The offensive against Al-Shabaab in Central Somalia


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
"When a colonel or general refused to get his troops killed, he was dismissed from duty. đź’€"

Bro I didn't know it was this bad. I had to reread this sentence like 3 times bruh I was legit shocked.

"4-5k is the highball estimate. it’s closer to 2-3k with the rest being MIA or deserting."

Don't we have Americans helping us out??? I thought they were constantly bombing Al shabab. I really didn't expect SNA numbers to be this high. I thought we only had a small amount of troops. Like 10k max. How many do we actually have???. If it's around 10k than losing 20% of our troops isn't a good thing bro
Wasir tiktok and Mahad Salad dismissed Bashir Indho in coswayne after he refused to send his troops into what was clearly a death trap. His troops were then ambushed in their sleep. The survivors went to dhusomareeb.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Don't we have Americans helping us out??? I thought they were constantly bombing Al shabab. I really didn't expect SNA numbers to be this high. I thought we only had a small amount of troops. Like 10k max. How many do we actually have???. If it's around 10k than losing 20% of our troops isn't a good thing bro
Which is why we need an actual roundup using the bio data of each soldier. Minimum 2k are dead. That’s insane amount. Even worse. In those numbers are high ranking veterans, colonels, generals, and even the fucking deputy commander of Danab. AUN to all our heroes.

The two culprits are Abdulqadir nuur and Mahad salad. A lot of the decisions regarding the war fell on those two.


Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali army forces, backed by international partners, killed 28 al-Shabab militants in an airstrike in a rural area on the border between the Galgadud and Middle Shabelle regions on Tuesday night.

The airstrike targeted the Hawal Qorey and Rage Barir areas, where members of the group, along with their military and cargo vehicles, were stationed.

A senior military commander, Abdinur Yusuf Qadaye, stated that the targeted militants were planning attacks on army positions and local communities. However, the government forces and their international partners prevented the attack.

Operations against the al-Shabab group are still ongoing in the Galgadud and Middle Shabelle regions, with increased efforts from both ground and air forces by the army, local people, and international allies.

The new attack comes a few days after the commander of the 8th Battalion of the 60th Division of the Somali National Army (SNA), Major Mohamed Nur Sheegow, also known as Mohamed Dheere, and seven SNA soldiers were killed in a roadside explosion in the Bay region of southwest Somalia.

At least 11 other soldiers were wounded in the explosion, according to a military official who declined to be named.


These niggas got their own special forces unit :dead:

@Pastoralist @Hassano @Cartan Boos

How tf they train so many niggas without getting caught??? Do we not have access to American or Turkish drones?? These guys should have been noticed
shows u dont need eritrea turkey or dubai to train troops. find young people train them in house. they are fitter, will appreciate the pay even if its small, and easier to program for nationalistic cause vs clan one. should have recruiters at all the highshools like america

A lot of blood would need to be sacrificed to defeat these extremists. I don’t think the government is prepared or has the resources for a prolonged, consistent war with Shabaab.

A few inconsistent drone strikes here and there will not solve anything. A large-scale war would need to be waged, it could take longer than half a decade to get rid of these guys.



the fact that their propaganda video is in multiple languages proves a long standing point against AS. It is no long a somali terrorist organization but rather one that poses as Somalis but is filling its ranks with foreigners. They kill countless Somalis and burn the flag, at this point we should just drop napalm on them.

apocalypse now napalm GIF

Brainwashed or not, they will continue to kill till there is a shock to their system so great that they back down. It was the same with the Japanese in WW2, we can take the high road for so long with psychopaths.



Yemeni khawarij finally CAPTURED in manhunt after two of his buddies (1 somali 1 yemeni) had already died due to hunger whilst hiding near the coast after their defeat in ceel dheer​

Ceeldheer (Caasimada Online) – Ciidamada xoogga dalka iyo kuwa dib u xoreynta deeganka ee ku sugan degmada Ceeldheer ee gobolka Galgaduud ayaa gacanta ku dhigay nin ajanebi ah oo ka tirsan Khawaarijta Al-Shabaab.

Ninkaan ayaa lagu qabtay deegaanka Mareeg oo ah deegaan ku yaalla xeebta, isla markaana hoos taga degmada Ceeldheer ee gobolka Galgaduud.

Ciidanka Qaranka iyo kuwa xaq u dirirka ah ee deegaanka oo helay xogta dhagarqabaha ayaa howlgal baadi-goob ah ka sameeyay xeebaha gobolka Galgaduud, kuwaas gacanta kusoo dhigay ninkaan.

Saraakiisha Ciidamada ayaa Caasimada Online u sheegay in ninkaan uu ka mid yahay tiro maleeshiyaad ah oo ka lumay Khawaarijta markii ay ku jabeen dagaalkii dhawaan ka dhacay degmada Ceeldheer.

Dhowr habeen ayey ciidanku ku raad-joogeen ninka hadda la qabtay iyo labo kale, kuwaas oo go’doon ku ahaa howdka degmada Ceeldheer.

Ninkaan ayaa sheegay inuu ka soo jeedo dalka Yemen, sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay inay la socdeen labo nin oo mid Soomaali yahay, midna ka soo jeedo dalka Yemen, kuwaas oo maalmo badan ay duurka ku wadajireen.

Sida ay saraakiishu noo sheegeen waxaa duurka gaajo ugu geeriyooday labadii nin ee kale, xogta sheegeysa in raggii kale ay dhinteen waxaa saraakiisha ciidanka la wadaagay ninka la qabtay ee u dhashay dalka Yemen.


Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia's federal government forces, supported by local residents, conducted a major operation targeting Al-Shabaab hideouts in the Galgaduud region, recovering a significant amount of weapons and inflicting casualties on the militant group.

The attack took place in the forested areas between the towns of Galcad and Masagaway. According to Abdinur Yusuf Qadaye, commander of the 86th unit of the 77th Brigade, the troops entered a remote area known to be used by Al-Shabaab to organize attacks.

"There was a strong attack on the Khawarij, and we recovered a significant amount of weapons from the dead and injured Khawarij. We are still in the jungle," Qadaye said.

The operation is part of a series of actions by government forces, who frequently carry out operations against Al-Shabaab with the assistance of residents and international allies. These efforts aim to dismantle the militant group's strongholds and reduce their capacity to launch attacks.


Ceeldheer (Caasimada Online) – Wararka naga soo gaaray gobolka Galgaduud ayaa sheegaya in maanta ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Macawiisleyda ay howlgal culus ka fuliyeen agagaarka degmad Ceeldheer, kaas oo khasaare lagu gaarsiiyay Al-Shabaab.

Ciidamada huwanta ayaa weerar ku qaaay Cali-cadhoole oo u dhow degmada Ceeldheer, halkaas oo ay ku sugnaayeen maleeshiyaad ka tirsan kooxda Al-Shabaab, iyaga qaarkood dilay, kana soo furtay hub, sida lagu sheegay qoraal kasoo baxay taliska Xoogga.

Warsaxaafadeedka ayaa lagu sheegay in weerarkan lagu dilay 7 xubnood, isla markaana laga soo furtay hubkii ay wateen maleeshiyaadka lagu khaarijiyay howlgalka.

“Howlgal afjar ah oo ciidamada qaranka iyo kuwa deegaanka ay ka fuliyeen deegaanka Cali-cadhoole oo 33 KM waqooyi ka xiga degmada Ceeldheer ee gobolka Galgaduud ayaa lagu dilay toddoba (7) dhagarqabe oo ka tirsanaa Khawaarijta, waxaana lagu soo furtay hub iyo saanad ciidan” ayaa lagu yiri warka kasoo baxay taliska ciidanka Xoogga dalka.

Waxaa kale oo qoraalka lagu yiri “Ciidamada ayaa ka war-helay in kooxdaasi ay si dhuumaaleysi ah ku joogto goobta lagu weeraray, waxaana u suurta-gashay inay soo afjaraan, iyagoo soo bandhigay sawirrada meydadka dhagarqabayaashii la dilay oo horjoogihii hoggaaminayey uu ku jiro iyo goobihii ay gabaadka ka dhiganayeen oo lagu burburiyey howlgalka”.

Ciidamada ayaa weli sii wada howlgalkooda, waxaana haatan xaaladdu ay tahay mid aad u kacsan, sida ay sheegeen dadka deegaanka.

Dhinaca kale ma jiro wax hadal ah oo kasoo baxay kooxda Al-Shabaab oo ku aadan howlgalkaasi ee ay guulaha ka sheegteen ciidamada Xoogga dalka iyo kuwa deegaanka.

Galgaduud ayaa waxaa weli ka socda howlgallo ka dhan ah maleeshiyada Al-Shabaab, kuwaas oo iyaguna weeraro ka fuliya gobolkaasi.



These guys have been making progress recently they are majority waceysle I believe guutada 77 and mainly infantry .

Murusade & Duduble in Xamar who are the minority have no say over those in baadiiyo who are all khawaarij. Those in Xamar don't want to die for the caro gaduud desert either when they are enjoying life in the capital shameless



Qeybta 43aad receive some more technicals and other vehicle from SNA.

Jubbaland has got its fair share blackie wants no part of a fight with khawaarij tho

