The truth: I'm a Yemeni Jew (ethnicity wise)

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Fck it, I'll share it anyway.

1. The Ba Alawi Saada that most Benadiri Asharaaf belong to. Many people from this clan carry J1 with the correct markers.

2. Ahdali/Mahdali who are Hassanis and originally a Shia people who converted to Sunni Islam. They are directly related to Zaidi Shia tribes, Tabataba and al-Rassi, closer to the latter.

This is a well-known saint from this clan:

There should be mass DNA testing done on Asharaaf tbh. Some of them are definitely legit.
Now wallahi I didn't mean to mislead my brothers and sisters. Some have caught on a long time ago. I was adopted by Reer Xamar parents who I no longer live with. I appreciate their good treatment towards me and the fact that they see me as one of them, but it's time to come out. An eagle cannot live all of its life pretending to be a (enter another type of bird). I'm touched by the ahadith that warn against claiming a people you're not from. I'm not the only Yemeni Jew, wallahi there were a few families. The 'Amraani numbered no more than 1,000 in Xamar. Some have converted alxamdulilah while others haven't. For example:

I liked claiming Benadiri Arab, but this is the end of the road for me in that regard. It's no surprise I'm have Yemeni citizenship and have no plans to return to Xamar. If I do, it would mainly be to open a business; perhaps one in Hargeisa or Gaalkacyo too.

I've disclosed this information to a Barawani family that was close to me and they shunned me. It's why I keep it a secret. It's why the Amraani ask Benadiri families for sheegad status but some people have been misled into believing certain clans are Jews. For example our brother here:

I still don't support Israel though. I also live in Huddersfield, UK but I claimed other areas because of the Benadiri population there.

I once proposed to a Benadiri girl but it didn’t go right. Her family inquired regarding what family I’m from, when I told them, they were delighted (told them the family of my foster parents). But then when they found out I’m a foster son and the sub-clan is not legit a Benadiri Arab one, they rejected my proposal. I decided to not disclose the truth about my origins to any girl that I’d want to marry for this reason, but then I thought that’s kind of deceptive.

The truth is, I'm an outcast wherever I go. Islam is the only identity I have. No community on the planet would accept me, not even Benadiri. But there’s no point in pretending to be something that I’m not. I don’t care about acceptance from people tbh, I ride alone.


No one cares what tribe you are sxb, maybe it's time you tried talking to girl from other tribes.


You're an important part of the Somali identity. The most important thing though, is that Islam unites us all, so it doesn't matter whether you're Somali or Yemeni Jew etc.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
@Layth Saaaxiib why do you care about DNA and fake lineages when your ancestors were Yahuuds?

SgtBanadir said:
Lemme put you in on a secret. Cadcad's clans are originally Carab Yahuud. No wonder he has this Yahuudi mentality. Subhanallah sxb. But in the end it don't make a difference don't it, just like how certain groups of people used to be pagans. Yours being the group cursed by Allah. no difference sxb.

TheXamarCadcadGuy said:
Wallah we don't brag. Hence we disguised ourselves you absolute fool. Sgtbanaadir spoke to an elder within the community and was told a thing or two. You will never find out who we are LOL.

I know who you are, Descendant of Allah's cursed people! :chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:
If your a practising muslim, you wouldn't be one of the cursed people, it only applies to the practising Jews.

Are you going to test your DNA? Becareful the science isn't credible with these companies.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I will f0kin sell you nayaa shib dheh. Wallahi I own more land in Somalia than your whole family does
Your ancestors were sold to the Yemenis. Damn the Jews didn't want you and Somalis don't want you. You're probably a bastard who's mom left him in the trash, so a banadiri family got you from the gutter.:hahaidiot:


95% of reer hamar have nothing to do with asharaaf :siilaanyolaugh:
Even then when we start touching on asharaaf there is a very large somalisized portion which none of the cadcads can go and seek sheegato status from as they have assumed a full somali identity.
And i have noticed in particular that the cadcad asharaaf sheegatos don't like the somalisized aaharaafs :dabcasar::siilaanyolaugh:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Now wallahi I didn't mean to mislead my brothers and sisters. Some have caught on a long time ago. I was adopted by Reer Xamar parents who I no longer live with. I appreciate their good treatment towards me and the fact that they see me as one of them, but it's time to come out. An eagle cannot live all of its life pretending to be a (enter another type of bird). I'm touched by the ahadith that warn against claiming a people you're not from. I'm not the only Yemeni Jew, wallahi there were a few families. The 'Amraani numbered no more than 1,000 in Xamar. Some have converted alxamdulilah while others haven't. For example:

I liked claiming Benadiri Arab, but this is the end of the road for me in that regard. It's no surprise I'm have Yemeni citizenship and have no plans to return to Xamar. If I do, it would mainly be to open a business; perhaps one in Hargeisa or Gaalkacyo too.

I've disclosed this information to a Barawani family that was close to me and they shunned me. It's why I keep it a secret. It's why the Amraani ask Benadiri families for sheegad status but some people have been misled into believing certain clans are Jews. For example our brother here:

I still don't support Israel though. I also live in Huddersfield, UK but I claimed other areas because of the Benadiri population there.

I once proposed to a Benadiri girl but it didn’t go right. Her family inquired regarding what family I’m from, when I told them, they were delighted (told them the family of my foster parents). But then when they found out I’m a foster son and the sub-clan is not legit a Benadiri Arab one, they rejected my proposal. I decided to not disclose the truth about my origins to any girl that I’d want to marry for this reason, but then I thought that’s kind of deceptive.

The truth is, I'm an outcast wherever I go. Islam is the only identity I have. No community on the planet would accept me, not even Benadiri. But there’s no point in pretending to be something that I’m not. I don’t care about acceptance from people tbh, I ride alone.


I forgot to put this on here.

Pick a lie and stick to it nayaa

Looooooool@ I'm a Yemeni Jew, oh no I'm an Arab, nope nope I'm Somali. You need help. :hahaidiot:
I forgot to put this on here.

Pick a lie and stick to it nayaa

Looooooool@ I'm a Yemeni Jew, oh no I'm an Arab, nope nope I'm Somali. You need help.
That's before I exposed the truth. Besides, my foster family really are Arabs so I don't see where you're going with this. I just said on my OP that I will not longer claim what I'm not. Is this girl dumb?
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