The truth: I'm a Yemeni Jew (ethnicity wise)

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Mike Hunt

Astra incliant sed non obligant
But there’s no point in pretending to be something that I’m not. I don’t care about acceptance from people tbh, I ride alone.

Hmm. I think you're being way too fatalistic about being an outcast, and about nobody accepting you. Don't shutdown like that, it's not good for you.

Were you able to meet other Yemeni Jews from Somalia? Also, being an orphan of uncertain parentage isn't exactly uncommon in war torn countries. You'll be just fine.
Nah I'm not really bothered lmao. I just do my own thing. I think it's quite stupid boasting about your race or who's more "noble". I asked the father of my foster father about Yemeni Jews ('Amraani) in Somalia, he said he knew a few but he's not laid eyes on any ever since the civil war broke out in 91. The only way you could tell someone was a Yemeni Jew is if they also practiced Judaism. Otherwise, most Muslim converts (even the more purer blooded Yemeni Jews) would pass off as Reer Xamar or recent Arab migrants from Yemen.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Looooooooool @ Yemeni Jew and being adopted by benadiri.

Wallahi Somalis are so gullible. We still consider you as our brother kulaha.



Yemeni Jew looooool

Adopted by Benadiri family loooool

Thanks for the laugh!!!
Looooooooool @ Yemeni Jew and being adopted by benadiri.

Wallahi Somalis are so gullible. We still consider you as our brother kulaha.

Wallahi I could provide evidence but I don't want to qarxis myself. When I say Yemeni Jew I don't mean one that migrated to Somalia yesterday. Most have been there for hundreds of years.

PS. Why would I claim to be a Yemeni Jew if I was really a Benadiri Arab? Arabs > Jews.


Yemeni Jews are not real Jews. They are converted pre-Islam Yemenis.

The only real Jews are the Mizrahi Jews (from the Levant). And to a lesser extent Ashkenazis and Sephardic ones (Euro+genuine Jew mutts).


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Now wallahi I didn't mean to mislead my brothers and sisters. Some have caught on a long time ago. I was adopted by Reer Xamar parents who I no longer live with. I appreciate their good treatment towards me and the fact that they see me as one of them, but it's time to come out. An eagle cannot live all of its life pretending to be a (enter another type of bird). I'm touched by the ahadith that warn against claiming a people you're not from. I'm not the only Yemeni Jew, wallahi there were a few families. The 'Amraani numbered no more than 1,000 in Xamar. Some have converted alxamdulilah while others haven't. For example:

I liked claiming Benadiri Arab, but this is the end of the road for me in that regard. It's no surprise I'm have Yemeni citizenship and have no plans to return to Xamar. If I do, it would mainly be to open a business; perhaps one in Hargeisa or Gaalkacyo too.

I've disclosed this information to a Barawani family that was close to me and they shunned me. It's why I keep it a secret. It's why the Amraani ask Benadiri families for sheegad status but some people have been misled into believing certain clans are Jews. For example our brother here:

I still don't support Israel though. I also live in Huddersfield, UK but I claimed other areas because of the Benadiri population there.

I once proposed to a Benadiri girl but it didn’t go right. Her family inquired regarding what family I’m from, when I told them, they were delighted (told them the family of my foster parents). But then when they found out I’m a foster son and the sub-clan is not legit a Benadiri Arab one, they rejected my proposal. I decided to not disclose the truth about my origins to any girl that I’d want to marry for this reason, but then I thought that’s kind of deceptive.

The truth is, I'm an outcast wherever I go. Islam is the only identity I have. No community on the planet would accept me, not even Benadiri. But there’s no point in pretending to be something that I’m not. I don’t care about acceptance from people tbh, I ride alone.


Can't say i am suprised everyone knows you folks are mostly the Midgaan of Arabia. But in Somalia you try to hide this by calling yourselves Asharaf. Just like the Fatimids, Al-Hatimi ,Shanshi iyo balaayo all yahuudds.

Must shit to be an Arab Yahuudi , descendant of Allah's cursed people :chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:

If you stop acting like a faux Arab supremacist and concede to the great Noble Soomaali race.

We will accept you into the Somali community as our humble servant:mjswag:
There's nothing wrong with being a Jew. I have a problem with Zionists and those rer hamer who claim they are related to the prophet (saw).
and those rer hamer who claim they are related to the prophet (saw).
What about if they actually are related to the Prophet (SAW)? Wallahi it's realistic, I've actually met some that bore very close resemblance to the Sharifs of Mekkah before they were overthrown. Horta, I know two Asharaaf clans that are without a shadow of a doubt Hashemites. I'll send you evidence via PM as I don't want to qarxis it.

I'm against people belying and casting aspersions on another person's ancestry without evidence as this is forbidden in Islam.

“There are four matters of jaahiliyyah that exist among my ummah and they will not give them up: boasting about one’s forefathers, casting aspersions upon people’s lineages, seeking rain by the stars and wailing for the dead.” [Sahîh Muslim (934)]
What about if they actually are related to the Prophet (SAW)? Wallahi it's realistic, I've actually met some that bore very close resemblance to the Sharifs of Mekkah before they were overthrown. Horta, I know two Asharaaf clans that are without a shadow of a doubt Hashemites. I'll send you evidence via PM as I don't want to qarxis it.

I'm against people belying and casting aspersions on another person's ancestry without evidence as this is forbidden in Islam.

“There are four matters of jaahiliyyah that exist among my ummah and they will not give them up: boasting about one’s forefathers, casting aspersions upon people’s lineages, seeking rain by the stars and wailing for the dead.” [Sahîh Muslim (934)]

Sorry, I don't believe in that. They can keep inbreeding tho, for all I care, until they are as pure as King Geoffrey himself.
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
There's nothing wrong with being a Jew. I have a problem with Zinists and those rer hamer who claim they are related to the prophet (saw).

I have no problem with them, i just don't like how they are claiming Benadir was an Arab coast ,when it was built ,governed and ruled by Somalis. They came as refugees and merchants to the place.

Those Reer Xamaris that claim they are related to the prophet saw like Ashraaf, are Yahuudi Cad Cads who are the historically disenfranchised in the benadiri region lived under the domination of Madow Reer Xamaris thats why they hide behind fake Ashraaf name when they are just different mixtures of people.

70% of all Reer Xamari clans are Hawiye, Ajuraan and Raxanweyn either in ethnicity or origin. Known as Gibil-Madow
Somalia: Reer Hamar
According to Reese (2008), the Benadiris belong to a number of largely urban lineages from Mogadishu, Marka and Barawe (Brava). Some of these lineages claim foreign origins (Yemen, Persia, Spain, etc.), while the Moorshe for instance regard themselves as an offshot of the Ajuran, a pastoral group believed to have ruled the southern interior during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. According to current oral traditions, five of the eight Bandawow sub-lineages also have pastoral origins (Reese 2008). So the Benadiri do actually not constitute a clan at all – that is, they do not all claim to be descendants from the same ancestor. According to different Reer Hamar sources (interviews in Nairobi 2002-2007, interviews in Oslo august 2005) there are four major Reer Hamar clans (Somali: afarta reer xamar). These are the Moorshe, Iskashato, DhabarWeyne and the Bandawow. In addition to these, there are many other smaller groups. Different sources mention different numbers of groups etc.,

2 According to representatives from Shansiye interviewed by Landinfo in Nairobi in September 2005, the socalled dark-skinned Benadiris, i.e. Moorshe, Bandawow and Dhabarweyne, were protected by their Somali neighbours because they were dark-skinned (and presumed to be more native Somali), while most of the lightskinned Benadiris had fled at the beginning of the civil war (1991-1992). Furthermore, the majority of the darkskinned Reer Hamar stayed until the mid 1990s, when many of them left the country. These representatives claimed at the time that very few Reer Hamar still lived in Mogadishu, and a representative from the human rights organisation DIJHRO told Landinfo in September 2005 that members of the minority communities that used to live in Shangani had left during the civil war.
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