The truth: I'm a Yemeni Jew (ethnicity wise)

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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I knew something was off with you wallahi you should never claim something you're not. Oddly enough, you were too Somali to be a Xamari from Manchester, they all believe in some fairytale land called Bravaland:mjlol: Be proud of your heritage


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
This is the Somali mentality in real life. Claim everyone and anyone who speaks Somali and lived in the Somali peninsula as one of them. It's only on the internet you find these fanatical purists who harp on about "ethnic Somali", haplotypes, e1b1b1a1b, 23&me, Somaal, xeer, etc. :russ:

Truthfully, I don't know what is worse. Either these lineages are true and you are far more divided than you believe, which is what you are hinting at and possibly accept, or you believe in the narrative pushed by the puritans and that you essentially destroyed your entire country over a false descent to Arab patriarchs. Both possibilities spell doom for the future of your nation. :wow:

Who the f*ck did i claim? :mindblown: Look at this complete strawman

Genetics is real thats why Somalis are e1b1b1a1b and that is Horner DNA, thats not being puristic its just a biological reality. Lineage are irrelevant because they do not tell you about genetics or linguistics (i.e Ethnicity). Which is the real basis for origin.:heh: Thats why i dismiss lineages.

All i was saying that @Layth can blend in with the Cad Cad Xamaris if he wants to (His choice) since he is genetically the same as them. bunch of mixtures of different groups.

Secondly We don't base our existence on Arab descent. Our existence we base on our Somali heritage, why else have we retained our unique culture ,language, genetic make up and overall separate identity despite the the close proximity.

That part of Somali genealogy is religiously symbolic (Prophet) rather than literal. It holds no political or practical significance, nor does it inform a notion of heritage.

''This aspect of their genealogy has little practical or political importance. In traditional Somali culture it is important for each child to learn his genealogy up to the level of clan family,beyond that no real significance emerges.''

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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Claim everyone and anyone who speaks Somali and lived in the Somali peninsula as one of them.

Jubba man must be the dumbest shegaato ever :pachah1:

''Some mysterious people unrelated to us lived in the Somali peninsula since ancient time and then they disappeared leaving their language,genes and culture.

Now we some other mysterious people who speak the same language and hold the same genetics arrived from no where are supposedly claiming those other mysterious people'':mjlol:

It's like he tries to hard at trolling and wounds up throwing logic out the door and doesn't understand evolutionary population genetics.

People who lived in Somalia since ancient time are ancestral to the modern day Somalis genetically, linguistically and culturally. It is the same population that just evolved overtime emerging from a single root.
When did your family or ancestors become muslim? Was it recent (few generations)?
I actually do not know. That can't be answered. Some became Muslims straight away, whilst others only accepted Islam in later years; some didn't even accept Islam at all. It varies. But I'm pretty sure I'm at least 3rd/4th generation.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
I actually do not know. That can't be answered. Some became Muslims straight away, whilst others only accepted Islam in later years; some didn't even accept Islam at all. It varies. But I'm pretty sure I'm at least 3rd/4th generation.
Wow, it's pretty recent then.

Do you know any of your biological family like cousins or so? Sorry if it's personal sxb, just curious.
Wow, it's pretty recent then.

Do you know any of your biological family like cousins or so? Sorry if it's personal sxb, just curious.
Nope. I'm pretty sure if I put in the effort, travel, and ask around, I can probably find people who belong to similar families. The problem is, I've never come across one in person. They've been reported to have just disappeared after 91 lmao. Perhaps some of them migrated to Mombasa and other surrounding areas, I'm not sure.


Nope. I'm pretty sure if I put in the effort, travel, and ask around, I can probably find people who belong to similar families. The problem is, I've never come across one in person. They've been reported to have just disappeared after 91 lmao. Perhaps some of them migrated to Mombasa, I'm not sure.
There are Yibirs living in woqooyi, have you tried asking the ones in the west? :mjkkk:
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