The Ultimate Thread: Are we Black?

Are we black?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 56.7%
  • No

    Votes: 39 43.3%

  • Total voters
I consider myself black here in the West. I don't really care about racial labels tbh. However I figure this would be a funny thread to see what people think and what their rationales are.

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
I am Somali. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't need to accept the white man's label. I'll identify what my ancestors identified themselves as :yousmart:
If these people are not black, then what the hell are they?


This question brings me back to 2015
Recently some aframs and a biracial even asked me whether Somalis are black, I can’t believe this shit reached them.
Horners are what Jews are to white people, we’re only black depending on certain situations but nobody actually takes it seriously
"Black" refers to those of African descent who are dark skinned, so yes, we do fall into that.

I have two issues with it though:

1. It's ridiculous to refer to people as a colour imo, Chinese will call you racist if you call them yellow so why should we accept black?

2. The people referred to as "black" are diverse genetically and even phenotypically, so why should we be lumped as one and pretend we're the same?

A Greek and Lebanese are not that distant from each other genetically but yet are considered different races, so why is it a different rule for us?

Race isn't consistent.

I don't mind calling myself "black" because it's not like I'll change anyone's mind, but I don't really care for the label, I don't see myself as close to most "black" people, nor do I care about Black Lives Matter.

Btw, Somalis are as distant genetically to West Africans as we are to Arabs:


And we're much closer to North Africans than them


Just shows you how bullshit race is.
"Black" refers to those of African descent who are dark skinned, so yes, we do fall into that.

I have two issues with it though:

1. It's ridiculous to refer to people as a colour imo, Chinese will call you racist if you call them yellow so why should we accept black?

2. The people referred to as "black" are diverse genetically and even phenotypically, so why should we be lumped as one and pretend we're the same?

A Greek and Lebanese are not that distant from each other genetically but yet are considered different races, so why is it a different rule for us?

Race isn't consistent.

I don't mind calling myself "black" because it's not like I'll change anyone's mind, but I don't really care for the label, I don't see myself as close to most "black" people, nor do I care about Black Lives Matter.

Btw, Somalis are as distant genetically to West Africans as we are to Arabs:

View attachment 230411

And we're much closer to North Africans than them

View attachment 230412

Just shows you how bullshit race is.
This reminds me, outside of the us census nobody views Arabs as white or forces them to claim a race even tho they look much closer to whites than horners do to blacks.
They’re basically a stand alone race just like Indians. To be fair Horners are also seen as a separate race but there’s conflicting pressures to identify with black people cause of liberalism.
This reminds me, outside of the us census nobody views Arabs as white or forces them to claim a race even tho they look much closer to whites than horners do to blacks.
They’re basically a stand alone race just like Indians. To be fair Horners are also seen as a separate race but there’s conflicting pressures to identify with black people cuz of liberalism.
Sxb race is political and it's bullshit.

A pale Englishman is closer to a dark skin Sri Lankan genetically


than a Somali is to a Nigerian


Yet the former aren't considered the same race, but the latter are :what:

Portuguese and Syrians are not that distant from each other


Yet apparently they're very distinct and different races :mjkkk:

It's all just political bullshit, they just see a bunch of dark skin people in Africa and just assume we're all the same, I mean these guys talk about Africa like it's a country so what do you expect.

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
I’m glad that you were brave enough to ask this question. To put it bluntly we are not black, nor do we participate in “black culture” We are members of the glorious caucasian race. I as a member of the superior white race have more in common with Susan than Shaneeqwa.

Shaneeqwa pictured below

Susan pictured below


You are what the majority of the world considers you to be. So yes somalis are black negros and no amount of delusions will change that.
majority of the world? you mean white people. so youre telling us if this was 100 years ago we should have identified as biracials because colonialists called us mixed.

The Somali is therefore a Hamito-Semitic race.
In most of the tribes will be seen the unquestionably
Semitic straight or aquiline nose with a more or less
refined type of countenance.