The Hate For Somalis Is Palpable

Its either you accept all half somalis as somali and let them claim their parents qabil or none of them can. I don't understand how a mans half somali child is able to claim a qabil and be somali but the hooyos cant? Lineage from the dad my ass bro our hooyos and ayeeyos have literally suffered, survived, and probed up our families for generations but we cant even have the decency to give them this?

Abayo, some of these people with the biggest mouths are from adopted clans. Waa dad been badan. And the ones that claim 'pure', historically adopted/allied with others, but they claim the wrong father.

Sheegato iyo munaafaq is aruursaday who get a kick out of bullying half Somalis. They don't even have the manners to allow the kids to even claim HALF SOMALI.
Half breed hooyos need to instill a love of the childs paternal culture within them, not doing so is setting them up for failure especially if you raise them in a Somali dominated area. Hooyinka need to take more responsibility as they know how the Somali community is.

Why are you guys incapable of even being polite and allowing these kids to celebrate both sides of their culture.
Respectfully no, any kid with a father from my qabil is my tribe, i cconsider him Somali and a member of my reer. ilmaha hooyoyin Somali dhaleen abti baan uu nahay but thats as far as it goes. This is what is stipulated in our deen and dhaqan, it will continue untill the end of time and wont change for anybody.


If that's the case, I don't want to see you deny DNA results. In fact, you have been going around, trying to deny DNA testing. Because all you care about is preserving ORAL history, to not expose what Somali men have done for Centuries (Fake clans).
One last thing I want to talk about.
@π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’

In regards to the deadbeat hood niggas and young single moms. Most of these people had kids at a young age. They were either being rebellious to piss their parents off, were dumbasses that forgot to use protection, or they just fell in love with an ajnabi.

I feel like a good portion of these people realized they fucked up as they got older in their mid to late 20s. Being stuck with a mixed kid as a single parent is like having a felony on your record in conservative societies. Most somali bachelor's and bachelorettes will prefer to be with a childfree Somali. Even the single parents with Somali kids would prefer to be with another Somali with full Somali kids. Somalis aren't the only ones like this either.
Cadaan women are pretty much kicked out of cadaan dating pools when they have mixed kids.
Honestly even having a known past with an ajnabi partner disqualifies you from dating a lot of somalis.
We also don't live in a time period where we have a bunch of niggas desperate enough to marry a single mom. Gen Z and millennials are a lot more wealthier and westernized than the older gen. A lot of niggas would rather be with a childfree ajnabi instead of a Somali single parent.

I think being kicked out of the dating pool pisses off a decent amount of these chicks. Hence why some of them are known for being annoying divestors that constantly diss somali men.I'm honestly not sure if it really pisses of the fathers in the same situation tbh. Mainly because if they were really desperate for a Somali partner they could just marry a chick from back home.
Is this the uk or US
It’s like they are everywhere but some of them are ajnabis larping as Somali,can’t wait when they introduce ids for social media.

The way these trolls did a number in our reputation is absolutely no joke. May Allah give them the worst form of infliction in this life and greater next. I just went on a random video and already seeing severe hate. I can't escape from the hate. And I can't escape from the word zoo either. And no I don't have social media I saw the video on youtube are you guys going to tell me to delete my YouTube account?
Abayo, some of these people with the biggest mouths are from adopted clans. Waa dad been badan. And the ones that claim 'pure', historically adopted/allied with others, but they claim the wrong father.

Sheegato iyo munaafaq is aruursaday who get a kick out of bullying half Somalis. They don't even have the manners to allow the kids to even claim HALF SOMALI.
You are 100% right. The only thing these people have going for them is their qabil and nothing else. Can’t even let those kids even get a Somali citizenship? How can a gaal mothers kid be more Somali than the one raised by a Somali mother when fathers rarely take part in raising them. Makes no sense to me but whatever this is what men love…
It’s like they are everywhere but some of them are ajnabis larping as Somali,can’t wait when they introduce ids for social media.
So many users will tell me to get off social media when the hate isn't only exclusive to social media the hate is EVERYWHERE even on bloody reddit. But ofcourse some of these weird users will still tell you to delete youtube or your reddit account. I.d must be mandatory very soon so we can finally put the trolls in deep sleep.
I get you the half somalis with the somali mothers atleast deserve citizenship and have to have more affinity with their somalk side BUT if we were to allow what you said to happen then all different kind of ajnabis like oromos can better assimilate us the clan structure was designed in a way to protect us for our own good whether we like it or not.
At least give them a Somali citizenship if everything else is denied.
Both akisho and jaarso are Somali Madaxweyne dir just because they have assimilated with the Oromos doesn’t take their Somalinimo away.
guys like this that need to be jailed my g forgot the barre dream t=and all of the Ali madaxweyne somali abo nonsense. one mention of Ali madaxweyne before 1970 ill wait its not real bro face reality. Akisho is Oborra, Jarso is Daga infact he is the oldest Daga Akichu was even mentioned thr 16th century as oromos.
My mother has a cousin that is half-white (white father) and he's part of our family; he even served as a soldier during the North-South war and no one is allowed to call him foreigner or sideline him...

..The Dinka usually don't accept people that aren't pure Dinka (paternally & maternally), so it seems that my mother's family (educated) is the exception.

The Nuer and the Luo absorb entire groups and will accept anyone as long as they go through a process of conversion.


Forza Somalia!
You get your lineage from your father side it’s in Islam.
Isn't lineage different than nationality and ethnicity? Lineage is a record of paternal lineage, while ethnicity and nationality is what group of people or state you belong to. A Saudi guy is not from house of Saud


Why are you guys incapable of even being polite and allowing these kids to celebrate both sides of their culture.
Im not pushing for the hooyos to sideline instilling somali culture rather, putting more of an emphasis on claiming and showcasing dhinaca aabaha. Personally im not against half somali children connecting with their somali side, abti waa hooyo aan naas lahayn, ilmaha markasta waa la soo dhoweeya laakin runta waa inn loo sheego.



If that's the case, I don't want to see you deny DNA results. In fact, you have been going around, trying to deny DNA testing. Because all you care about is preserving ORAL history, to not expose what Somali men have done for Centuries (Fake clans).
What does DNA have to do with this, tusaale, if a darood child is born to a darood father under a valid nikax and no doubt/oath was taken against the mother, the child islamically is my tribal cousin and takes the lineage of his father, i dont care what a DNA test tells me. I've reiterated this point many times on this site. I follow the book of allah not what some gaal tells me from analysing Candhuuf.
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