Celebrity Social Media Imam
In the eyes of Celebrity Social Media Imam, there are more social media platforms to be on than chapters of the Qu’ran. Instagram, snapchat, youtube, facebook—he’s on them all. He has thousands of social media followers and even Religious Somali Mom swoons at the mention of his name. Unlike OGs like Sheikh Omar Faaruuq, who could only be heard through badly recorded cassette tapes, Celebrity Social Media Imam has in his hands at all times a very powerful smartphone that can broadcast his image and voice clearly and beautifully to his many adoring fans. His every social media post is greeted with a thousand manshallah and ilaahay ha ku barakyo’s. Similar to Wannabe Arab Man, Celebrity Social Media Imam is often dressed in Arabian robes although unlike Wannabe Arab Man he can generally speak decent fusha and has theological credentials in Islam (usually Wahabi ones from Sudan or Saudi Arabia). In his sermons, Celebrity Social Media Imam typically gives a reactionary (anti-progressive) viewpoint to prevailing social and political issues, although he usually does so in a “hip” way to attract a younger following (for example, he may use humor or slang words). In his personal life, Celebrity Social Media Imam is not such a nice person. Cold to his wives, inattentive to his children, and self-centered—what usually is most important to Celebrity Social Media Imam is his status and following in the community, everything else is secondary including religion. He is often guilty of selfish polygamous marriages (especially to young females), shady business deals, and involvement in qabyaalad and quid pro quo politics. A lover of travel, Celebrity Social Media Imam can often be found touring diaspora communities while neglecting his duties to his home-town masjid, which he usually is imam of. He is a regular figure in Somali hajj groups. Although his vanity and obsession with social media is common nowadays, what makes Celebrity Social Media Imam a driver of communal dysfunction among Somalis is the platform he gives to hateful and reactionary views. Prone to speaking without thinking or being truthful, Celebrity Social Media Imam is often responsible for spreading unseemly and false rumors such as “700 Somali girls in London have aids” [this actually happened]. His large following can (and often does) cause rumors, reactionary thinking, and Wahabi Islam to spread wide and take root among impressionable minds that view Celebrity Social Media Imam as a moral example and religious guiding light.
The best remedy to Celebrity Social Media Imam is to unfollow him on social media.
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