The Ultimate Thread: Are we Black?

Are we black?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 56.7%
  • No

    Votes: 39 43.3%

  • Total voters
That's like asking a Swede-Norwegian if they identify as white; if not us, then who?


With that being said, I did find it a little annoying when white people assumed that my people somehow loved fried chicken or that we were great dancers.


You have the final say. Somalis can't throw that Bantu propaganda line at you.

My Nilotic brother, are Somalis black?
You have the final say. Somalis can't throw that Bantu propaganda line at you.

My Nilotic brother, are Somalis black?

I am so incredibly honoured :rejoice::westbrookswag:

to be given the designated task of deciding what my Cushitic brothers should be deemed as...

..So drum roll



That's like asking a Swede-Norwegian if they identify as white; if not us, then who?


loved fried chicken or that we were great dancers.

Anglo-Americans encounter Bantu-Americans on the daily, and they somehow assume everyone in Sub Saharan Africa shares the same culture. 😕

It’s just like how they only encounter Southern Han/pre-surgery Korean immigrants and proceeded to assume every types of East Asians are chinky-eyed conical hat-wearers with a fetish for rice and innately good at math.
Oh, and after that they passed the mentality to every types of Americans, who managed to spread it across the globe with their former British masters & French BFFs.

Formation of prejudice is a hell of a drug, and quite retarded as well. 😂

Regarding the dancer part…Curious, who provided the Maasai their dancing customs? I doubt it was entirely a contribution of the South Cushites. I assume it was already a well-developed ritualistic tradition among proto-Nilotic peoples (associated with Shamanic beliefs, perhaps? Or maybe similar to what Austronesian peoples do.).
Anglo-Americans encounter Bantu-Americans on the daily, and they somehow assume everyone in Sub Saharan Africa shares the same culture. 😕

It’s just like how they only encounter Southern Han/pre-surgery Korean immigrants and proceeded to assume every types of East Asians are chinky-eyed conical hat-wearers with a fetish for rice and innately good at math.
Oh, and after that they passed the mentality to every types of Americans, who managed to spread it across the globe with their former British masters.

Formation of prejudice is a hell of a drug, and quite retarded as well.

People are so incredibly lazy and that's why simplistic notions of physiological and cultural uniformity across vast territories is so appealing to them; observing the stark differences and the nuances is apparently too much of an undertaking and a bit pedantic.

Regarding the dancer part…Curious, who provided the Maasai their dancing customs? I doubt it was entirely a contribution of the South Cushites. I assume it was already a well-developed ritualistic tradition among proto-Nilotic peoples (associated with Shamanic beliefs, perhaps? Or maybe similar to what Austronesian peoples do.).

Nilotes don't really dance; we mostly just jump up and down and this is what the Maasai-Samburu do; I honestly don't know what the basis for that form of 'dancing' is.
People are so incredibly lazy and that's why simplistic notions of physiological and cultural uniformity across vast territories is so appealing to them; observing the stark differences and the nuances is apparently too of an undertaking and a bit pedantic.

Nilotes don't really dance; we mostly just jump up and down and this is what the Maasai-Samburu do; I honestly don't know what the basis for that form of 'dancing' is.
Agreed 1000% with the first part.

As for the second part, well, perhaps I’m just over-interpreting things.
However that form of “dance” was already 10 times more complex than what ancient Han peasants do.
Yeah my Austronesian ancestors danced a lot but my Han ancestors were serious and mostly boring, stoic people. So well, to ancient Han Asians and lots of us now, the Maasai would be some decent dancers.🤫😂


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
"I'm Somali not black" kulaha kkkkk you niggas ain't special.
If you're from Africa and have brown skin you're black, simple as
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I would agree, but a lot of them don't like Somalis so I don't care about them tbh.
Yes but at the same time a lot of somalis don't like them, who started hating the other? It's a difficult question. When it comes to our own regional politics I'm all for Somali interests first against the Ethiopian and Kenyan threat. But when it comes to foreign politics black Africans should be united because the rest of the world want to destroy us.
Look at white people, they slaughtered each other for centuries, right now they are killing each other in Ukraine BUT when it comes to attacking Africans they are all united.
When I see a madow or go to a madow store, I don’t feel any kinship toward them. They’re just as ajnabi to me as cadaans, arabs and indhoyars

with other HOA folks I'm totally fine and don’t feel foreign
Yes but at the same time a lot of somalis don't like them, who started hating the other? It's a difficult question.
In the UK, it was definitely them, idk about other countries.

I get your reasoning but I can't pretend to have kinship with them.


In the UK, it was definitely them, idk about other countries.

I get your reasoning but I can't pretend to have kinship with them.
It's not kinship. I have kinship only with somalis. It's a situational alliance.
If black Americans protest against racism I'm with them cause it affects us too.


Somali, is a race
I feel no kinship with the other horners nor blacks.

And to the op, if you have to ask that question then its an obvious no.
It's not kinship. I have kinship only with somalis. It's a situational alliance.
If black Americans protest against racism I'm with them cause it affects us too.
Well personally, I have never experienced racism for being "black".

I am more likely to be discriminated against due to Islam, or heck even being Somali than being "black" in the UK.

I'm serious, no one has ever mentioned my colour or anything so it's not really relevant to me.
There are many Arabs, Paks, whites etc who don’t like Somalis too you know. Idk why Somalis don’t have that same energy online. A black guy makes a light hearted jokes you see Somalis saying Madow and insulting. But if an Arab or a white person make the same joke look at how Somalis change their attitude. Lol. That’s not a good look. It makes people think Somalis are insecure about their skin colour or something so they’re compensating by acting all antiJareer and shyt. This behaviour online will be a cause of a lot of backlash irl.
Light hearted joke? You are very disingenuous, what usually happens is that they insult our features, we insult theirs back, and we are called racist for it, even though they did the exact same shit.

Somali beef non Africans all the time what do you mean, we karbash Pakis all the time.