The Hate For Somalis Is Palpable

Im not pushing for the hooyos to sideline instilling somali culture rather, putting more of an emphasis on claiming and showcasing dhinaca aabaha. Personally im not against half somali children connecting with their somali side, abti waa hooyo aan naas lahayn, ilmaha markasta waa la soo dhoweeya laakin runta waa inn loo sheego.

That would make sense! But when they even claim half-Somali or speak Somali, they get a barrage of insults. It's shocking.

I just want them to be treated like normal human beings, who have DUAL heritage.
What does DNA have to do with this, tusaale, if a darood child is born to a darood father under a valid nixak and no doubt/oath was taken against the mother, the child islamically is my tribal cousin and takes the lineage of his father, i dont care what a DNA test tells me. I've reiterated this point many times on this site. I follow the book of allah not what some gaal tells me from analysing Candhuuf.

Some of your "Daarood" cousins adopted Oromos and Boni/Aweer hunter-gatherers in their ranks.
That’s not true just say you are not familiar with Dir clans
guys like this that need to be jailed my g forgot the barre dream t=and all of the Ali madaxweyne somali abo nonsense. one mention of Ali madaxweyne before 1970 ill wait its not real bro face reality. Akisho is Oborra, Jarso is Daga infact he is the oldest Daga Akichu was even mentioned thr 16th century as oromos.
My mother has a cousin that is half-white (white father) and he's part of our family; he even served as a soldier during the North-South war and no one is allowed to call him foreigner or sideline him...

..The Dinka usually don't accept people that aren't pure Dinka (paternally & maternally), so it seems that my mother's family (educated) is the exception.

The Nuer and the Luo absorb entire groups and will accept anyone as long as they go through a process of conversion.
Is Lineage from the fathers side or mother

Is Lineage from the fathers side or mother

Lineage is technically paternal, however, the mother can still bring in a child (with a foreign father) by just claiming him under her father. The Dinka just don't give leadership positions to half-Dinkas, so there is still some discrimination in that regard.
Its either you accept all half somalis as somali and let them claim their parents qabil or none of them can. I don't understand how a mans half somali child is able to claim a qabil and be somali but the hooyos cant? Lineage from the dad my ass bro our hooyos and ayeeyos have literally suffered, survived, and probed up our families for generations but we cant even have the decency to give them this?
It’s so weird. We need to let go of clannism and one of the first things we need to get rid of is this rule. If a kid is half somali, they are somali, even if the father is non-somali and the mother is somali.
It’s so weird. We need to let go of clannism and one of the first things we need to get rid of is this rule. If a kid is half somali, they are somali, even if the father is non-somali and the mother is somali.
Yea that’s never gonna happen at least not in my life time.


I agree with you that a half somali kid can’t claim his mother’s qabil but what about a somali passport? Do you need a qabil to have somali citizenship?
I'm for the need to have one parent who is a Somali national, qabil shouldn't be a requisite for nationalisation or you have worked/lived a x amount of years in the country legally.
β€œA society becomes great when men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.” We need to push for this change if not for ourselves, for our future generations.
What shade? Shade is supposed to be a cool comfort from the hot sun. Shade feels good. You know what doesn’t feel good. Some Jamaican running around claiming he’s Somali. Even though all Somalis deep down know you are what your father is. I refuse to plant these β€œtrees”. The main reason is it not my prerogative as a male to support that culture shift. I will always be in opposition to that idea.
What shade? Shade is supposed to be a cool comfort from the hot sun. Shade feels good. You know what doesn’t feel good. Some Jamaican running around claiming he’s Somali. Even though all Somalis deep down know you are what your father is. I refuse to plant these β€œtrees”. The main reason is it not my prerogative as a male to support that culture shift. I will always be in opposition to that idea.

What culture shift? Some of you suffer from delusions and superiority syndromes. Half Somalis are HALF Somali, and have the right to claim Somalinimo AND whatever their father is, the right to speak the language, and the right to be welcomed.

Sheekh Maxamed Idris has an Eritrean father, and he is worth more than all of you. And he claims to be Somali, and you can't do anything about it.
What culture shift? Some of you suffer from delusions and superiority syndromes. Half Somalis are HALF Somali, and have the right to claim Somalinimo AND whatever their father is, the right to speak the language, and the right to be welcomed.

Sheekh Maxamed Idris has an Eritrean father, and he is worth more than all of you. And he claims to be Somali, and you can't do anything about it.
I’ve already talk about this. Just there’s some contamination doesn’t mean you open the flood gates.
β€œA society becomes great when men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.” We need to push for this change if not for ourselves, for our future generations.
What shade? Shade is supposed to be a cool comfort from the hot sun. Shade feels good. You know what doesn’t feel good. Some Jamaican running around claiming he’s Somali. Even though all Somalis deep down know you are what your father is. I refuse to plant these β€œtrees”. The main reason is it not my prerogative as a male to support that culture shift. I will always be in opposition to that idea.
What’s gonna happen if a half Somali/Jamaican claims he’s Somali? Nothing. He’s half somali, it’s an objective fact, even if it’s from his mother’s side. We will also take our mothers last names is Jannah. You don’t want this culture shift becuz ur probably afraid of change, but your gonna have to get over it.

Not having self-awareness is detrimental to a society. So let’s move onto things that matter like clannism and the environmental crisis in Somalia.
What’s gonna happen if a half Somali/Jamaican claims he’s Somali? Nothing. He’s half somali, it’s an objective fact, even if it’s from his mother’s side. We will also take our mothers last names is Jannah. You don’t want this culture shift becuz ur probably afraid of change, but your gonna have to get over it.

Not having self-awareness is detrimental to a society. So let’s move onto things that matter like clannism and the environmental crisis in Somalia.
What’s gonna happen? Exactly what happens today. Some Somali guy will let him know what’s up. He will be accosted sooner or later.


Woman has a kid with a Jamaican guy and raises him by herself. Then she does a podcast to say there is no decent Somali guy lol zero self awareness.
Did she really say that? Then why are some posters here going crazy about how Somali people are responding to them? Under no circumstances would I ever accept a half Jamaican kid as Somali. I'm glad Somalis are on code when it comes to this topic.