The offensive against Al-Shabaab in Central Somalia


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
SNA and especially the macawiisleey did a great job masha allah those who died are shahiids if the macawiisleey don't stand their ground sna will retreat.

The colonels did not hold any positions in SNA so they may as well be macawiisleey and most wear army fatigues in east galgaduud.

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Gabadhaan magaceed ah Rahma Abdullahi Sheikh macawiisleeyda shahiiday ee ku jirtay aun

QQ is shameless 30 people died today in caabudwaaq has he made a statement?
Allah yarhaamo


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
is there any news on if they have made any progress towards completing it?
There hasn’t been anything as successful as the first push which freed 600-1000km, it’s mostly been back and forth now. They’ve lost their momentum, so I don’t see phase1 being completed by the end of the year as Gen.Ibrahim said. It all starts at the top, there’s shisheeye within the government that must be purged. They should start with the people stealing government funding and the ones that lowered SNA monthly salary
Sitting ducks not taking defences seriously whilst being surrounded


Waa laga guuleesana bi idinillah kareem

Sitting ducks not taking defences seriously whilst being surrounded
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Shabab are coming from Murusade land such as Wabxo, Derri and Galhareeri. They're all shabab and I'm not even dissing them. If there is no local macawiisleey it is difficult to hold any land. Reer Ceel Dheer have come from all over to defend their district and the only reason it didn't fall again is because the locals dug their heels in.


Weird Somali crap. Only country which promotes clan components over a national army. Even Ethiopia with their multiple ethnicities creates a single army.
Listen clown this is a slow process. Shabab have been brainwashing these people for 15 years. When I see you post your crap waxaa igu soo dhacda 'habar fadhida lagdin la fududaa' who are you? You don't have a federal member state?


Their 59 dead soldiers claim is backed by this?
savages. They need to be exterminated.
They are not savages but brainwashed individuals that need to be treated with some lead.
Waa laga guuleesana bi idinillah kareem

Shabab are coming from Murusade land such as Wabxo, Derri and Galhareeri. They're all shabab and I'm not even dissing them. If there is no local macawiisleey it is difficult to hold any land. Reer Ceel Dheer have come from all over to defend their district and the only reason it didn't fall again is because the locals dug their heels in.
Inshallah this will end soon but you have to realise that things didn't go as planned for the khawarij because there were multiple operations hours after they were done filming this, you can even check sntv's telegram channel for their bakhti that is still being found around ceeldheer.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Weird Somali crap. Only country which promotes clan components over a national army. Even Ethiopia with their multiple ethnicities creates a single army.
They don’t seem to understand that you need centralized control over all units and rapid response reserves. They think defeating the kababis in a single battle will settle things, very stupid people.

They don’t understand that you need to be able to encircle and then kill the kabab to the last man. In all of these pushes they allow Alshabab the chance to withdraw. They don’t want to engage in attritional warfare even though they have the advantage in manpower and resources. Clan militia are very casaulty sensitive, they will not engage in attritional war. This is why you need an SNA or FMS darawiish who cannot refuse to engage in such a tactic.

If they’ve not been able to figure this out in two years of war, they never will. Shocking incompetence.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
this is a slow process. Shabab have been brainwashing these people for 15 years
Somalia’s capacity is limited. I understand that. The thing is, what’s the trouble in taking these men and women who fight for their “macawisley” and adding them to SNA, then sending them back to their state to fight. Tasking a clan militia with national security tears down the idea of centralism and promotes every man for themselves.
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They don’t seem to understand that you need centralized control over all units and rapid response reserves. They think defeating the kababis in a single battle will settle things, very stupid people.

They don’t understand that you need to be able to encircle and then kill the kabab to the last man. In all of these pushes they allow Alshabab the chance to withdraw. They don’t want to engage in attritional warfare even though they have the advantage in manpower and resources. Clan militia are very casaulty sensitive, they will not engage in attritional war. This is why you need an SNA or FMS darawiish who cannot refuse to engage in such a tactic.

If they’ve not been able to figure this out in two years of war, they never will. Shocking incompetence.
You should apply that same theory in those mountains shabab and isis are in. They're isn't that many of them yet they tax boosaaso 'Habar fadhida lagdin la fududaa' applies to you too because where have your people come into contact with shabab? Puntland 1 major source of income is being taxed by terrorists

You didn't say anything but shabab should be steamrolled well show us how its done in puntland, afka lee laga noolyahay lol


Weird Somali crap. Only country which promotes clan components over a national army. Even Ethiopia with their multiple ethnicities creates a single army.
You do realise if we never had macawisleey, the army would be spread out thinner than they currently are and we wouldn't capture as many lands as we have in a short period of time. And are you seriously comparing ethiopia a country held together by the west while they separate us through multiple political borders? Remember that the sea of islam they feel threatened by and love to mention to western powers is you!
You should apply that same theory in those mountains shabab and isis are in. They're isn't that many of them yet they tax boosaaso 'Habar fadhida lagdin la fududaa' applies to you too because where have your people come into contact with shabab? Puntland 1 major source of income is being taxed by terrorists

You didn't say anything but shabab should be steamrolled well show us how its done in puntland, afka lee laga noolyahay lol


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
You do realise if we never had macawisleey, the army would be spread out thinner than they currently are and we wouldn't capture as many lands as we have in a short period of time. And are you seriously comparing ethiopia a country held together by the west while they separate us through multiple political borders? Remember that the sea of islam they feel threatened by and love to mention to western powers is you!
They work alongside macawisley, and that has given the SNA much success in phase 1. My thinking is, wouldn’t macawisley be even more effective if they were SNA ? They’d have access to heavier weapons than technicals without breaching the arms embargo, a legal salary (they already get paid but again this is promoting clan militia over joining SNA.), and more legitimacy in taking land. Without legitimacy other Somalis would see these men without uniform and think it’s a clan trying to take their land.

above all SNA is lacking heavily. Eritrea with a smaller population has a larger armed forces than us which is embarrassing. Somalia should have 100’000 soldiers minimum, the gap in unemployment would make these numbers up quickly.


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