The truth: I'm a Yemeni Jew (ethnicity wise)

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It's because the real Somali Ashraafs are Raxanweyn(Ashraaf Sarmaan) and they are ethnically Somali. During the civil war all the Madow Reer Xamari clans got more respect than the Cad Cads. As they were considered to be Somali.
True sxb , reer aw xasan is another example along the raxanweyn asharaafs.
^ dont exibit any signs of zinj blood either.:siilaanyolaugh:
I'm just yanking your tail , trolling you. I accept you as a fellow Somali and Of course you are equal to us.

But we do you have to front and assume fake lineages & identity and act like an Arab supremacist , most people don't care if you are a jew or hindu.

Just come clean and be proud of your roots.
This is something I've done since I was a kid for the reasons stated. But obviously the older I got, the less fucks I gave.
True sxb , reer aw xasan is another example along the raxanweyn asharaafs.
^ dont exibit any signs of zinj blood either.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
This is something I've done since I was a kid for the reasons stated. But obviously the older I got, the less fucks I gave.

Stopped you from continuing it? Has there ever been a huge problem getting acceptance from either community growing up? What triggered this whole identity crisis?
What do you have against jews? Do you know some of them have no affinity to the state of Israel?
Stopped you from continuing it? Has there ever been a huge problem getting acceptance from either community growing up? What triggered this whole identity crisis?
1. I didn't know my biological family that well (their tribe, history) so I couldn't really claim them.

2. I could fit in with all the other folk instead of exposing the fact that I'm some sort of alien.

3. So people recognise who my (foster) parents are.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Hada saas tahay nacaalad ba kugu taalo may you live the remaining days of your life eternally sleepy rest where the worms & the weak be.
Hada saas tahay nacaalad ba kugu taalo may you live the remaining days of your life eternally sleepy rest where the worms & the weak be.
So I'm not your brother in Islam? If you're not for me, or worse, against me, you can't harm me either way. I utter the Shahadah.

Hillel says, "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14

I'm not going to lie, I read their traditions voraciously out of curiosity.
Why expose the fact that your ancestry is abscure? You could have just fit in with other people

Honestly all these lineages are fake anyways , they are not based on blood relationship. Somalis are just a bunch of mixture of different horner groups and clans which have always interbreed with each other. Because of the high interbreeding between Somali clans we somehow seem more homogeneous then we actually are.

Just like Reer Xamaris are a mixture of different groups, so the lineages are not something to be attached to as a source of identity. Tbh

This is the Somali mentality in real life. Claim everyone and anyone who speaks Somali and lived in the Somali peninsula as one of them. It's only on the internet you find these fanatical purists who harp on about "ethnic Somali", haplotypes, e1b1b1a1b, 23&me, Somaal, xeer, etc. :russ:

Truthfully, I don't know what is worse. Either these lineages are true and you are far more divided than you believe, which is what you are hinting at and possibly accept, or you believe in the narrative pushed by the puritans and that you essentially destroyed your entire country over a false descent to Arab patriarchs. Both possibilities spell doom for the future of your nation. :wow:
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