The truth: I'm a Yemeni Jew (ethnicity wise)

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95% of reer hamar have nothing to do with asharaaf :siilaanyolaugh:
Even then when we start touching on asharaaf there is a very large somalisized portion which none of the cadcads can go and seek sheegato status from as they have assumed a full somali identity.
And i have noticed in particular that the cadcad asharaaf sheegatos don't like the somalisized aaharaafs :dabcasar::siilaanyolaugh:

It's true those cousin fuckers call us 'madoows':mjlol:

when they have so many disabled children and their peoples heights recessive tallest is 5 ft due to interbreeding with first cousins.

And they got the call us madoows naaaclaaa


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Wallahi I'm not a fraud. Nor am I bipolar.

Put a ring on that (get it?)
Wallahi? Nobody believes a Jew. Go sell your family for a nickel. Oh wait they didn't want you in the first place.:mjlol:
You're ethnically Jewish so it's part of your urf.

You can read from the Quran instead of the Torah if you want. :drakekidding:
Sxb, I know the whole Qur'an and many ahadith with the meanings alxamdulilah. I have nothing to do with Jews (in terms of their religion). Fck them all bro
@Layth mate your somali regardless of your ancestral origin hundreds of years ago.

Don't listen to these people be proud of who you are, Somalia is made up of so many different ethnicities and your just one of them sxb



Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
95% of reer hamar have nothing to do with asharaaf :siilaanyolaugh:
Even then when we start touching on asharaaf there is a very large somalisized portion which none of the cadcads can go and seek sheegato status from as they have assumed a full somali identity.
And i have noticed in particular that the cadcad asharaaf sheegatos don't like the somalisized aaharaafs :dabcasar::siilaanyolaugh:

It's because the real Somali Ashraafs are Raxanweyn(Ashraaf Sarmaan) and they are ethnically Somali. During the civil war all the Madow Reer Xamari clans got more respect than the Cad Cads. As they were considered to be Somali.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Wallahi I own more land in Somalia than your whole family does
TheXamarCadcadGuy said:
Bro when you think your going through hard times think about what happened to us by our own muslim brothers. I know it's not all of them though but we are still shattered), imagine having to rent out a house that belongs to you?
TheXamarCadcadGuy said:
We used to hide in masjids.

@Layth mate your somali regardless of your ancestral origin hundreds of years ago.

Don't listen to these people be proud of who you are, Somalia is made up of so many different ethnicities and your just one of them sxb

I'm a Somali only if I'm at least an equal, that's the bare minimum. If I'm not an equal, I shall raise my own ethnicity from the ground up lmfao.

I'm never the inferior. I'm either superior, equal, or I'm on my own league.

Layth's principals 101.


Watching chronic Somali xenophobia come to life right b4 my eyes.

It's the same person you were fraternizing with just yesterday, you odd ppl :mjlol:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Watching chronic Somali xenophobia come to life right b4 my eyes.

It's the same person you were fraternizing with just yesterday, you odd ppl :mjlol:
I've never fraternized with @Layth as far as I'm concerned. I always treated him like the peasant he is, was and will always be. :manny:
I'm a Somali only if I'm at least an equal, that's the bare minimum. If I'm not an equal, I shall raise my own ethnicity from the ground up lmfao.

I'm never the inferior. I'm either superior, equal, or I'm on my own league.

Layth's principals 101.

Of course your equal.... No one is superior to anyone regardless of what certain ppl from certain tribes dribble on about.

All you need to know is your somali and that's it.

Walal don't listen to them. You are equal to any somali.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
I'm a Somali only if I'm at least an equal, that's the bare minimum. If I'm not an equal, I shall raise my own ethnicity from the ground up lmfao.

I'm never the inferior. I'm either superior, equal, or I'm on my own league.

I'm just yanking your tail , trolling you. I accept you as a fellow Somali and Of course you are equal to us.

But why do you have to front and assume fake lineages & identity and act like an Arab supremacist? , most people don't care if you are a yemeni jew.

Just come clean and be humbly proud of your roots, Drop the whole act , it shows you are insecure.
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