she has an opinion on something, it is all about image. Her image and "clout" doesnt allow her to potentially lose followers or be deserted. She is known to be very quiet in real life, possibly because her virtual comfort zone is taken away from her. She does not function well in big gatherings like Weddings but rather with like-minded introverts where they can spend all day photo editing their pictures in peace.

Despite constant family pressure, Ifrah is unlucky in love - she has spent years surrounded by big groups of females who don't allow one another to split and find their own way in life. She has accepted a spinster life of cats, wigs, travel and coffee.


After a while fake Sheikh Sayid reads a Richard Dawkins book and turn into a gaal.

He spends most of the day trolling the net starting arguments with Muslims telling them they follow a barbaric religion whilst he still lives with hoyo sponges all her money on alcohol and tells her to f off if she asks him to leave.

In his spare time he likes to make anonymous YouTube videos about Islam whilst walking his dogs in public trying to get a reaction out of Muslims. When he is alone with his dog he has a hump chair he shares with his dog which I won’t go in to. Sheikh sayid has come full circle from Salafi wahabi to alt right gaal. The irony was lost on him as he lacks the critical facalties to ponder why he branches from one extreme to the other.



Instagram Ifrah

She has several thousand followers on her socials and secretly wants to be flown out to Dubai so badly but she is unfortunately too sub par, average looking and plain. To make up for her looks she tries dozens of new styles, often with a Hijab to observe Ramadan but back to the wig straight after. She has a huge fan base of like-minded Xaliimos who bombard hearty comments on her pictures and statuses as well as a few cuck farahs.

Ifrah starts her social online career by lip syncing to Mariah Carey and Rihanna suddenly thinking she can join the world of YouTube videos and selling clothing lines to promote her image but her terrible Eurotrash accent and lack of editing skills hurts her PR and brings minimal success.

However unlike Hannah, Ifrah is not so much anti-Somali men. She can be often seen posting videos of her Male relatives giving a shoutout to her fans and everyone else which she uses to indirectly promote herself as a "pick-me" despite her Dms being more abandoned than Area 51.

Nobody knows what Ifrah does for a living, she keeps her followers guessing with all the travel, friends she visits and kitchen diners she goes to. She tries not to discuss political affairs, visit protests or demonstrate that she has an opinion on something, it is all about image. Her image and "clout" doesnt allow her to potentially lose followers or be deserted. She is known to be very quiet in real life, possibly because her virtual comfort zone is taken away from her. She does not function well in big gatherings like Weddings but rather with like-minded introverts where they can spend all day photo editing their pictures in peace.

Despite constant family pressure, Ifrah is unlucky in love - she has spent years surrounded by big groups of females who don't allow one another to split and find their own way in life. She has accepted a spinster life of cats, wigs, travel and coffee.
She should’ve photoshopped her nails.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

Umm Aisha the Salafi'

Umm Aisha AKA Ayaan Farabadane used to be an innocent school girl attending Brixton Lane Academy until she fell in love with a strange from man from twitter named Abu Tyrone. Now Umm Aisha was going through a fairly tough period in her life, her mother just passed away from tuberculosis and her father long abandoned her at the tender age of 6. She was taken in by her Aunt Xaawo who owned a small clothing store, her aunt was always distant and cruel, she was not a fan of her father who had a lengthy criminal record. You see her aunt was much older than her deceased mother and was also a type of mother figure for her, she grew bitter as they eloped and had A'ishah and is now forced to raise her by the government as AIshah had no other relatives to take her in.

She was a perfect target for the Salafi extremists as she was both alienated and unappreciated providing the perfect opportunity to strike and reel her in to their cult. As was said earlier, she was messaged by a man on twitter and as the days went feelings developed and increasing with each and passing day. After only 2 months of message exchanges Aisha was pressured into considering a marriage proposal in order to "complete her deen". The man sent her pictures of vast green valleys and children trotting around in their "modest garments", white horses with valiant and armed masked men gripping a flagpole, it was the "dawn of the Khilafah"!

Umm Aisha was mesmerized at this perfect utopia where "kufr" did not exist, where the niqaab (veil) was the norm, where bearded men and children learned the Qur'an in pristine environments. She was invited to join the society in which she dreamed of, and all that was standing in her way was a ticket to Turkey and a busride to the border of Syria.

She packed her bags and whisked off to the airport, passport on hand and dashed towards the counter where she presented her ticket. The ticket agent told her to peer her eyes through the machine to verifiy her identity, as she peered through the glass an alarm suddenly blares on the computer, startling her dearly! She feels a finger pointing down her neck and turns around upruptly, her mouth drops as she finds herself face to face with the man who courted her on twitter!

"Hello, my name is Tom, I am here with the MI5 to arrest you on charges of attempting to join a terrorist group and aiding abetting a terrorist group"

Aisha's face turns sunken at the betrayal and is in a state of absolute shock, oh lucky she was!



We star in movies NASA pay to watch

Weedhead Warsame

He smokes an ounce a day. When he's not trapping on the blocks, he's posted up on street corners with 10 other guys who look like him, cat calling young girls in their teens. Though he claims to be a gyalist, he looks borderline homeless. Him and the boys all chip in for 1 bottle with the unrealistic expectation of securing "uck" on road.

Warsame doesn't take life seriously and the only time he's ever worn a suit was to attend court after refusing to pay TFL fines. He claims to be a proud Muslim that wants a Hijabi wifey but will sleep with the nearest skirt. He chills on his ped for a living and often goes "OT" to deliver coke to white nitties.

As the Community leader Farah speaks with Warsame, the young lad attends a a government funded Youth Club to integrate with society, but only because the Youth Worker is hot and he thinks he has a chance because according to him, she is a "badders".

Whilst his kind are considered outlaws and generally disliked in society, Warsame lives by strong roadman values. He will call his girl "abti" or "fam" because he doesn't sweet talk. He views all white ppl as Fed and when he isn't talking about girls or what another trapper in the ends has done, he brings up a new money making hustle he's heard about that ultimately never materialises because it's forgotten about the next day.

Though not well versed in Somali affairs, he shows up on days such as May 18, in another futile attempt to impress females, usually in a rental parked up with his boys blasting out tracks from Unknown T with a balloon in his mouth.
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We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Lol these are dead on @IslamIsTheAnswer you forgot one though, Whitewashed Warsan


Whitewashed Warsan

Warsan prides herself on having non Somali friends and their definition of fun is sharing a glass of prosecco on a hipstery rooftop somewhere in Old Street.

Though she doesn't speak a lick of Somali, she proudly pronounces Somali words with an accent to appropriate the culture and laugh with her friends at how primitive it is.

Whilst she tends to mind her business unlike SJW's who advocate for everything under the sun, Warsan is however, very superficial and pretentious. She has a Tinder Bio longer than her CV and enjoys an avocado toasted brunch. When she's on a holiday from her job as a "Writer" and "part time Influencer", she attends the Indie-themed Glastonbury Festival in a show of support for her favourite artists Sigala and Jess Glynne.

Warsan loves a cheeky flirt but when it's unfortunately a Somali such as Warsame who walks past shouts a "Ayyy Man lyk Warsan lemme get your snap doe" Warsan hurries off in shock exclaiming to her friends "OMG what the hell was that".

Warsan joins Ifrah on the long list of future Spinster Xalimos but who knows, her ginger friend Greg who she met at her friends Hen Night may one day sweep her off her feet.
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

Whitewashed Warsan

Warsan prides herself on having non Somali friends and their definition of fun is sharing a glass of prosecco on a hipstery rooftop somewhere in Old Street.

Though she doesn't speak a lick of Somali, she proudly pronounces Somali words with an accent to appropriate the culture and laugh with her friends at how primitive it is.

Whilst she tends to mind her business unlike SJW's who advocate for everything under the sun, Warsan is however, very superficial and pretentious. She has a Tinder Bio longer than her CV and enjoys an avocado toasted brunch. When she's on a holiday from her job as a "Writer" and "part time Influencer", she attends the Indie-themed Glastonbury Festival in a show of support for her favourite artists Sigala and Jess Glynne.

Warsan loves a cheeky flirt but when it's unfortunately a Somali such as Warsame who walks past shouts a "Ayyy Man lyk Warsan lemme get your snap doe" Warsan hurries off in shock exclaiming to her friends "OMG what the hell was that".

Warsan joins Ifrah on the long list of future Spinster Xalimos but who knows, her ginger friend Greg who she met at her friends Hen Night may one day sweep her off her feet.
Is this @VixR archetype :drakelaugh:
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